#it's also just occurred to me that our tourette's and ADHD and a few other issues have all flared up together
thethingything · 1 month
we have an especially bad migraine where I noticed us getting aura (mostly being pissed off and upset in a specific way) for several hours before it started and we've taken pain meds but I'm not sure they've actually helped. they have definitely given us side effects though and I feel very spaced out and nauseous and generally shit.
we've also had way worse ADHD symptoms for the last few days to the point of being pretty much unable to focus on anything besides like 2 things we've hyperfixated on. we've had so much trouble starting tasks and keep struggling to hold a train of thought or focus long enough to even figure out what we need to do each day despite having all our Habitica dailies to tell us.
our brain is all over the place and I'm not really sure what to do with it or what would help but it's just occurred to me that sometimes our ADHD gets really bad in the buildup to some of our worst migraines and now I'm just hoping that both the migraine and other shit ease off soon because I'd like to be able to function
#personal#thoughts#🍬 post#vent post#posts made on pain meds#I've spent like 6 hours drawing today because we fixated on one piece of art that I originally started as a joke#but I probably had other tasks to do and I don't know what any of them were and I tried very hard to at least make a list or something#but just could not hold a coherent train of thought and got really overwhelmed every time I tried to think of stuff I needed to do#so I gave up after a while because I realised my options were to keep trying and failing and just get upset and start dissociating#and end up doing absolutely nothing while feeling really bad#or just go ahead and draw for as long as I can handle because our brain's fixated on it and at least I'd be doing something#and it's also nice to actually be able to work on art for any length of time after having such bad art block so far this year#oh I did also shower shortly after we woke up which was our main big task of the day I think so that's something to be proud of#our tourette's has been bad and that made it surprisingly difficult and it was kind of stressful and exhausting but we did it#it's also just occurred to me that our tourette's and ADHD and a few other issues have all flared up together#followed by a particularly bad migraine which is a pattern we keep noticing and first noticed back in December#and all these issues are known to involve dopamine but I can't figure out what exactly is going on#when it happens we also start getting sensory overload way more easily
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Lynn 36
Unfortunately this was one of those sessions where I felt like it was a complete waste of time and money. When I got there she asked me if I wanted any coffee or tea or anything and I said no thank you. She asked if I was sure that I didn't want any coffee and I reminded her that I don't actually drink coffee. She said she was just checking and she sat down. I asked how her shoulder was doing and she said it is starting to feel better. She said that they had done this weird procedure where it was almost like they took suction cups to her shoulder and it was really bruised and gross. LOL so basically I spent the next few minutes educating her on what cupping is and how it works and that they do that in acupuncture is well. I told her I had looked up frozen shoulder and the prognosis wasn't looking so good and she said there's always the possibility that she will need surgery at some point but she is hoping that with the physical therapy it will be all right. She said it depends on the day and some days are better than others, and I pointed out that the weather will affect it as well because of the air pressure changes. She said she hadn't even thought of that but it makes sense then why it was bothering her more the other day when it was raining. She also said she hadn't known what cupping was or what they were doing but that she was glad her physical therapist knows what she's doing because she did that. She asked how I was doing and I said I was OK but that the weekend had sucked. She asked what happened and I explained that my husband and I had ended up fighting the entire time. She said there must be something in the air because I am the second person today to say that the weekend went poorly and that there was lots of spousal fighting. I pointed out that it was a holiday weekend and that the majority of us may have spent more time with each other and may have seen each other's family which would likely trigger everyone. She said she hadn't really thought of that but it makes sense. She asked me what happened, and I went into details about all of the fighting. I explained how mom when we were at my husband's mothers house we ended up fighting about dandruff and how we have such poor conflict resolution skills and we literally just decided to be over it and stop fighting and move on. I explained how Friday night we ended up fighting about me thinking he needs therapy because he brought up freaking out about his hair and that he had been pulling out his eyebrows because he was stressed but that he basically says this is all normal and that he doesn't want to do therapy. Lynn basically said that she thinks I will have to come at it from a different angle and try to maybe just drop subtle hints like about how EMDr works so quickly or how it has really helped people on that I'm working with you have anxiety or something that might encourage him to think differently about it. She also pointed out presenting more positive reflections on how therapy is helping me to help him recognize that there is a benefit he may want. I pointed out that he had turned it on me and pointed out the fact that I have been in therapy for seven or eight years and there are still days when I come home upset for no reason and she laughed and said of course he did because it's easier to focus on my stuff and my problems than it is to look at his own. She asked if I thought that he would be willing to do couples counseling with me and if it would be possible to drive all the way to where she is because there's one counselor who she thinks would be a really good fit for us and she does evening appointments. I told her it was a possibility and I could always try talking to him about it if it was a real option for us. She said this therapist gets along really great with guys and she thinks that we would all work well together. She said she really thinks we could both benefit from couples therapy and being able to connect and have better conflict resolution and that she thinks this therapist would be aware of treating his aces. She said there is a new study that was being done at UT on the ace study and how the addiction model is failing because it isn't