#it’s been fun to see after time away how my perception of certain OCs changed
moderarato · 1 year
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🤎 moderarato’s interactive fiction OC list 🤎
(full character breakdown under the cut!)
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Celeste “Este” Davies | she/her | bi
oil paintings / iced coffee / rocky beaches / pastels / arching an eyebrow / fields of long grass / pink peppercorn / home-cooked meals / balling hands into fists / heart-shaped sunglasses 
Lux Laveau | she/her | pan
lace / perfume / popping bubble-gum / fashion / cottage-core / fairy tales / magic / spritzers / heels / cakes / holidays / dinner parties / twirling hair / winking / lip gloss / fresh bouquets 
Paloma Sloane | she/her | bi
worn-in denim / noirs / night drives / coding / pine trees / alchemy / newspapers / cheap whiskey / organized mess / glasses on chains / reading under moonlight / pens in hair
Selma {No Set Surname} | she/they | bi
black and tuxedo cats / absurdism / stick & poke tattoos / junk food / heavy rain / silent nods / platform boots / thrillers / ivy / polaroids / taking the train to the end of the line / 90s goth 
Iah Moritz | they/he | pan
disco balls / nail polish / playful eye-rolls / dancing / vintage couture / sour candy / skateboards / cigarettes / early 2000s tech / leaning on surfaces / classic comics / talking with hands 
Dorothea “Dot” Eames | she/her | bi/demi
neutrals / folding hands / heirlooms / cashmere / handwritten letters / marble / minimalism / museums / matte lipstick / foxes / earl grey tea / autumn / strong eye-contact / trench coats
Arturo “Art” Belmonte | he/him | gay
historical fiction / layered clothing / piercings / hands in pockets / thrifting / old cities / mythology / over-ear headphones / sitting by windows / awkward laughs / scones & coffee  
Cewê Cizîrî | she/they | pan
night skies / scrapbooking / dandelions / pleased smiles / saffron / pushing hair back / gentle breezes / long dresses / tea sets / gardens / birdsong / people-watching / quiet confidence 
Delphine Moon | she/her | lesbian
vanilla / swans / pearls / late-night studying / chess / heavy snow / horseback riding / silently judging / white wine / perfect posture / perfume bottles / armoires with mirrors
Reina “Rei” {No Set Surname}  | she/they | bi
art galleries / baggy blazers and clothes / 80s anime / tote bags / sarcasm / aimless walks / matcha lattes / eyeliner / film scores / dining out alone / charcoal sketches
Sorn Ly  | any pronouns | pan
road trips / faded scars / banana leaves / biting nails / pottery / surfing / olives / sunsets / rolling shoulders back / hair ties on wrists / scoffing / long afternoons / humidity / walking barefoot
Frances Wiseman | she/him | demi/lesbian
cowboy boots / fruits / picking flowers / running / french new wave / messy hair / sun-kissed skin / oversized jackets / late summer / bass playing / crossing arms
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sightofsea · 7 years
this is rly dumb and there is the HUGE chance im going to regret this but ok
basically when i was 15 i wrote an approx. 200k OC doctor who fanfiction featuring a kind of half self insert/half attempt to subvert mary sue comapnion stereotypes named jenna quigley. and ive been thinking about it more lately like the general storyline bc like. idk. n i figured i should write it out.
i should mention this is all 11th doctor era bc i was a huge fan at that time, and it takes place between that time he leaves amy n rory to when he does his farewell tour bc i wanted to try n add some canonical irony that ill get to later
so basically its all narrated from jenna pov as kind of stories she’s telling to the tardis database via recording. why, we don’t know yet. she;s. ok so in the plot she was from our universe n was an AVID fan of the show which like tacky i know but whatever. she starts out 15 and in basically my house and neighborhood (this fic started from a constant daydream i would have of going on adventures w the doctor bc i was a nerdy 15 yo so like. sue me) and there have been a disturbing amount of disappearances in the surrounding area that local police are stuck on. so everyones kinda afraid to go out into their own homes and at one point, jenna is doing something out in her backyard and actually witnesses one of the abductions, but is surprised to see the kidnapper looks like the silence, aka the television show shes been watching. she thinks shes going bonkers. her family leave her alone for the day to go to a thing for one of her siblings and she’s just kind of ruminating on this event when--lo and behold, an officer arrives at her door.
