#its called recirpocation
eggsthemachine · 10 months
ok so i havent seen anyone bring this point up, it might just be me or i could be totes wrong, oh well beside the point. before barbie really showed symptoms of becoming disillusioned with barbie land and started to yk get flat feet and everything, ken was already on the way. Like from the start of the movie ken was different to the other kens with his animosity for them, for barbie saying hi to them and trying to one up them (out beach them). the other ken only retroactively reacted like how when kids play, one kid is leading the dialogue for a bit and the other responds. so in my mind the other ken wouldnt have started anything, he only did so as his role in the response. now this to me shows that who ever was/is the owner of beach ken is growing up to be not a great guy. Yes he follows barbie round like a puppy still and is still a bit of a himbo but he cant really be, because he has motives. he wants barbie, he goes out of his way to try and change the dialogue to get barbie when barbie hasnt recirpocated above pleasantry. i felt no sympathy to ken from the start because hes presented as a nice guy but i could feel it, whilst not entirely disingenous ,hes is the archetype. he was manipulating from the start, whilst on a more inconsequential part, he very much was still. the more the movie went on i could feel like an irk under my skin when he was ignoring barbies discomfort,not really listening to her(he never has) and learning about patriatchy. yes the kens in the movie arent equals with barbies but its not paralelled with the consequences of patriachy. i think all the kens were more easy to manipulate because they felt heard in a way they hadnt before because beach ken was hyping them up, i dont think any of them were as manipulating as beach ken. and i dont want to put it like im giving beach ken a major villian makeover, im not, i dont think he was consious of the ramifications of his manipulations or that they could even be called as such. i think he was too wrapped up in getting barbie in the way he wanted her and trying to make that change happen. this is a very long rambly post, im not really sure how to get my point across well sorry. i think beach kens characteristics from the start is how we end up with patriarchy, with incels, with young boys groomed into the alt right pipeline. i dont know how else to articulate what i mean but it ken in the movie felt kind of scary to me in that aspect.
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baby-dr1ver · 3 years
choose me
it’s literally just sadness-
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Pairing: Javier x reader
Rating/Warnings: its just angst
this is super short, just wanted to put out a really sad drabble. 
You know that person in your life who you’d do anything for? The type of person you fall in love with? Not because they’re attractive but, because they’re kind, and compassionate, and respectful-
They taught you everything. They taught you about life, and love. How you should be treated in a relationship, how to love and accept the love you deserve. You were intimate with them in ways you’ve ever been with any person. You told them you secrets, and everything embarrassing. They taught you how to be intimate, how to give and recieve pleasure. They taught you that you don’t have to wait on anybody to come back around, you don’t have to wait for them to be with you. 
Most importantly, you developed feelings for this person. The kind of feelings you never intended to have. The type of feelings that get recirpocated, that make you feel all worm and fuzzy. They type where, you recall every word of a call, and your cheeks get warm. Just listening to them talk is just-
That’s who Javier was for you. For years, you’ve had a crush on Javi. He taught you so much, not just about yourself, but life around you. He showed you how a gentlemen acts, and how a lady should be treated. Although you’ve never told Javier how you felt, they way he treated you, you knew he had the same feelings you did. Thats why, when you ran home from work, and were getting ready for your’s and Javi’s annual movie night, you were a nervous wreck. 
You were getting dressed, giving yourself a pep talk, when the door bell rang. You and Javier’s apartments were right across from each others so there was no rush to get over here but, Javi was early? You swung open the door and were met with his smiling face. 
“Hermosa!” He yelled in excitment. “Uh hi Javi? Why are you still in jeans? It’s movie night you goof” You said eyeing up his uncomfortable outfit. 
“I have a date remember? I left you a message, did you not get it.” You felt like the world just collapsed in on you.  No uh- I just got home and uh- got in my pj’s so uh-” You cleared your throat. You keep feel al lump forming, and tears sting your eyes. “Oh well, that’s okay, I came over to ask if I looked okay? I haven’t been on a date since I left uh, you know who, at the alter.” You were stunned. So, all those “dates” he took you on didn’t count? You let him do things to you and he just-
“Yeah you look great. Uh who are you going out with if you don’t mind me asking?” Hearing your own voice made you cringe. You sounded like a sad little girl, lwtting him have all this power over you. You were going to be sick. 
“It’s the girl from that newspaper! You know the blonde with big boobs?” It felt like Javier was throwing knifes into your chest with each word he said. Of course he would go for the pretty blonde with a killer body, and not you, a plain, round human being. “Course, yeah, she’s pretty” You forced a smile. Javier looked down at his watch, “Oh I need to go! I’m going to be late!” He yelled again. He leaned in and kissed your cheek, “Bye hermosa!” 
All you could do was watch him go, get in his car in drive off. Knowing that all that time spent together meant nothing. All those late night calls, and little “dates”, meant nothing. Him, touching, you meant nothing to him. It felt like your lungs were being filled with water, and you were drowning. You just wanted to crawl in a hole, and wallow and cry. 
“Goodbye Javier”
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