treating trauma. I explained that my husband had five aces, and that there were two more that he experienced with his dad but his dad didn't actually live in the home so he didn't say that it counted. She pointed out that my husband is a good guy but then he need some guidance and some help processing some of the stuff. I agreed and she was laughing and apologize for laughing and said that she knows it's not funny but it's kind of funny because I pointed out that he is upsetting about his hair and then I had come home the other day and he was just laying in bed naked and saying he was depressed and upset about his hair. I explained that I don't really know what else to say or do to be helpful about his hair loss obsession. I told her that on a more positive note I had written a positive song about parenting my kids differently than my mom dad and I brushed over that quickly because I didn't really want to get into the details or explain it but I wanted her to know that it was something positive that happened. I told her about the little girl in the Mormon church and home I wasn't triggered this time. She pointed out what a huge positive that was and shows so much growth and healing. I asked her if she was ready for the negative and she said yes so I explained how am I had gotten really triggered and upset on Friday night after my session and thinking about my own experience with gaining a significant amount of weight in puberty. What sucks is she misinterpreted what I had men and had thought that it was the Doctor Who had responded poorly when in reality it was my mom who had responded poorly and had literally brought me to the doctors because she was concerned about my weight gain. She asked me how I handled it and I explained that I had cried and texted my friend amanda about it and that Amanda had asked me what I would want to say to that little 14-year-old kid. She asked if Amanda is a therapist and I said she's in a PhD program to be a therapist LOL and she said that makes sense. I told her that I had started to do it Amanda had asked but then I had gotten upset and told her never mind and said I would wait to talk about it in therapy. She pointed out that she didn't think this experience was a negative because I had allowed myself to feel the pain and cry and had reached out for support and that sometimes the best thing is to just allow yourself to feel the pain. She also pointed out that I had literally given that kid the compassion that I would've wanted to give the 14-year-old self and that it's different and easier to look at it from an outside perspective and that as a therapist we are often going to be in situations where we get triggered or think about things. She pointed out that most therapists or at least the good ones have been through painful things and that is why we are so able to empathize with others, which I agreed. She pointed out that it was at a disappointment because I had texted my mom and my mom had further disappointed me which is a reminder that my mom still can't be there for me. She also asked if we were going under the assumption that my mom has an eating disorder, then how would that have changed that experience. I said that I would guess my mom would not have wanted me to be fat because it gave her anxiety, which Lynn said would be that my mother would project onto me. I said I wasn't really sure because my brother hit a chubby stage when he was 13 and he didn't really grow out of it and while they definitely constantly got onto him about his weight gaining about needing to cut back on snacks and eat better and exercise more, it didn't seem to affect him. Lynn said we only have like 10 minutes so there really wasn't enough time to do EMDR so she asked me more about my brother. I said that looking back I can see that he obviously had a lot of anxiety because he had issues with chewing on his shirt when he was old enough to know that he needed to not be chewing on his shirt or his jacket and that he also had an issue with playing with his hands as a kid and that the teacher had thought it was Tourette's or something but that now I realize he probably would've been diagnosed with ADHD or anxiety because he was constantly moving and fidgeting. She asked me why he had always gone so carsick and if that was related to his anxiety. I pointed out that I think it really was just motion sickness because he only got carsick if it was a longer car ride like 30 minutes and that what they had found to work was not feeding him before the long car trip and giving them the bracelets and that I had thought that he was always throwing up for all of those years but that she would just get nauseous and not actually throw up but by that point once he would say his tummy hurt, I would have a panic attack and dissociate and I didn't realize that he wasn't even actually throwing up. I explained that my brother and I are pretty different and that when he looks back at his life he says that childhood was great and that the only issue was in high school when he got bullied when he had to change schools. I said I think my brother has some social anxiety but outside of that he isn't a perfectionist and he isn't really super driven or interest about his performance or anything like that. I explained to Lynn that I felt like in thinking about our last session and how at the end it had surprised me that the thought but it popped into my head when she asked why I don't have to fight my parents anymore is because I'm not fat anymore according to their standards or at least I don't think I am, and that when I got upset on Friday about the weight gain of puberty it occurred to me that maybe those issues or things that I needed to process them because they were some of the underpinnings of what helped form the eating disorder. I explained that when I think about eating disorder memories that bother me, I always think of ones that were byproduct of having the illness, but that things like the waking up puberty would've been things that came before and sort of set the notion that I needed to be thin. She said that made sense and that it would sort of be us trying to figure out what things still needed to be processed. She hadn't realized that my doctor was not the one who handled my weekend poorly but that it was my mom which she said change things. She had thought that it was the Doctor Who had embarrassed mean, but really it was my mom who had made me feel like there was something wrong with me. She pointed out that we could start there next time but that she was really glad to hear about how I had not been triggered in church and what great progress that was. We scheduled for a week from today And I paid her. She told me safe travels back and I thanked her and left. I just hate feeling like I wasted my time and money to basically just vent when I could've called Amanda and told her the same thing and still not felt any better.
