#its just eminem with a venom skin
sinigangrobot · 6 months
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shxdowborne · 5 years
Kayn. B)
send me a champion and I’ll tell you:
how much I like them (0-10): Ummm 2. SIKE, like 8. Kayn is such a versatile pick with huge scalings and an insane kit. When I tell you I use to permaban this guy— jeez. PLUS, like Kai’Sa my one and only true love, he’s literally– Venom. Like– Venom by Eminem blasts when this guy enters the scene.
I just hate how-- his design and lore just-- robbed me of writing Crux when he released because-- they are so much alike. :L
mastery level: 4!mastery points: idk somewhere in the mastery 4 area I’m in a ranked lobby right now.favorite skin: I want ODYSSEY SO BAD ITS SO COOL. worst/weakest skin: Classic. Fuck u and your edgy “i dont need armor” sasuke lookin’ ass.favorite quote: “The child is no more; the killer remains.” or somethin like that.if I like to play against this champ: NO. I hate playing against him because two games in a ROW he went Rhaast and like– actual unkillable champion at 40 minutes. Mortal Reminder is never enough for him smh.any ships?: Kayn and— nah i got nothin.
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