#it's touched on more in the next chapter but again — there isn't one specific instance that warrants the tag
willowser · 1 year
hello willow ! I saw that there are tags for past rape and sexual abuse on ptmy, and I understand if u dont wanna spoil anything (if so no need to answer this!) but i was just wondering if it would pertain to reader or to touya ??
i love ur fics so much !!
hello dearest ✨️
i — originally wasn't sure if this was a spoiler or not, but i'm going to answer it anyway; nothing is ever specifically detailed or mentioned, and it's not one certain event either, but, in ptmy, touya has never had a completely consensual sexual experience in his life. all that he knows about it, all he's ever experienced, all he understands of it, has no basis regarding a 'i'm doing this because i want to do this with you' mindset — which is sad !! but it comes from both viewing it in his childhood (however that manifested between rei and enji) as well as how he survived, alone, as a young man, on the streets while growing up.
ty for reading my things, and for the question !!
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gearbox-dollhouse · 3 months
So. In light of recent chapters, I've seen a lot of people saying that Izuku is going to permanently lose OFA. While this is a deliciously angsty concept, I disagree with them on it being canon. So here's my evidence for "bkdk are going to be dual holders you idiots".
First, the obvious - Heroes: Rising. With the movie now confirmed to be canon, this means that Izuku has not only canonically transferred OFA and gotten it back, he has done so with Katsuki specifically.
Now, the reason Izuku keeps OFA in that instance is, according to All Might, that Katsuki passed out before the transfer could be complete. However, this answer has always bugged me - why in the world would it work like that? How long does a transfer take, anyway? How long do you have to stay awake? Here's my proposal - All Might was wrong. But I'm going to put a pin in that for now, and return to it later with more evidence.
Next, these two illustrations for the Fantasy AU.
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The image on the left depicts All Might wielding a large sword - a representation of One For All. In the image on the right, the sword has changed hands. And who has it, now?
Izuku, yes, but not just Izuku. The sword has been split. And it's none other than Katsuki Bakugou who holds the other half. This is a motif shown more than once in official art and manga panels - something representing One For All being split or shared between Izuku and Katsuki. I'll touch on that more in a moment.
Dual wielders.
Our third piece of evidence is the whole "win to save, save to win" motif.
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Not only are Izuku and Katsuki fundamentally a pair, they are the thing that completes each other and pushes the other to be their best. Win to save and save to win, two halves of a true hero. Without each other, they cannot become the "ultimate heroes". They do their best work together.
For our fourth piece of evidence, I bring you this set of panels from Katsuki's revival chapter.
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Note the bottom panel in the first image, specifically - Toshinori standing in the background, holding a glowing ball, and little Izuku and Katsuki holding matching glowing balls in the front. The next panel reveals the All Might trading cards they both received, but it's clear that this is not a literal image. This is another example of Horikoshi representing One For All with something else - in this case, the balls of light and the cards. Why else would Toshinori be holding his own glowing orb?
Additionally, in the second image, both Izuku and Katsuki take up roughly the same amount of space on the page. This gives them equal visual weight, and once again gives the impression of equality and balance. Pairing this imagery with the "beginning" part of the "end of an era and the beginning of a new one" bit shows that they will be a duo, continuing on All Might's legacy together.
Our final piece of evidence (for now) is Kuudo's words to Banjo and Yoichi.
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Let me call back to my first point. The explanation that Katsuki didn't get OFA because he passed out during the transfer never sat right with me. I don't think that's what happened.
I think One For All chose to stay with Izuku, and this set of panels backs me up. The other holders - some of them, at least - are staying with Izuku, despite him giving One For All to Katsuki. They have enough agency to do that.
One For All is not leaving Izuku.
Kuudo has asked Banjo to stay with Izuku, and Yoichi to watch over him. The quirk isn't leaving Izuku - it's expanding. Kuudo will likely still be within the vestige world himself, but like Banjo staying at Izuku's side to help him, Kuudo will be with Katsuki.
In conclusion (for now);
One For All is and will always be Izuku's quirk. It's just Katsuki's quirk, too, now.
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