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azworkingdogs · 7 years
7 Natural Ways to Help Calm Your Anxious Dog
Years ago (and still a little now), I was more “anti” natural than most people. So many people want to deny their dog medicine or think that there are purely natural strategies for problems or conditions. This is simply not always true.
You see, I am a firm believer in modern medicine. As a veterinary technician, I witness, daily, the value of medicine and how it saves and extends our furry family members’ lives.
As humans, we have come leaps and bounds in the annals of history when it comes to modern medicine. We can cure diseases! Some of the things that killed humans and animals 100 years ago don’t even exist in most cultures. We have mapped DNA and we have the unique ability, therefore, to cure and control conditions and diseases as they affect our specific DNA.
Natural Treatments And Your Dog
Interestingly, I was at work when one of our drug reps came in to discuss how a new kind of “non-drug” synthesized natural protein and is being utilized to help itchy dogs. Cytopoint is a monoclonal antibody (mAb) that specifically targets and neutralizes canine IL-31, which is an essential cytokine that sends the signal to itch to the brain in dogs. This injection, which is a natural protein (not a drug), can intercept that itch signal. Really, this stuff is amazing and is being used in human medicine as well.
I love how drug therapy and natural therapies are coming together to provide us with better medicine.
My Life has Been Stressful
Lately, my life has been stressful.
I suppose life goes great most of the time and then you run into little bumps along the way.
I was bitten by a dog at work. The hospital I worked at was bought out by a company in another state and their procedures and care were lacking for both employees and the medicine and critters we see.
I was losing sleep and unhappy.
And, when I lose sleep…I get a little nutty.
So I was sitting on the bench in the gym, talking to my personal trainer, pre-work out (we are doing some body building), and I was discussing my stress level and inability to sleep.
I had used some over the counter medication and nothing was working.
I was tired and cranky and simply put: depressed.
So he (God bless his sweet soul) started expressing concern and admitting he had noticed. He then gave me some natural alternatives: Valarian Root, Melatonin, L-Theanine as supplements prior to bed. He also suggested chamomile tea and lavender baths.
Honestly, if he had suggested dancing naked in the woods around a fire and chanting from an ancient language, I probably would have tried it. ;D  I was willing to do just about anything.
I know you are thinking, who cares…or, what on earth does this have to do with dogs…ha ha
I was surprised as I sat down a week later to find that nearly all of the supplements he had suggested to me were also suggested in an article written by a veterinarian about taming hyperactive dogs!
I guess it helped me to realize that some natural supplements and treatments can also work with calming an anxious dog.
But, before we get too far into this article, let me remind you that you should check with your veterinarian prior to giving your dog any supplement. Your dog may have an underlying heart condition, high kidney or liver values, or other conditions that need to be taken into account prior to adding any medications or supplements.
Plus, your vet can help you find the right dosage that will work best for your individual dog. And, for that reason, I won’t even begin to talk about dosage here. That should be asked of your vet!
Everything I read in real medical documents say that herbs are a time honored approach to treating problems and disease. Herbs, however, can have side effects and interact with other herbs, supplements, or medications. For these reasons, herbs should be taken with care and under the supervision of your doctor or vet!
Here are 7 great natural ways to help calm your anxious dog:
1. Adaptil
Adaptil is a dog pheromone that can help calm your dog. Adaptil is a synthetic copy of a pheromone released by the mother dog from her mammary area after a puppy’s birth. This pheromone sends a comforting message, providing a strong signal of security as the puppies wander and explore.
I think it is safe to say that pheromones have been proven to be effective in many situations.
