#it's a ridiculous amount of work and it's why i don't blame ppl who still tag mdzs stuff as ''the untamed'' even when it's clearly not
layzeal · 2 years
shout out to the time i had to use mass post editor and slowly edit 100 posts at a time to change all my tags in my mdzs posts/reblogs. Twice
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mejomonster · 2 years
Well I went into the body positivity and fat acceptance tags and
1 a shit ton of thinspo posts in the body positivity tag :c I get that people of all sizes ended up using that tag to try and do self love of their bodies as is, but also like it's so clear the diet pressure and self hate is still bleeding into the tag and that is unfortunate. It's not helping ppl feel okay about their bodies of any size to still see that pressure to starve/get surgery :c
2 a shit ton of fatphobic people in the fat acceptance tag I had to go on a blocking spree. Some of them like to hide behind the wrguement "well fat isn't healthy" but like they don't care about unhealthy skinny people, to discriminate and hate people based on health is fucked up to begin with, and then they stop seeming level headed by immediately jumping into "it's fat peoples fault they're fat so they should lose weight if they want me to stop bullying them and advocating for discrimination against them in healthcare and work." Like... first of all the assumption diet alone will fix fatness is not as clear cut as you think. Read some articles if you Actually care, but you don't care. But I've lost 65 lbs before and gone from obese to normal bmi and let me say if you do it the medically advised safe way it takes years and you WILL plateau and you will likely resort to unsafe methods ur doctor would rightful call self harm, and if you're Extremely lucky genetically u will lose weight. And if ur health doesn't want u to lose weight, then u can eat deadly low amounts of calories and not lose weight for months (but end up hospitalized for nutrition deficiencies screwing you) so like to diet can OFTEN be worse on your health than to stay fat. There's so many health choices fat people can make to improve their health, that work better than strict dieting (which will worsen their health and often cause more weight gain). Which is why doctors usually recommend aiming to only lose 10% which can still put u in overweight or obese, through very moderate calorie cut usually through better food choices (to increase nutrition, minimize yo yo dieting issues and rebound etc). Like... unless you are an expert on health you have no idea how weight loss should be done for improved health versus worse health. Then there's you know... the fact 2/3 of Americans are overweight. To say all of them personally are the reason they became fat with no bigger structural issues is ridiculous. Food deserts, lack of access to Healthcare and increased access to certain food types versus others, limited public transport and limited free safe places to exercise, discrimination on fat people making employment harder (which makes time/money for fitness and meal planning harder) and medical care harder (which if cheaper and more accessible and helpful could also be helping people) all contribute. Fat people being 2/3 of America means no its not every single fat persons fault, and if you really wanr go argue it's justified to discriminate against 2/3 of people and make their families poor and healthcare limited and poor quality then that's incredibly cruel ans fucked up of you. Whether you want to blame health or not, I think all people including sick people and disabled people and fat people and skinny people who aren't getting adequate calories and nutrition all deserve employment ans healthcare and fair fucking treatment. So if you're needlessly cruel don't act like it's out of concern or it's justified, u just hope people unlike you suffer and want to act like u have some reason when there's no good reason for cruelty and discrimination.
3 on rhe body positivity tag I was happy to see people being body neutral and positive about stretch marks, noses, hip dips, hairiness, pot bellies, cellulite, eating enough calories to get nutrition, but also it is so frustrating the beauty industry TRULY insults every aspect of existence huh? I remember when no one gave a fuck about cellulite or stretch marks which all human beings have! Now the beauty industry has made tons of people feel bad for ordinary body features. We all have hair! We all have pores! It sucks modern beauty ads run makeup campaigns to convince ppl they need to look like they have no pores... even babies have pores. Babies don't need makeup to hide them. And if they did then beauty is incorrect if it's saying normal human bodies need to be changed. Which I suppose is true of a lot of beauty standards. But man was it sad. Anyway I love my body I am indifferent about stretch marks and cellulite and my nose and patchy eyebrows and pores and hairiness and I don't care, bodies are supposed to look like bodies, it's okay for them to look like bodies. I am glad ppl are spreading that message and really quite angry that it needs to be spread because the beauty industry is such a self-hate machine set out to tear everyone to shreds for regular human features (even more overblown with the increase in photoshop ans editing and filters even in social media outside of magazines but on people we consider peers).
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Actually i don't get Reki at all. Like even in the first ep he was worse even than Shadow and i'm not talking abt Cherry, Joe and Adam. And he was ok and loved skating. But like... if your friend is better than you, then you get depressed and making your friend feel guilty abt you not being good enough? I didn't even ship Reki and Langa, they are just giving me only friendship vibes, but i'm still sad, wtf writers did with his character?
