#its cute but damn I'm illiterate
mickeytheticklee · 1 year
TikTok trends
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Warning: Tickling
It was such a peaceful afternoon in the Monsam house. Still after the busiest of weeks Sam must bury herself in more work for the weekend. She woke up early and kissed her loving wife on her forehead before going downstairs to finish work. Mon didn't wake up until the afternoon, going downstairs to see Sam in her glasses working on her computer on the couch. She kissed her cheek, which got Sam out of a trance from the loads of work she was doing. From one kiss Sam stopped her work to kiss her loved one as if they haven't kissed in days (they literally kissed before bed). But Sam's love language that Mon gives her is affection, in return she gives gifts to Mon. Mon jumped on the bed to show Sam what tiktoks had intrigued her today.
Sam: Seriously? Can we eat first before we dance to a TikTok? I'm hungry for food...and your lips.
Mon: We will eat but first I saw this TikTok, I thought we should do this.
It was the TikTok of a girl putting lipstick on her lips, then shifting to her camera was her partner's face covered in lipstick. It was everyday routine that Mon would show a TikTok to Sam to recreate together. Sam would say no until a few smooches later, then they actually do it. But for once this was a video that sparked her interest because of her love of kissing Mon. She agreed to do the video, which made Mon cheer up and hug Sam. After Sam made a simple brunch and they got dressed in their color coordinated black/pink outfit they started on preparation for the TikTok. Because of their strong love they were both going to be kissed instead of one of them. They were both excited about kissing, instead of the fact that they were posting a TikTok on Khun Sam's account. Sam is rarely active on social media, besides Facebook where she says the most unserious shit to her friend group. Usually Mon's account is the one that posts the cute married lifestyle pics.
Sam: If we do this...we have to kiss the parts we love most about each other.
Mon: I already know that Khun Sam. Now, lemme taste your lips.
They kiss before doing a kiss fest everywhere. Sam started off with Mon's hand, kissing it to make sure Mon feels like a princess in her eyes. She goes for her cheeks, forehead, neck. Goes for her ear which causes Mon's earring to be stained by a dark red lipstick. Even if they've been married for a solid five months Mon always looks away when she gets flustered like the time she first met Sam. Mon's turn came and she kissed Sam's cheeks, forehead, jawline, and neck. The last was the nose, the spot Mon bit when her and Sam were playing the game. Now they're faces were covered in a mix of a dark red to light pink lipstick. It was cute, them giggling all over the place and they could barely keep their composure looking at each other. All they thought was how immature it was to do this trend but they know their couple friends Tee and Yuki or Yha and Chin would do the same thing.
Sam: Should we start now?
Mon: Yea but first, there's still one spot I haven't kissed yet.
Sam: But darling, my whole face is covered in lipstick. What else do you need to kiss?
Mon: Who said I was kissing your face?
Sam raised her eyebrow at Mon's sudden urge to flirt. Mon lightly pushed Sam to the bed and got on top of her. It was already 1PM and they're already starting to get wild. With Sam's expensive 200 dollar lipstick she makes a whole mess kissing it on Sam's exposed stomach. Sam was already freaking out because she knew what Mon was doing. Giving tummy kisses so Sam would be in a lee mood because Mon absolutely loves giving tickles to Sam. Mon laughs at her wife's reaction, that a huge grin would appear on her face on the same lady who has such a cold personality.
Sam: Mon! Why did you do that??
Mon: Because I wanted to. You've been so stressed with work darling I think tickling you would make you feel better.
Even if sales at Diversity Pop were going well Sam still pushes herself to work. Mon hates it how lately Sam has been coming home past 10 o'clock. She thinks if she continues this she'll start getting migraines again. But other than doing this for Sam's mental health she just loves to tickle Sam. Mon is mostly ninety percent lee as she gets tickled by Sam almost everyday. But it's only because she asks, Sam still doesn't know how to ask for tickles. She sort of getting better, but most of the time it's body language that lets Mon know that Sam wants tickles. She either gets really whiny or tries to tickle fight Mon and doesn't try to win. They filmed the TikTok, which was less than thirty seconds long yet they spent forty five minutes preparing for it. But the video came out good, to Sam putting on Mon's lipstick to Mon using the hand Sam kissed to wipe Sam's lips. Sam loved how beautiful Mon was looking at her, she had such heart eyes glistening in the afternoon sun. Yep, she definitely loves her.
Sam: After we clean up, I want you to do it.
Mon: Do what?
Sam: You know...the thing you did earlier.
Mon: Khun Sam, what have I told you about asking what you want? But I'm in a good mood today, so I'll do it tonight.
Mon would mostly tease Sam into asking it because she enjoys how stubborn her wife gets. She only agreed to play nice because Sam's stress was taking over. They got dressed to meet the friend group for a early dinner and drinks. It was fun, although Sam constantly got made fun of for the little TikTok she did with Mon. Sam has gotten better at accepting the teasing, especially if Mon smiles back and defends her. Even though Tee couldn't let Sam breathe Yuki did like how wholesome the TikTok was, and how they both looked adorable with lipstick on their faces. While talking Mon whispered something in Sam's ear. She wanted to get Sam speechless by drifting her fingers past her ribs, causing her to giggle under her breath.