2. Lavender
Lavender has some calming properties for human, and, it seems, dogs too.
Research has confirmed that lavender produces slight calming, soothing, and sedative effects when its scent is inhaled.
A number of studies have concluded that lavender is possibly beneficial in several kinds of disorders, including anxiety, stress, postoperative pain, and alopecia.
My opinion? Why not use some lavender laundry soap or diffusers to help calm your dog.
Worst case scenario, your wild dog will just smell lovely.
3. Solliquin & Composure
These commonly need to come from your veterinarian.
And, like Cytopoint, I was lucky enough to be invited to a presentation on Solliquin.
Solloquin comes packed with a lot of these natural ingredients but they are provided in amounts that have been studied and proven to be safe in dogs.
Solliquin has L-Theanine, L-Tryptophan, Whey Protein concentrate (that has been tested to be safe and effective for dogs) as well as Magnolia and Philodendron extracts, all of which have been studied and found to be effective to treat dogs with anxiety.
The #1 thing that I like and respect about the Nutramax company is that they do their research and provide all of their findings. The FDA does not require this of dog medications or supplements. However, Nutramax wants to ensure that their products are being absorbed, used, and are effective for our furry friends.
Likewise, I have heard good things about Composure, yet have not had the opportunity to continue my education by learning about their research.
4. Melatonin
Melatonin is commonly used for people with insomnia and problems sleeping.
Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone in the body that regulates sleep and wakefulness.
Interesting to note that in some countries, this supplement or medication does require a prescription.  So, as always, be careful when you use it with your dog!
It can also help with cancer, gall stones, psychiatry, protection from radiation, and headaches in people!
5. L-Theanine
This was the drug or supplement that I got into the most trouble from my personal trainer for not getting. Admittedly, I went to Walmart and they didn’t have it…so I gave up…since I hate shopping.
But L-Theanine is known for being able to cross the blood-brain barrier and has been reported to have the ability to reduce physical and mental stress, improve cognition, and improve mood (probably what my trainer wanted to see – haha).
Essentially it claims to help people focus and concentrate while having relaxing and tranquilizing properties.
Clearly I do need all of these principles
6. Valerian Root
I must admit, I did find this fairly quickly in the Walmart supplement selection (I’m lazy when I shop because I hate it!). But the odor about kills me. And, just a note, I swear I smell like it the next day…my trainer says I am crazy…but I hate smelling bad, at all!
Valerian Root is used mainly for the treatment of sleep disorders, especially insomnia. It is frequently used with hops (humans), and lemon balm (which can be used in dogs) or other herbs that can cause drowsiness.
Valerian is also used for anxiety and psychological stress, including nervous asthma (humans), epilepsy, ADHD, and chronic fatigue.
It can also be used for menstrual cramps, menopause and hot flashes.
***perhaps I should “cowboy up” (I am from WY) and try this again!
7. L-Tryptophan
This is an amino acid or protein building block that can be found in animal and plant proteins. It is an essential amino acid because the body cannot make it. It must be acquired from food.
This is the supplement, drug, or whatever you want to call it that we heard about years back that causes us to be tired after Thanksgiving dinner!
Turkey, apparently, is filled with L-Tryptophan, causing you to need a nap after you gorge yourself on dinner!
L-Tryptophan itself is segmented and used to treat insomnia, depression, anxiety, PMS, smoking cessation, teeth grinding, Tourette’s and ADHD (in humans of course). The amount of issues that this treats is amazing, really!
This protein is converted into serotonin.
Serotonin is used to transmit signals between cells.
Changes in serotonin levels in the brain can alter mood!
Want 7 MORE Ways To Help Your Dog To Be Less Anxious?
Check out our Impulse Control program, where we walk you through teaching your dog how to relax around those things that cause anxiety and fear.
Click here to learn this ‘Impulse Control’ & Relaxating training process
Understanding this Data
All of this can be overwhelming!
I understand that.
There are supplements that do all kinds of things and make all kinds of promises.
However when taken together, some negate others.
And, it is important to make sure that these supplements are right for your dog.
Do your research! Print this out and make an appointment with your veterinarian and come up with a plan that will help with your specific problem.
But don’t forget to add in some behavior modification; because all the drugs in the world won’t help your dog if you don’t work on training your puppy, too.
I found a new job, I work out harder, and I sleep better.
The point is that adding a few things together, behavior modification, change, and the right supplements, can help put you or your dog on the path to feeling better!
from TheDogTrainingSecret.com http://ift.tt/2sOruQz via IFTTT
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