#it's like usamericans think the only two choices are imperialism or apathy
hussyknee · 7 months
You are right on every account in that tiktk reblog tags, except for one thing. Putin maybe didn't veto humanitarian corridors, but he sure did shell them. Several times.
Oh. I knew he'd sabotaged them somehow but I forgot how. Hard to keep track of all his war crimes. I didn't mean to imply that he was better for allowing one, just that he knew how to play the optics better, which is what I meant by "how is Biden WORSE at spinning a narrative than Putin". I'm sorry if I gave the impression that I was giving him any credit whatsoever.
Also I started out by saying that the previous Israeli governments colluded with the US and conceded to ceasefires so that they could pick civilians off one by one while the US played up their PR by playing the mediator. I meant that context to be carried into Putin's actions too but I realize that wasn't obvious. The man only tries to look like he's playing ball if it serves his agenda better.
Imperialists are all like that tbh. If you want to know the difference between a fascist and an imperialist, it's that the fascist thinks too small.
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