Yeah, same. Like, sorry, I just don’t think Reki’s character can be redeemed for me personaly at this point.  
Like what should I even stand for in his character? I do not respect his life position at all. Like I dislike Makoto for being a shadow and not wanting anything in his life, but hey, at least he’s genuinely happy for Haru’s success. I adore Rin who never gave up and dove into the hardest challenge possible from the start to get on Haru’s level, cause he wanted to swim with him for the rest of his life and he got there. And then there’s this..  it’s like.. he loves to skate, but apparently not enough, cause his doesn’t want it, if he isn’t the best at it, so he’d rather... not skate at all? He wants to be as cool and on the same level with “naturally talented ones” and wants to compete with Langa, but he doesn’t want to do anything for it or search for his own unique style or smth to beat them in another way? And on top of that he’s also sad about seeing Langa succeeding? The whole thing is... like.. no, thank you?
Like are they really gonna go with the “you made me want to be great at this like you, but if only you are great at this, than screw both you and this?” lolz. Even if they will go with the psychological block bc of his friend’s injury, it’s gonna be lousy af now. It’s like is there even a route left which could make him look...ahem... presentable at this point? Idk.
I also was right about the fact that he’s the type who prolongs the whining instead of doing things, unlike some other characters who were in his position too; realistic maybe he is, but I don’t want it, honestly, like I see such things every day and I do not like it.
From what I’ve seen in the tag some are already trying to apply here like 50 mental disorders to excuse him and stuff like “it’s realistic” and at this point I’m honestly used to people on the internet using mental disorders not for spreading awareness, but bc they’re thinking it’s “trendy”, which is a cringe galore and shame on you. But it still makes me kinda sad all the time. Also there’s nothing unrealistic about not giving up and getting where you want, it’s just harder for, to say, “ordinary” people, that’s why most rarely choose this option (although it’s for you to decide if you’re ordinary or not, cause everyone can be extraordinary, you just need to find it in you). Anyways, drowning in a self pity is not the trait I’ve ever found appealing in people, along with the constant comparing yourself to others.
Sadly many prefer to use these excuses to get out of everything along with being lazy or jealous, esp the young generation. At this point, it’s like the same thing as with this other fandom. Like, sometimes when someone is trying to hit someone because he saw that he’s more talented than him, that just means that he’s an asshole, there’s no need to come up with ridiculous excuses to justify this and try to make him a hero. And sometimes ppl are just jealous, as simple as that. And no, not everyone is like that. At this point ppl on social media are like... fuck your hard-working characters, who are inspired by talent and do not give up on trying to prove yourself even if the whole world is against them. Let’s promote being emo and how it’s okay to spend your life on walking around telling everyone how you’re a useless trash, like this will help you in life.
Also if seeing someone succeed, esp your best friend, makes you sad, might want to reconsider the way of living your life. Just saying.
Also since when you have to be the best just to enjoy doing what you love doing? I’m like... personaly I do not get it. Looking at my vids 10 years ago they look like utter trash, but I tried and tried and yeah, I might not reach some levels of mega talented ppl, but hey, I’m still trying and searching for stuff I can improve all the time and watch talented ppl tutorials like “holy fuck, you can do that?”.
But hey, at least he doesn’t want to only make boards, he wants to compete... (or does he? I’m honestly not sure at this point lol)... I mean, there’s... that. but I thought, when he’s gonna realize it, he’s gonna be back on track, but n.o. xD back to self pity. ok then. Some go like “its only been 3 episodes” and I’m like “this... ain’t a 24 episodes anime tho..(?)”.
So far I’m just confused about what are writers intentions with some characters are. Like the most interesting ones at least for me are technically a background for some reason idk. I was literally sad about the wasted amount of screentime on Reki being.. well, nothing new.
Sad part about this is that people like this also need a constant reassuring to the point of them just sucking your life out of you, too, so I honestly do not know how to deal with this life position. Ppl like this have a tendency to never be happy, so Langa would just have to run after him and feed him with compliments for the rest of his life to water his tiny self-esteem or say smth “don’t give up, don’t give up, fighting”? It’s like... well, ok. Friendship, yeah, but ship? Nah, not for me. Also I do not smell any huge romance there tbh, and from Reki’s side this is all just a mess tbh.
The saddest part was that he saw that Langa won after his yelling and he didn’t care for that. Like Rin was mopping bc he wanted to swim with Haru, so when he saw that Haru wanted to swim with him, too, that was it for him. And that’s the problem all the viewers who watched Free! got hit with while watching this. My DMs are literally all about “why do I not feel anything about them?” or “sometimes cute, but smth doesn’t hit me shipping wise”. Cause I think most expected for some reason that he would also put Langa first, but at the end, they’re not on the same track, bc their priorities are different.
