#it's not somehow okay to randomly insult people if they're not in your fave marginalised groups
nostalgia-tblr · 2 years
TBH and Hot Take but sometimes there's posts on tumblr where I'm like "have you actually met neurotypical people?" because there is a lot overlap between types of atypical and the typical, I mean that's kind of a reason people don't get diagnosed with whatever neuroatypical thing they have/are for years if ever. But tumblr occasionally seems to think The Typicals don't have hobbies, let alone obsessions, that they don't enjoy talking about the things they really enjoy, like they don't get anxious or shy or overwhelmed to varying degrees differing from person to person. And some of the "this charater is non-neurotypical" headcanon posts are so aggressive like "they are CLEARLY this thing and if you don't see that you're a fool and probably also ableist. You're also awful if you don't like them for any reason, especially one that I have decided is A Symptom of their thing." I get it, we all project a bit, but tumblr in general does not promote awareness of that projection and willingness to accept that other people are also doing the same thing and coming to different, even opposing, conclusions and they aren't necessarily wrong either.
Just To Be Clear, I don't especially care what someone headcanons about a character as long as they leave me alone to have headcanons of my own and disagree with theirs without being called a bad person or an idiot. You know? And most of us don't carry in our heads a list of traits for conditions/identities/whatever that don't apply to us personally (or at least to someone close to us) so like... no, I don't think so-and-so obviously has ADHD, because I don't know what I'm supposed to be looking for (and frankly I don't *want* people in general going around trying to diagnose each other with things maybe neither of them have based on lists they found on the internet - *that* is potentially incredibly ableist AF) and maybe I just wouldn't see it in them anyway. Cos we don't really all see the same character, do we?
Anyway that's a bee that lives in my bonnet. Tumblr just bothers me sometimes. Specifically tumblr, because I don't see this sort of thing as much in other places.
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