moonchild-witch13 · 4 years
an author i love just tweeted about how “big joy and small joy are the same” and how she was just as content the other night eating chocolate and cuddling her dog as she was on her Big Trip to new york and honestly. i think that’s it. this morning i was listening to an audiobook while baking shortbread in my joggers and i realised i really didn’t care what Big Things happened in my future as long as i could keep baking and reading at the weekend and maybe that is the kind of bar we have to set to guard ourselves against disappointment. just appreciate and cherish the mundane stuff and see everything else as a bonus.
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moonchild-witch13 · 4 years
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Edit: I made the assumption that as I left the original posters name on the photo and the fact it is a photo people could deduce that it was not my own.
I found this image on Pinterest and thought it would be helpful, I attempted to find the original to reblog but the name @ceebycee does not come up when I search it and I was unable to find the original.
I do not claim this is my post and I am not trying to steal someone else's just thought that it could be helpful.
I'm sorry if I have caused any issues or offend anyone in sharing this information.
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moonchild-witch13 · 4 years
likes charge | reblogs cast
today will go smoothly and have gentle, calm energies
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moonchild-witch13 · 4 years
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“Eye of Artemis”
Moss, antlers, and flowers🌿
Done by me
(No animals harmed, these antlers have been in my family for 5 generations. All found sheds)
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moonchild-witch13 · 4 years
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a masterpost
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moonchild-witch13 · 4 years
The Arc of Intimacy
The Fourth House
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The Arc: 4th House, 5th House, 6th House, 7th House, 8th House Relationships are shaped by our early childhood experiences. Our encounters with home shape our feelings about partnership and rightness. When we’re unconscious about our family roots, we unconsciously recreate dysfunctional patterns from our childhood. This is the 4th house, the Nadir, the IC in the natal chart. To enter the 5th house of physical intimacy, we need to learn how to navigate the 4th house and identify your tribe. Sun in the 4th House Key qualities in a tribe member: Ability to honor the need for introspection; the gift of silence; openness to making a commitment to a place; prioritizing of home-life above all otherworldly considerations. Under thy roof one shall not be: Intrusive.
Moon in the 4th House Key quality in a tribe member: Emotional availability. Under thy roof one shall not be: Cold.
Mercury in the 4th House Key qualities in a tribe member: Curiosity; communicativeness; energy. Under thy roof one shall not be: Closed-minded; unresponsive. Venus in the 4th House Key qualities in a tribe member: Good relating skills; aesthetic sensitivity; grace. Under thy roof one shall not be: Boorish.
Mars in the 4th House Key qualities in a tribe member: Strength; fierce loyalty; robustness; a sense of adventure. Under thy roof one shall not be: Cowardly.
Jupiter in the 4th House Key qualities in a tribe member: Optimism; generosity; humor; lack of pettiness. Under thy roof one shall not be: Chronically negative; wet blanket.
Saturn in the 4th House Key qualities in a tribe member: Integrity; maturity; competence. Under thy roof one shall not be: Immature, unrealistic, or frivolously self-indulgent.
Uranus in the 4th House Key qualities in a tribe member: Independence; unconventionality; immunity to social pressure. Under thy roof one shall not be: Domineering, dull, or blindly conventional.
Neptune in the 4th House Key qualities in a tribe member: Sensitivity, openness to mysticism. Under thy roof one shall not be: Atheistic, rigidly linear, or unsupportive of meditative states of awareness.
Pluto in the 4th House Key qualities in a tribe member: Intensity. willingness to engage in deep analyses of oneself and other people; honesty. Under thy roof one shall not be: Superficial, dishonest, or a psychological lightweight.
South Node in the 4th House You are very likely to live out patterns from your familial past. Your karma is to try to break those psychological patterns and establish new ways of relating.
North Node in the 4th House Establishing the hearth of home is an area you have little experience with. Prioritizing home life may feel awkward, but you will be driven towards the growth it will bring. Look to the planets associated with your 4th house for more information on the kind of home you need to build.  Source: Steven Forrest
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moonchild-witch13 · 4 years
Will you please do a tarot reading for me? Thank you again for your time and energy☀️💛
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Looks like you've got this habit of beating yourself up over things you said or did in the past. Trust me, being harsh on yourself about it now does no one any good. Like, reflect on it for sure, but doing so with the intention of seeing how you calm do better going forward, and maybe a bit of gentle exploration into why you thought you needed to act the way you did. If you assume that you always do the best you can given the resources at your disposal, are there things you can do to be better prepared next time your might fave a similar situation?
I'm offering free tarot readings through my asks, as well as full readings at www.resonatingreadings.com (ps - those are likely to have a real fast turnaround right now, as I'm self-isolating!)
