#it’s the “we can tell” ad-lib in that manga for me😭
generisydtoo · 7 months
Why I draw Sakura with brown skin
(Bc people frequently ask)
Disclaimer❗️: I’m not saying my design is better or a “fixed” version of her canon design. I like her canon design, and I also like mine and other people's designs of her with brown skin :)
For reference, here’s how I mostly draw Sakura:
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My main reasons are:
I started off really wanting to know how she would look if she had a skin tone that resembled Kizashi (her dad), especially since there’s not a whole lot of skin tone diversity among the Naruto characters (esp the main cast). In terms of looks, the only thing she got from Kizashi was her hair, so I wanted to expand on that!
Aesthetics/artistic liberty. I love how pink looks with brown skin; pink and brown is such an underrated combo. I've seen people say that she resembles a cherry blossom more with fair skin but personally, I think she resembles the entirety of a cherry blossom tree with brown skin. I hope that doesn't sound too corny, lol.
Personally, I headcanon her ethnicity to be Japanese and Black. One of the people I reference for her design is Naomi Osaka (especially with her pink hair and Kishimoto's drawing of her and Sakura), who is Japanese and Haitian!
Bonus (Hair):
As for her hair, I draw it curly bc of how her and her dad’s hair stick up. Their hair seems to naturally defy gravity, and in Kizashi's case, it's to the point where it can form and hold a cherry blossom shape. When I was younger and saw it for the first time, I thought it was the coolest thing, and interpreted it as curls lol.
I see people call Kizashi’s hair “Patrick Star” (which is amusing, lol), but I also wish they’d also acknowledge it being a visual allusion to his daughter’s name. He seems like a person who tends to "love out loud" (which could be where Sakura gets it from); I can see him using his hair to do that with his family (with his hair being a visual allusion to his daughter). I’d go out on a limb and say that Kizashi’s hair is one of Mebuki’s favorite traits about him but maybe that’s a conversation for another day.
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Here’s my interpretation of Kizashi. I kept some things fairly the same, but I translated others to how I interpreted them, particularly his kinky-curly hair. I think the curl pattern allows the cherry blossom style to naturally hold its shape well!
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So for anyone wondering about my designs, I hope this answers your question. If you have any other questions or comments, feel free to comment them! Just make sure to keep it respectful :) .
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