#it’s not just the kinsey 2 vibes either it’s something else
grntaire · 9 months
michael sheen has the energy of someone who would run an a cappella group like the navy
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aparoxysm · 7 years
✦ ♒ ⌨ ❤ ♣ ☀ ☢ ♬ ✏ ❈ (for Mason and Helena)
                                           HELENA WILSON.
✦ to learn about my character’s family
The Wilson Fam are basically the weasleys. They live in a big, old house in the bayou that’s just like. Falling apart all the time and they have a lot of land and a garage with too much shit in it and the boys all play with footballs and stuff in the yard. The house is like multistory level high instead of wide and flat, and theres probably a greenhouse and like your average family pet.
Astrid Wilson --- MOM --- she’s a bit loony. she’s a spiritual healer and basically borderline psychic. but the older she gets the more off with the fairies she becomes, so her ability to work during the week has seriously degraded from like 4 days to 3 now down to 2. its kind of a problem that nobody talks about. shes a nice lady though and she’ll love you forever if you let her read your tea leaves.
Perry Wilson --- DAD --- he is my fave man ok. hes so nice and chummy and hes basically really obsessed with antiques. he just loves the history of objects and where they come from and who owned them and what their use is and he basically is the living emodiment of “just because its broken doesnt mean its useless” like??? what a nice guy he is. also he used to sing to the kids a lot and helena holds onto that a lot. they also both love motorcycles but she only likes them i think because her dad does.
Nathan Wilson --- ultimiate “golden child” who is guilted into looking after everybody cause hes the only one with his shit together. is also easily manipulated B)
Jakob Wilson --- town delinquent, the rudest fuck you’ll ever meet, 10/10 will make you a target for no reason other than he’s bored. the family rule is legitimately, helena and him are not allowed in a room together and on national holidays, they have to keep to their separate sections. its an actual thing the whole family voted on because they WILL physically assault each other if given the chance and nobody wants to deal with it anymore.
Hugh Wilson --- in jail because hes an idiot. (hes actually lovely tho)
Flynn Wilson --- who even ??? knows ??? tbh??? he is floaty and i love him @hvlliwells
Gully Wilson --- 2 nice 4 this world, actual cinnamon roll, will do anything for someone who asks nicely even murder someone maybe he is just 2 weak for kindness. also a writer, wants to be a journalist and is probably the only other wilson who will do something big and great. 
♒ to learn about my character’s childhood
Pretty sweet tbh, but they got teased a lot for being “the poor kids from the swamp” and like. that was not nice.
⌨  to learn about my character’s education
Aha, Helena is an idiot. I love her, bless, but she is not committed to her education at all. She’s barely committed to her job (or relationship OOP), like she just takes no pride in it at all which is sad. It was hard to find a school that would take her with such crappy attendance.
❤ to learn about my character’s past relationships
During college she explored polyamory a lot, and was super a fan. but it was just a coping mechanism.
♣ to learn about my character’s wardrobe
Black leather jackets, combat boots, flannel underlayers, fishnets under denim, burgundy lipstick, ripped denim, pagan jewelry (hamsa hands & crystals), tops with lots of straps or distressed holes, rock band slogans, rings. so many fucking rings.
☀ to learn about my character’s hobbies
Drawing, she loves it. The really messy, smudgy, super conceptual stuff that reads emotion rather than a picture. Also drinking. Also smoking. Also fucking. Going to bars with live music. Having deep, conceptual conversations. Exploring places. 
☢ to learn about my character’s phobias
She doesn’t have any I’m pretty sure.
♬ to learn about my character’s music taste
ASJKDAJHSADAJHSK her playlist is here.
✏ to learn about my character’s reading habits
She likes picture books. LOL no i mean like, the published hobbyist magazines. I think shes subscribed to like a bunch of them. Probably doesnt even read half of them.
❈ to learn about my character’s eating habits
Its either all or nothing. It depends how her drinking is affecting her.
                                           MASON YOUNG.
✦ to learn about my character’s family
So his mom and dad (Lynette & Anthony) own a restaurant and are your typical love story. They met at a culinary school and were each other’s competition until they weren’t, and so after they decided to get married and open a restaurant together. Mason has two sisters, one older and one young.
Hanna Young --- Older. She’s a literal annoying know it all who thinks shes better than everyone and well if you know Mason hA better believe he will remind her every chance he gets that shes dirt.
Riley Young --- Younger. Absolute wild child. Nobody really knows what's going on in her crazy little head. 10/10 wants to work for nasa and gets high with mason on weeknights. he kind of idolizes her.
♒ to learn about my character’s childhood
Full of cooking shows and lessons and he hated that a lot. They’re a pretty independent family too like he was always given the option to opt out of things which he did so hes not realy involved with them a lot. he thinks theyre really lame.
⌨  to learn about my character’s education
Eh, Mason’s an average student. Kind of a floater. wasn’t great at sport, wasnt great at art, wasnt great at science. i dont really know what it is he liked doing or even likes doing now hahaha. he was just bad at everything and only got into the college he did by paying for it.
❤ to learn about my character’s past relationships
Okay mason is so complicated because hes a bit of an enigma when it comes to sexuality and relationships. I don’t think he’s ever sat down to put himself on the kinsey scale and there have been many a gay moment to happen in his life that he just never will address and i think girls kind of gross him out? but he is also??? the kind to date a lot of girls anyway??? i dont know. i dont know if he’s closeted or just trying to figure it out or if he even cares enough to be doing either. i just know that hes not really interested in relationships.
♣ to learn about my character’s wardrobe
He dresses pretty well tbh which also crushes my hetero vibes for him. Not to say that gay vs hetero fashion sense but he cares. he cares a lot about how he looks he is vain af. button up shirts and cool pants, mhm. hes that guy who throws a bit of quirk into his outfits.
☀ to learn about my character’s hobbies
Twitter. literally all day every day. and Instagram.
☢ to learn about my character’s phobias
That people will find out what he did in college.
♬ to learn about my character’s music taste
He’s a big appreciative fan of Briney Spears, Rhi Rhi and Beyonce like. You will catch him singing some Selena or Grande like nobody’s business. Probably prefers modern music to anything else LORD MAYBE HE IS GAY AF?
✏ to learn about my character’s reading habits
If it’s a trending article, he’s read it.
❈ to learn about my character’s eating habits
He eats everything all the time always. Especially other people’s food B))))
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