and jenna, she’s very skeptical about this guy. like, given recent events she doesnt trust her own eyes. and the guy is...off. like his badge n credentials, if she concentrates, looks like something else for a flash of a second, and for some reason the figure of him is kind of hazy whenever jenna tries to look directly at him. he is shown to have a quirky, friendly demeanor n jenna figures well, i gotta tell someone about what ive seen, so she invites him in. they have a brief chat n its obvious to the reader that this guy is someone VERY familiar (mostly due to my bad writing at the time) and jenna begins to explain what she saw and how its like this one show she watches, and this guy suddenly becomes very very interested in this before realizing he’s got it all pieced together and asks for jenna’s help in navigating the area to find what is, ultimately, a silence space ship.
jenna agrees and over time realizes this guy is most definitely connected to something in the whoniverse and originally believes he might be a time agent bc that seems more likely given their number as they travel to the ship. its also revealed that the officer has brought jenna along bc the key thing about what she saw is that she actually remembers the silence and can see past perception filters due to the qualities of alternate universe, slightly alternate brain chemistry and so on. its not exactly perfect--she can’t get through perception filters rly, especially good ones--but its enough to know something is wrong n remember certain things others from the dw universe might not be able to like the actual silence aliens themselves.
anyway they make their way to the ship, which has come through a massive tear in reality that the officer came through. in the fic lore i guess tears are seen as usually benign things meant to leak ideas of universes into other universes as a kind of waste disposal system, and as a side effect create inspiration in those who are close to them. this tear, though, became too big, kind of like a leaky pipe, and actual material was able to get through by keeping a frequency from both ends of the tear as a kind of safety rope. and to maintain their energy as a stranded ship the silence have been using humans as batteries. i put a lot of thought into this, i know.
SO once theyre in the ship the “”officer”” (we know who he is by now lets just face it) and jenna are captured n separated. jenna is held hostage and it is revealed she is a part of a second half of the “silence will fall when the question is asked” prophecy which goes “the unexpected shall follow the guided task” (i loved rhymes) which is further revealed to the be the following: change the timeline and destroy the doctor. and jenna, being jenna, is like “listen u guys i dont even know the guy so uh failed step one i guess”. she’s saved by the “”officer”” in the nick of time through work of faulty electrical work (like? i know its for style but the silence have all those lights on the floor n it is VERY dangerous) so the whole ship is blacked out n she hears the differently pitched speech patterns (”why do u sound all different” “they took my equipment nevermind lets go”) and after doing some work to reverse the frequency and basically make the ship implode back into its original universe they run back to jenna’s home in the dark, seeing as she was out for quite a bit. her family is conveniently not home yet n decided to hang out with some friends. and when she gets back n is finally in the light SURPRISE!!! turns out the officer was the doctor all along in disguise from the silence using a perception filter. 15 year old me was a literary genius.
n u might think hannah this is rly long is it done now and of course it isnt!! that was just the intro!! after the initial shock jenna kind of parses what era the doctor is from, which is pre-silencio but after finding out about it n in that 200 yr stretch that was never rly shown. and jenna’s like, a whole season ahead of him basically and knows all this stuff and is trying to engage with this guy she’s a huge fan of without like accidentally spilling the beans on his future. she sits him down to explain the whole tv show thing n lets him watch an episode while she goes to her room to pack like clothes n her laptop because its not every day the doctor just flies in and she’s 15 so shes like hellz yeah im gonna be a COMPANION not even THINKING of the consequences in terms of the multiverse, the prophecy and her family (she does leave a note but its self centered n kinda lame tbh just like be back whenever). afterwards she walks the doctor back to the tardis and is like so where we gonna go n the doctor looks at her like jenna you are a literal child im not taking you anywhere and jenna though some MASTERY of writing that was basically hey look over there! and doing it anyway sneaks into the tardis when the doctor isnt looking n becomes his stowaway.
for the next few weeks she just kind of chills in the tardis with this fear that the doctor will immediately bring her back home so might as well have fun and kinda sneaks around him and keeps couch hopping from room to room. the tardis does not like her one bit due to the whole different universe funky energies thing (and this was pre-clara and i really wanted to see a companion the tardis didnt like so) and has multiple conversations with it via the interface hologram which meant i could write cameos for classic companions and write the tardis as a character bc i was a nerd.