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moonchild-witch13 · 4 years
Ok so I found out my birth time was incorrect my mom was lazy, everything so different now. Idk how to feel about being a scorpio sun leo rising and cap moon. Lowkey a lot to handle lol
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moonchild-witch13 · 4 years
As much as Aphrodite devotees should talk about Aphrodite herself, we should also talk about her retinue - the minor goddesses that she surrounded herself with. 
The Horai - hours - were her attendants. They clothed her and brought her to Olympus after her birth. 
The Kharites - charities - were very commonly seen attending her. They’re good things, all good feelings in company of people. This includes Aglaia (beauty), Euphrosyne (merriment), Thalia (good cheer), and later Paidia (play), Eudaimonia (happiness), Pandaisia (banquets), Pannyakhis (night parties and revels), Antheia (floral decorations), Harmonia (harmony), and numerous others. 
The Erotes -  these personifications of love, beauty, and desire were her closest and most common attendants. Eros (love), Himeros (desire), Pothos (lust), and sometimes Peitho (persuasion). Peitho was known as her messenger, seen in Sappho’s hymn to Aphrodite “…and whom should Persuasion summon me here…”
These deities tell us a lot about Aphrodite! Though she has some “darker” aspects, she’s not a dark or bloody deity primarily, and I think people forget that. She’s about love and happiness and parties and potlucks and flowers and playing. That’s who she invokes with her presence. That doesn’t negate her power! 
If you’re looking at who Aphrodite is and what she values, look at who she hangs out with. She might be the mother of fear and panic, but she’s friends with the goddesses of flower crowns and clubbing and harmony.
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moonchild-witch13 · 4 years
♡  Aphrodite, she who blossoms with golden honey, who loves with all power,
may she bless you with her energy of love and delight, throughout all of your days and every lovely night.  ♡
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moonchild-witch13 · 4 years
Remember that every dollop of lotion you rub on your skin, every little nap you take to be well again, every glass of water you drink to take care of yourself, is blessed by Aphrodite. She’s always there to have a moment with you.
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moonchild-witch13 · 4 years
Something that baffles me is when people compare Aphrodite to “bloody” goddesses (Anat, Inanna, Sekhmet, etc.) as a way to say Aphrodite is just a demure love goddess teehee, look how badass my warrior goddess is instead.
Aphrodite Ourania rose out of blood and the ocean and walked to land fully-formed. This Aphrodite is a Titaness, older even than the generation of Zeus. She has no mother. She is never an infant. She is the ultimate generative power, the fish, born from a male (upending societal norms) and wielding the power of creation and invention.
Aphrodite Areia is a war goddess - this is the title made famous by Athena and Ares, but Aphrodite does not get this title from her lover. She is a goddess of soldiers and fights on the battlefield of Troy. She is also Aphrodite Hoplismena, the armed, depicted in full armor with a shield and sword. This is the Aphrodite of Sparta.
Aphrodite Nikephoros is not only Aphrodite armored and armed, but Aphrodite commanding the power of Nike - Nike, the goddess usually found at Zeus’s side, ensuring victory. This Aphrodite is not one to be crossed on the battlefield, because you will not win.
Or maybe we just aren’t on the same page as the ancients when it comes to a “love goddess.” Aphrodite Pandemos is a goddess of frenzy, a goddess who incites war and madness, a goddess to whom it was said even the Fates would bend their will. To some Hellenes, Aphrodite was the goddess of creation because she is the spark of all love and desire - and to others, she was the creator of all.
There’s nothing wrong in calling Aphrodite a goddess of love - she is, truly. But this doesn’t make her timid. She is not clawless. She is a complex goddess, inextricably linked to the awesome war goddesses of the Ancient Near East. Do not dilute her just because you’re not familiar with her or with the domain of love goddesses. I know this may seem trivial to some people, but don’t reduce one goddess to make another look more powerful - they don’t need it.
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moonchild-witch13 · 4 years
✨ Types of Soulmates ✨
Hi everyone! When doing love readings for people, I tend to always mention the word ‘soulmate’ which is why I thought I’d actually make a post about the topic. The term can be a bit confusing due to the various connotations that it’s accumulated over time. Most people imagine that meeting their soulmate will unfold like a fairytale and instantly lead to happily ever after! But this isn’t always the case! You’ll meet several different soulmates in your lifetime, all of them serving different purposes. Soooo let’s get into this shit! (starting in no particular order!)