I actually think it was just mistake for all of our Free! hommies including me to go at it from the wrong point of view and from the beginning expecting it shipping wise to be like that one other Utsumi’s work. I mean, she’s just a director there, not also on the storyboard or anything else. Should’ve gone watching it with a clear head. The main ship just does not hit any spots for me either. And my heart does not lie there at all. I do blame Free! for this, cause it’s like impossible to compare bc of those our scenes, I keep seeing, but at the same time, they do not hold up not to the dynamic, not to anything at this point. Like I do not know where they’re going with them, but this is just not my type of a ship in general and definitely not the one I can go crazy about. I honestly do not think 3 episodes can change that. It’s says a lot if at this point I do not even care much for their reconciliation, I’m like.. tell me about the seniors’ drama tho xD So I’ll stick with my side ships.
Also, unrelated to the question, but did Adam seriously just went and hit Cherry with a board in the face?!!!! (THE FUCK DUDE?) Like, this was definitely not how I thought this was gonna go. I also kinda felt like Cherry was in love with Adam in the past. All in all this was like a... strange episode, at this point I just feel sorry for my baby Langa, Joe and Cherry were very cute (esp at the end) and my god Cherry is hot, but like I also want something complex pls, so idk I’m  still waiting for the Adam/Tadashi shananigans.
At this point I’m like “I love watching this, but what am I watching?” haha supernatural skating soup opera it is then. 
Also I just love Langa my dude, my man. How he’s such a puppy in real life, but so freaking hot when he skates??!!! T_T 
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rnodric · 2 years
i didn't watch the full match bc i have exams over the next few days and more rm related stress (on top of olympics stress too which is fun) isn't really the kind i want but heard it wasn't great. also just seeing who isn't going to be there for the 2nd leg - yikes. i think turning this around in the 2nd leg won't be impossible: giving everyone a break and letting them get back in the groove of things and find something that works will probably do a world of good. we've been off for a while now & we need to actually start problem-solving, bc trying the same thing over & over & expecting different results each time is pure madness (4-3-3 & vibes just isn't it anymore, it's really not). if anyone suggests our midfield is to blame tho, i'll fume. it's not kroos & modric's fault that they are arguably the best midfield duo itw esp when it comes to controlling the game & we're still choosing to play in transition of all things. it's also not our defense's fault that the attackers are, again, not working very well (lowkey wonder if a 4-4-2 midfield diamond would work, bc b*nzema can & has played on the right, then we could have fede or eden through the centre for extra energy/creativity). but we can do better. we have to. feel like for the 2nd leg though we might see a cama - kroos - modric midfield or kroos - modric in more of a pivot w/ fede a little ahead of them. but i think i like the first option more, esp if fede also plays at rw. also an alaba - nacho - militao - carvajal backline might work. alaba's actually not bad at lb, but the idea of di maria or mbappe running at nacho highkey terrifies me.
suggesting that we are totally awful would maybe be an overreaction, but i do think serious changes have to be made to both who we play and how we do it. individual brilliance isn't going to work if the individuals are exhausted, overworked, or just having a bad day. hence why tho i don't like ****, i really wish we pay more attention & try to implement some of the best things they do - like having a ridiculous amount of control on territory & the ball - bc tho it's lowkey 'boring' & 'sterile', it's also v effective & doesn't rely on ppl having a 'good day', just that the bald fraud doesn't lose his mind & everyone can stick to their role & part of the pitch (also why the ucl final last yr was hilarious for me to watch, bc it was the epitome of 'well functioning team has sudden & irreversible breakdown'). seeing that toni was captaining tho is really 🥰 (curious if you have any pics of that on hand, trying very hard to find some serotonin rn while everyone around me seems to be having a meltdown) - 🦋
i do think we are able to turn things around but ancelotti doing tactics by rolling a dice is not good for my temper. i don't know why he started asensio or subbed in rodrygo at that point. our offense was non existing. i think our best shot was by carva and casemiro? maybe bale had a shot too but nothing worth mentioning. it's a wonder we didn't concede 5 goals. defense was alright but only because alaba and militao played exceptionally well.
i think fede should definitely start because he has the guts and the speed to help with in depth attacks and spoonfeed benz assists. vini was constantly moving to the center which was pissing me off since benz was not moving so they were just crowding. i low-key wanted to see bale play maybe 30 min because as much as i dislike him he can move fast and do long shots out of the box which we really needed since neither benz or vini were able to pass the defense or even the front midfield line.
but yeah i think we can truly turn it around we just have to work with our problems especially the lack of offense and the way we couldn't have 2 consecutive passes.
omg he was so hot pls if anyone has photos of kroos being capi pls send because that's the only thing i wanna remember from that match
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