SO after weeks of casually avoiding the doctor eventually she gets caught by him and hes not happy about it so shes like well ok then send me home n then she gets the real kicker which is the tears all mended up. after the material was put back in place it went back to being benign n too small for anything to travel between. so jenna basically stuck in this foreign universe with a very slim chance of returning back to her old life and her family and friends and she mistakes the doctors anger at the situation for anger at her so shes like basically im all alone here oh god n has a crisis n has a dramatic run off into the bowels of the tardis hallways
eventually the doctor finds her and they bond over being kind of the last of their kind in a way and he takes a kind of fatherly role and is like well youre already here and im miserable on my own so why dont we two birds one stone it n just go on adventures for the time being and takes a kind of fatherly platonic role with jenna bc i was sick of seeing companions hook up with the doctor and was confused as to why they wanted to hook up with him (spoiler alert: huge lesbian)
so they set off on their adventures. the first one was about the doctor and jenna accidentally boarding a ship of genetically engineered soldiers called evos being shipped off to a galactic war and finding out some of them had rebelled and had been camping out in the ships underbelly. they had no mouths but were able to communicate via sign language n empath touch powers of transferable memories. the captain was a bitch who didnt see the evos as living things n eventually in a stand off either offered them a chance for the other, still podded evos to live and for them all to live a horrible life or have the podded evos be ejected into space in return for them to have a chance to fight for their freedom. the choice ended up coming down to jenna, somehow, i think, and she chose freedom and cost the lives of like 200 evos but were able to get the ones they were able to save (about, like, 100 i think) to safety and create their own civilization away from harm on a distant planet and their success and triumph to live their own lives i guess canceled out the fact that jenna played a part in the deaths of 200 beings. it was. i dont even know 
the next “episode” after a brief interlude of less impactful adventures and discussing mortality was a sherlock crossover episode that im too embarrassed to go into detail about but did reveal jenna’s newly formed abandonment issues due to her stranded in a strange universe situation and the fact she had a self harm problem that, surprise, mirrored mine. her n the doctor went on some more adventures over the next few months that were mentioned in passing. it should be noted that this first “act” i guess takes place over a solid year
the next episode featured river song bc i was gay for her without knowing it and i had just learned about easter island in history class and i decided to expand on one of the adventures said in passing during the series to kind of root my fic in canon bc i was a smarmy bitch. it involved being perceived as gods and the silence and using the flesh as a means of luring villagers to be used as human batteries and also putting a percetion filter on the ship so what was actually a crater was perceived to be a mountain. through this episode we saw the doctor again facing his own mortality, river sitting jenna down after a series of events pieced together her abandonment issues n harm problem n being like you cant rely on the doctor for this alone trust me i know its fun but when it starts ending it wont be. jenna gets kidnapped again by the silence n is reproduced as flesh to try and steer the doctor n river away from saving the day but overcomes that impulse and eventually pulls herself out of it and helps save things.
this episode also imports an important plot device of misplacement, which i shouldve put in earlier if im honest. the basic idea of it, within the fic lore, was that the universe, multiverse, whatever had to compensate for temporal displacement all the time when choices were made, but when big things that would alter history happened--like a giant supposed mountain blowing up 200 years after it had already blew up--it had a fail safe to transport the object causing the harm to the exact place but in a different time where the event would have less of a temporal impact. theres also an important note here where the doctor doesnt recall jenna being with him on their first adventure together. both are setting up the larger plot.
after the deal with the kidnapping and the flesh and all their adventures the doctor becomes kind of protective of jenna because i mean the dude also has abandonment issues like lets be real. so he kind of tones down the danger in fear of jenna dying or getting hurt. i mean, its been a year and theyve kind of become these friends who snark at each other like a family would and its nice that jenna has this person she can trust because she watched the show and like, knows him and knows his tells and calls him out on his bullshit before he can even get started and feels a kind of responsibility for due to the prophecy she was given and the doctor has someone to talk to and someone he also doesnt have to hide from really because she already knows almost everything. theyve been equally protective of each other--jenna keeping the doctor in the dark about the prophecy about her and keeping mum on the fact that she knows he isnt going to die, and the doctor worrying about jenna’s safety and trying not to screw her up like he has past companions to kind of try to atone for his past mistakes and make it up to this girl whose life he kind of unintentionally ruined. ok honestly idk why im getting in depth but i spent. years on this fic you dont understand
so. after a while jenna just kind of calls the doctor out like come on lets at least go somewhere fun and end up spending christmas eve in new york in the forties and befriend this newly single mother and jenna fakes a REALLY BAD accent to get across that her n the doctor are related n poor to gain sympathy. they do all the things she wants like times square and macy’s, where surprise! she sees amy n rory n their son and just kind of like. guides them away from the doctor like guys. this aint ur guy. and it would fuck EVERYTHING up also hi i know your guys’s entire life story, cute kid, etc. they give jenna some advice dealing w the doctor and she tells them that she’ll try her best to make sure he doesnt like, go self hating n all that bullshit n they part ways. her n the doctor meet up again and throughout this whole first part jenna’s been noticing people following her? with like, these weird orange-y eyes. and she thinks like fuck ok this’ll ruin the adventure, maybe theyll leave but they end up starting to go after her and reveal themselves to be a species called the visicheck
after escaping and dumpster diving because the visicheck hunt based on scent, jenna and the doctor start heading towards the single mother’s place for refuge (she had seen their situation n offered a place to spend christmas eve) and on the cab ride over the doctor explains that the visicheck r these ancestors of the family of blood, and basically are lifeless specks that latch onto living things and possess them until they burn them out and move onto the next one. they consume what is the basic energy a thing needs to exist and be alive, and for different species there’s different levels. lets say a dw universe human is ur basic ten on the scale. because of different circumstances in different universes, jenna is basically a 120 on the scale. like, these things could possess her body and use it for centuries to wreck havoc with the kind of energy she holds. and jenna, thinking about the prophecy of changing the timeline and also not wanting to basically be the living dead is like yeah ok fuck this is bad. 
