#its supposed to be the other side of orcs being seen as acceptable evil enemies to slaughter by adventuring parties
marmett · 1 month
the first dnd character i made to play in a campaign was an orc war domain cleric (who i recently renamed to laryn, but it was originally rowan). i was only able to play her a couple of times bc most of the ppl in the campaign were very um.... (the dm said my backstory didnt work w/ their setting and then didnt help me fix it, so she ended up w/ no backstory by the time the game started).
her clan came into conflict w/ a nearby human settlement after a territory dispute btwn some hunters from her clan and the local humans ended w/ two of the humans being killed. no one knows who started the fight, but the humans retaliated by calling for reinforcements and raising the orc settlement to the ground. laryn was the only one of the defenders to survive. she later learns that there are a few other survivors, including her younger sister, who were taken captive.
so she kind of has two goals, firstly, to save her sister and anyone else from her clan she can, and to kill as many of those responsible as she can. she is a follower of gruumsh, a god of conflict, war and vengeance, so its an obligation for her to take revenge. but mostly i just think shes tired. she half wishes she had died alongside everyone else, but believes gruumsh intervened to save her so she could complete this final duty.
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