#it's so fucking old i didn't know i was agender or bi yet lol
sexhaver · 2 years
so uh are you gonna say anything about having sent fetish porn gifs to minors and openly misgendered them or is this just gonna be another case of stupid terminally online white people never facing consequences for anything
sure i will, person definitely asking this in good faith!
before launching into this, i will say that the OP of the post im about to link and the creator of the recent callout post about me has since changed their url, and i don't want to use their new one in this post for risk of exposing them to harrassment from my followers. i will therefore be referring to them as "OP".
this post from June 9th, 2013 (NSFW) is 100% of the source of the "sending piss porn fetish gifs to minors as an adult" line. literally every single word in that sentence is wrong.
"sending": i reblogged their post with a gif. i did not send it to them. that is not how reblogging works.
"piss porn fetish": if you didn't click through the link above, the gif is a fully clothed black guy with his dick sticking out of his fly pissing on a fully clothed white dude wearing a confederate flag shirt, presumably after beating him in a fight. it's definitely nsfw and if someone with a piss fetish really set their mind to it i guess they could jack off to it, but if it's porn then it's pretty bad porn.
"gifs": gif*. just the one gif. not multiple.
"to minors as an adult": this part fucking KILLS me because. OP was "16/17" at the time by their own estimate. and i was 18. this is literally the joke people make about 17yos calling themselves minors when they get in fights with 19yos on here.
the misgendering part is news to me and i sincerely apologize for assuming the anon got OP's pronouns right without checking their bio first. however, literally nothing else in the callout has any substance to it.
also if you search my blog for "piss" to pull up receipts, you have to scroll past the last time this callout came up and i explained all of this. it has been 9 fucking years at this point and OP is STILL trying to make this happen. they are now at least 24 years old. they really just filed their taxes last week and then sat down to write that callout post.
i apologize for accidentally misgendering OP 9 years ago, but twisting "reblogged a post defending cishet white men with an nsfw gif 9 years ago" into "sent piss porn gifs to minors" is so comical that it's kind of insulting i even have to dignify it with a response. this callout didn't work the last two times OP tried it, and it's not going to work now. begone.
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