1. Platonic Soulmate: The platonic soulmate will manifest as your best friend and partner in crime! There’s a sense of effortlessness when you two meet. There’s no hesitation and you feel a sense of ease when you’re around. Your platonic soulmate is the person you know was destined to be your Maid of Honor or Best Man haha. The platonic soulmate is usually the simplest out of all the connections as they exist in your path to make life more enjoyable. Some people may mistake a platonic soulmate for a romantic/companion soulmate but they’ll usually both realize that they’re better off as friends. Someone who is asexual or aromantic will likely stay with their platonic soulmate as they don’t feel the need to connect with anyone else. This can be extremely fulfilling! 
2. Soul Family: Ahhhh soul families are a total fucking blessing! Members of a soul family all come from the same branch of consciousness and have similar life paths. Soul families can be literally anyone who has the same interests, beliefs, mindset, and energetic vibration as you! The key aspect of a soul family is that our souls were created in the same dimension/planet and we always incarnate together. Our soul family has travelled the same paths and have had to learn the same lessons. All members of a soul family are working towards the same mission. I say they’re a blessing because I find it extremely comforting to know that you have other people who feel and think in the same way that you do! Your actual family may be a part of your soul family but not always. There are definitely members of your soul family who you may not actually ever meet. Some soul groups have 2,000 people while others have 20. It simply depends on your mission! 
3. Past Life Soulmate: Our past life soulmate(s) are usually romantic and they’re someone who is returning from a past life. When you feel as though you instantly recognize someone, this is a clear sign that they’re a past life connection. Your past life soulmate can reincarnate with you every life time or only occasionally. Either way, this person is usually in your life to remind you of something you’ve forgotten about your own soul. They subconsciously bring back information from a past life in order to deepen your spirituality. This could be a long term or short term relationship! Past life soulmates are a part of your soul family!
4. Karmic Soulmates: Ohhh the lovely karmics… Karmic Soulmates are like fucked up past life soulmates. They’re from your past life but they show up in this life because there’s an unlearned lesson or unsettled business between you two. This karmic imbalance desperately needs to be resolved before you can progress. To be fair, karmics don’t always have to be horrible! They serve a very important purpose though. I’d even go as far as to say that they’re the most necessary. They present challenges and conflicts in order to make you stronger. Your first heartbreaks are usually a result of karmic relationships. They’re kind of like stepping stones to your twin flame or romantic soulmate! Karmics are almost always temporary and can be friends, family, or lovers.
5. Healing Soulmate: Healing soulmates usually emerge after a karmic relationship ends. Or after a defeating period in your life. They can come in the form of a friend, a parent, a teacher, a lover, or even a stranger. They offer you comfort and help set you back on your path. Healing soulmates are usually temporary as they mostly exist in our lives for a specific issues. Some healing soulmates may stick around and assist you with future conflict as well, though! 
6. New Soul: This one is pretty straight forward! Not everyone you meet will be from a past life. A new soul is someone we’ve never had contact with. They usually show upwhen we’ve completed all karmic trials or, for whatever reason, have rejected the romantic soulmate/twin flame partner. This person will spark intrigue, curiosity, and fascination in you. We’ll crave a connection with this person but things usually happen slower with a new soul because of the unfamiliarity. Most karmic relationships start off as a new soul that wasn’t originally in our Soul Contract. Which can be vv exciting! 
7. Romantic/Companion Soulmate:  Your romantic soulmate is often described as ‘The One’! They’re your perfect match in this lifetime and the person that your higher self decided to unite with. Of course, you can always stray from your soul contract but most people don’t! The romantic soulmate will offer you so much joy, happiness, and emotional depth. They’re the person you’re likely to marry and will help to move you along your path with an open heart. When we unite with a companion soulmate, we experience unconditional love and bliss. Every relationship will still have it’s problems but you’ll be able to work through these things in harmony. The romantic soulmate can be a new soul or past life connection!
8. The Twin Flame: Not everyone has a twin flame in this lifetime or a twin flame at all! But your twin flame is the perfect REFLECTION of you. You two are parts of the same consciousness. It’s still possible to be whole without your twin flame but, when you two come together, it creates something incredibly powerful. I made an entire post on twin flames so feel free to search for it on my page! 
Keep in mind that you might have multiple types of each soulmate in your life & that’s okay! Alternatively, you might not have one of these relationships. Most people will experience 7/8, but nothing is guaranteed. I’d love to hear about your ow experiences with the 8 types of soulmates! Thank you so much for reading! ✨✨
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moonchild-witch13 · 4 years
always follow what raises your vibration. anything that sets your soul on fire, makes you excited and gives you those goosebumps is in alignment with your higher self. that is your destiny, everything else will fall into place after
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moonchild-witch13 · 4 years
hey guys, hope your skin is clear and you get a text from someone you like real soon.
also that your lunch tastes good, you find twenty dollars on the ground, and that thing coming up that you were dreading turns out not so bad
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moonchild-witch13 · 4 years
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moonchild-witch13 · 4 years
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