#it's the self shipping graysexual in me i guess
powerfultenderness · 2 years
😘❤️ share your top 10 favorite ships and top 5 least favorite ships from any fandoms 🛑💔 then send this to 10 people (anon or not, your choice)
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idk if i can even name 10 ships...🤔
Me + my top 10 blorbos? Vigilante/Adrian Chase, Jake Martin, Alex Summers, Gadreel, Valkyrie, Peter Maximoff, V, Armitage Hux, Kisame Hoshigaki, Gaara
As for my least favorite ships: Sesshomaru/Rin (i refuse to watch yashahime bc of it)
thenn...uh, me + blorbos i'm no longer in love with?: bucky barnes/tws, nightcrawler/kurt wagner, kylo ren
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mcrololo · 7 years
Can I get uhhhhhhh all questions you haven't done already
AHDJSDKKS; oh my god ok
1. describe your idea of a perfect dateThis is gonna sound really fucking cheesy but I’m down to do whatever as long as it’s with the one I like/love. Like you can take me fucking skydiving and I’d think it’s perfect just because I’m with my date. And if we die well at least we died together ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2. whats your “type”Uhhh, well, I’m a sucker for the ‘too kind for this world’ type. The Really Nice™. The Mom Friend™. Ya know. I also like blondes but that’s just a smol extra.
3. do you want kids?I don’t know. Sometimes I don’t, sometimes I do. It switches, usually when I think about babies. I don’t really like babies, but I love hanging out with kids and I would love to teach them about the good in the world. But you know what? I’m 21. I don’t need to decide that already. 
4. if you do, will you adopt or use some other form of child birth?I’m not pooping out a baby, I’ve heard too many horror stories. So it’s either adoption or my girlfriend’s going through hell (that’s up to her).
6. describe your experience having sex for the first time (were you nervous? or was it easy peasy?)LUKU DON’T LOOK OK. You’re too young for this.I don’t think anyone will ever not be nervous?? Like it’s completely new and especially gay sex is like ??? What the fuck do I do? They never explain that shit anywhere unless you go to specific places I guess. And as someone who has never had any interest in porn, I also didn’t look anything up. I was fucking nervous. I never know what I do and that sure as hell wasn’t an exception. And as a somewhat (at the time (I still sometimes am)) sex-repulsed graysexual, I also didn’t know how I felt about it. Now I like it, but I don’t really like talking about it, which is why I’m probably just rambling bullshit right now. 
7. are you a morning time gay or night time gay?Definitely night time. I hate mornings so much, I sometimes feel like throwing up when I wake up. It’s wild. 
8. opinion on nap dates?10/10, they’re great
9. opinion on brown eyes?BEAUTIFUL. Eyes are so expressive, no matter the color!
10. dog gay or cat gay?Dog gay (but also cat gay)
12. whats a turn off you look for before you start officially dating someoneClosedmindedness. If you don’t accept people for who they are, I got no business with you.
13. what is a misconception you had about lgb people before you realized you were one?I grew up with a gay parent, but for some reason for the majority of my childhood and teenage years I was convinced being gay was a choice. bruh.
14. what is a piece of advice you would give to your younger self“Just because your dad is gay, doesn’t mean you can’t be gay. It’s in your genes asshole. Also, stay focused on your friendships. They’re 1000% worth it and you’re gonna get something good out of it.” 
(skipping 15 ‘cause i’m a homo)
16. who is an ex you regret?I have one ex and I don’t regret anything. We’re still friends and I still enjoy her company. I’m really glad for that too, because things didn’t get weird and we don’t hate each others guts so that’s super chill. I support her.
17. night club gay or cafe gay?Cafe gay
18. who is one person you would “go straight” forI am an unstoppable gay force. My gayness will never run out and as much as I think some men are attractive, I will never be attracted to one. (no shade, I just never really feel that way about men??)
19. video game gay, book gay, or movie gay?FUCK no don’t make me choose between that?? I guess I should pick video game because I’m a game artist but?? Books and MOVIES MAN
20. favourite gay ship (canon or not)Uncovered & Sugarpunch ;) For real though, idk?? All gay ships are good
21. favourite gay youtuberHANNAH HART. I LOVE HER SO MUCH i wish i can meet her one day cause she introduced me to mens wear and im love??? ALSO SHE MAKES FOOD PUNS OK GOALS
22. have you ever unknowingly asked out a straight person?No, but my first crush was on a bi girl who was more into dudes, does that count? I was literally in love with that girl for two years dang
23. have you ever been in love?I mean, something’d be terribly wrong if I wasn’t. @shikariix​ and I are hitting the 3rd year anniversary next month lol
24. have you ever been heartbroken?You betcha. In more ways than one.
25. how do you determine if you want to be them or be with someoneI am a very simple gay who stays true to myself. If I see a person I like and it’s mutual, I am never letting go (unless, of course, they want to let go). I never think that I want to be someone else? Celine taught me a beautiful life lesson about being yourself, because that’s all you can ever be. 
27. what is a piece of advice you have for young / baby gaysGo out there. Explore. Experience. Learn! Have fun! You only got one life and it’s a shame if you can’t live it to the fullest. It’s okay to make mistakes and it’s okay to question things. You’ll find the answers and you’ll find yourself. Just keep looking. 
28. are you out? if so how did you come outOkay so I come out in the most ridiculous ways. I come out with puns. I joke about my sexuality a lot. Most of the times I actually don’t realize I’m outing myself because I assume people already know. Family friends who’ve known me since I was a baby have literally ALL said that they had always known, so that’s why I assume everyone knows I’m gay from day 1.
But coming out for the first time? FUCKING TRAIN WRECK. I was so fucking nervous. My dad was the first one I told and I almost couldn’t, but I don’t know why? He’s gay himself. My mom was even worse. She’s been hurt by my dad, of course, so her view on the whole gay community was whack. On top of that, she always had boyfriends who were anti-gay so I came out to her via facebook lmao. Couldn’t even tell it face to face. And she was so proud? Like, her whole view on gays kinda just switched, which isn’t entirely good but she’s learning and she’s so much more open now. My mom eventually told my grandparents because I was scared out of my mind, but two years later they took me in and a year later they also took in my girlfriend. 
My friends were all super chill ofc. Most of them also went like “I fucking knew it ya big ol’ tomboy lol”. 
29. what is the most uncomfortable / strange coming out experience you have So, about half a year after I came out as a lesbian, I also kind of discovered I don’t feel much, if any, sexual attraction. Most of the people I tell this are actually super chill about it and ask questions (which I’m fine with, because they’re also learning). But when I told my grandfather, he said “You’re young. You don’t know what you want”. And that fucking hurt. That literally struck me right in my core. I’ve always been a grandfather kid, I’ve always looked up to him, and then he goes and says that shit. 
He eventually learned too. “You’re never too old to learn” was one of the first sayings he’s taught me. I forgave him, and he accepted me. On a lighter note: the day after, I came home from school and my grandmother comes up to me to tell me all about asexuality. She said she’d looked it up and read all about it. I’m assuming my grandfather picked up on this too and that’s why he’s accepted it. I love my grandparents so much.
30. what is a piece of advice for people who may not be in a safe place to express their sexualityI honestly have no idea. I have no experience with that, because I came out as soon as I accepted myself (that took a long while, but hey). Make sure you surround yourself with people you CAN be yourself around. I know that’s probably shitty advice because you can’t just leave your folks behind or something, but it’s nice to have a few people who feel the same way. Someone you can talk to. 
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