#its just grace is the one whod be more likely to make the successful moves on him first. agian charisma n allat
punkcherries · 3 years
Simon and Min hitting off for a while due to their similar introverted traits instead of Grace and Min could be interesting, I think. Also their mutual friendliness isn't going to last though. That reminds me, will Tuba still be killed in this AU? I imagine Ryan and Min-gi would be savvy enough to see the obvious risks of leaving Simon alone with Tuba, especially if they still visited the Cat's cabin.
yea i think most interactions between the 4 would be interesting!! s why aus like it are so fun loll, i just think having it work out w grace gettin on mins good side while ryan becomes a lot more wary of the whole situation due to simon makes for a dramatic narrative (itd probably worsen the wedge between ry and min since itd kinda play into their traits that started their mess in the first place, ryan wanting to run off while min thinks its better to stay where theyre at)
ive thought of 2 potential plots regarding tuba, i can imagine min rushing ryan into the camp car before ryan can intervene simon (and min later feeling kinda super guilty abt the whole tuba dying thing) or ryan stealing simons harpoon pack to save tuba, which ive talked abt in the past! lotsa fun ideas and possibilities,,,,
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