Mon: Can't wait to tickle your tummy and give you all the raspberries you want.
Sam: Mon, stop teasing me.
Mon: Why should I? Does ChamCham like to have her tummy tickled?
Mon knew inserting the nickname along with tickles would give Sam such a red face. The same would happen if Sam said Monmon which is Mon's nickname. She couldn't contain that big ass smile, she couldn't even make a believable lie to her friends as to why she was smiling so hard. Mon had to save her but was giving pokes under the table to tease Sam more. Sam would've teased her back or once they got home wouldn't hesitate to tickle brawl her but she's so far into a lee mood that she wants Mon to continue this. Driving home Sam wouldn't even face Mon's direction because of how shy she gets. Mon didn't mind the little patch of silence, she knows the second they get home she's gonna tickle her until Sam is out of breathe.
You may think top Mon is powerful, ler Mon is much worse.
They got home, Sam didn't know what to do or what Mon's next move was. Her dark persona breaking down because her wife is going to tickle her is still new to Sam. Mon sets her purse down and washes her hands, seeing Sam sitting politely, hands folded on her lap. Mon was stalling quite a bit because of how antsy Sam was starting to get, probably from the mixed emotions of wanting to be tickled. But she stopped messing around when she heard a few sniffles echo in the large house. In Khun Sam's mind she was going thru the worst week of work piling because of Kirk's absence. Before a tear could drop on Sam's lap, Mon came to her, bringing her cold hands up under Sam's shirt. Lifting up a good amount of her shirt she gave a big raspberry to Sam's stomach. Then doing multiple raspberries after that to satisfy her tickle cravings.
Mon: If you stay stop I'll actually stop darling. Tell me what you actually mean, that way I can give you all the tickles you want.
Mon continues to tickle Sam's stomach, causing Sam to roll around in laughter. Whenever Sam laughs it gets more high pitched than the laughter she displays in front of others. Such a feeling makes Sam feel young, not stuck in the chambers of her grandma and is able to express such a strong emotion. All she wants is her loved one to tickle her stress away until the morning. Mon halts the tickling, since they both needed to shower. Sam was a bit pouty about it but getting tickled in clean pajamas gave Sam a tickly feeling just thinking about it. They got cleaned, and Sam huddled in bed with her dear lover. Sam was wearing the pink pajamas Mon gifted her a week ago, Mon was wearing the black dress pajama that originally belonged to Sam.
Sam: Can you tickle me now darling?
Mon: What's the magic word?
Sam: Do it or else I'll give you more work Monday.
Sam was kidding as she kissed Mon. Mon sneaks her hands under the soft fuzzy material which is Sam's shirt. They take a long kiss before Mon takes her fingers and digs them into Sam's stomach. Sam's body feels like an electric shock of squirms and giggles from the tickles. Sometimes Mon likes to go crazy and manhandle Sam's ticklish tummy, but then she fits some teases in there because Sam can barely handle them. Mon was kissing Sam then inserting some tickles to make her feel better. Mon was adoring Sam's cute specs. Sam would get slightly insecure about them but Mon would shower her with compliments and say she'll continue to tickle her if she kept them on. Then Mon took the opportunity to get on top of Sam again while she was weak of all the laughter. Sam was happy, having such a big smile from her wife tickling her all day. She got even more happier when Mon's finger got closer and closer to Sam's nose, recreating their iconic ChamCham scene. But at a close second the finger turned into a different direction, poking in Sam's armpit to make her laugh again.
Mon: Sorry, I'm having too much fun tickling you.
Mon then gets back to tapping Sam's nose, calling her ChamCham. Sam grabbed Mon's face and kissed her, which made Mon give her numerous pecks around her face and neck. It's funny that they both have a thing for each other's neck, however Mon loves tickling it with her nose. Sam giggles causes such a smirk on Mon, especially when Sam was grabbing her waist to indicate she wanted more. As it passed 10pm Mon had to stop the tickles and raspberries as the couple needed to go to bed. Sam turned gloomy, Mon didn't keep her promise to tickle her all night. When Mon slid out the bed that's when Sam decided to ask her, although she did feel bad.
Sam: Mon, can I...get tickles? Please?
Mon: Of course my Honorable lover, anything for you.
Mon would stand her ground because of how important sleep is. But it's been so long ever since her Khun Sam was playful. So she jumped back in bed and into Sam's lap to give her the best tummy kisses all over. Sam loves them because it not only tickled, but it bought her at ease. She would kiss her stomach and hold her hands, feeling the two different rings on her ring finger. Mon was stroking her thumb on Sam's hand, which is a normal trait Sam does. She does a few soft kisses before ruthlessly attacking her sides again. Then catching a few soft tickles on her lower back, causing Sam to squeal. Lower back tickles on fresh acrylics was reaching Sam to her breaking point, it was very ticklish to her. With more kisses and surprise raspberries the night concluded with them kissing under the covers of their bed. Sam was tired out from Mon's sneaky tickles. They kissed each other before turning off the lights and spooning, with Khun Sam being the big spoon. Til this day, Khun Sam will never know that it was Mon's plan all along to show the TikTok so she'll give tummy kisses to Sam.
Her Honorable Lover, Honorable ChamCham, Honorable baby that's super ticklish
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