they find some brief refuge in the single mothers apartment for a time and enjoy a lovely christmas eve dinner but eventually the visicheck catch up to them. the doctor escorts the single mother n her kid into a cab to get as far away as possible while jenna is just supposed to keep holed up in the apartment, but things arent so easy and they end up breaking in. she’s able to hit them over the head with a pan n kind of stave them off for a bit and heads for the roof, but is eventually backed into a circle. knowing the visichek can’t possess something that is dead and not wanting to potentially endanger the universe just to keep her life jenna jumps off the building in a dramatic fashion that i wrote to play with the carol of the bells because i thought it was cool, and you know what? it was. it really was.
and so jenna dies
at least for a bit
she wakes up in the tardis, rly confused because like, she died. like she knows she did. and the doctors not speaking n acting all broody and she finally gets the story out of him that after she died (posted as an anonymous person in the newspaper, i should note, and put in an unnamed grave to keep the whole “written in stone” thing in line) he kind of. went off on his own for a bit before rly hating himself for letting jenna die right in front of him and went back to catch and save her before she landed, therefore altering the events as it happened. and jenna is...not happy about this. like, one bit. because, in a twist of fate, because she is both living and dead the universe must compensate by going to misplacement, but jenna can’t fully complete the misplacement “”process”” i guess until she is in the exact location she is misplaced from, only different time and all, and in this case she’s in the tardis which almost always has its shields up, so she can’t even complete that bit. so, as explained, the universe will start the process over whenever the tardis decides to fly off again, and send jenna to a different time within the tardis’s general vicinity.
basically, she’s gonna be stuck hopping around the doctor’s timeline. like, all of it, until she finally meets up with the right doctor who knows her n has been past this point. which could take years for her. and, mind you, the task she was “assigned” in the prophecy was to change the timeline, and as a result destroy the doctor. so this is basically jenna’s worst nightmare, and she finally spills the beans about the prophecy in a fit of anger before trying to say goodbye and being whisked off
and this is where the angst stuff happens
basically, for the next year or so (when i rewrite in my head its two years, makes more sense) jenna is thrown around one end of the universe to the other, trying to stay out of the way of the doctor’s events while also trying to, you know, survive and eat and drink and sleep. she’s basically a homeless vagabond for most of it, and her abandonment issues and self harming kind of escalate. she begins leading a really lonely life, and grows this kind of love/hate relationship with the doctor where she really hopes to see him again but also grows bitter against him for putting him in this situation. she visits companions before their time with the doctor, like donna, by accident and stumbles through meeting them and trying to just keep going. in her loneliness she starts talking to a version of the doctor in her head, which starts taking more and more of a form to her before its a fully grown kind of hallucination she’s created out of loneliness (which was kind of based off of me being a lonely kid and having pretend conversations with characters to simulate human connection which is. sad. i know. really sad. its a lot). 
for a time jenna is stuck with the doctor and martha during the months leading up to human nature/the family of blood, and inadvertently meets martha and gets a job at the school as a fellow maid through helping martha drag the doctor to the place. she figures its the only stability she’ll have for a while and since she was never shown in the show it isnt rly affecting the most important bits of the timeline, and resolves to stay as far away from john smith as she can and just live out her life until the events of the episodes start happening and she’ll vamoose. she adopts an accent to blend in and when she has free time finds the stashed away tardis, which initially does not recognize jenna as a companion until finding archived recordings from the future bc duh its a time machine, which brings the whole pov thing full circle, and interacts with the interface to get answers about her growing questions about the silence and her situation and learns about a device called the cage, which has been alluded to in previous “episodes” only by name, as a great machine created by the silence that is meant to basically make it so that anything inside of it would be erased for existence, past present and future, using energy form the cracks in the universe. this was still at a point in the actual series where we knew nothing so i just kind of went buckwild.
jenna ends up having to interact with the tenth doctor as john smith once, and kind of aims all of her bitterness towards her future self at him and realizes that isnt fair, apologizes, and has a cathartic moment of finally moving past a grudge with the wrong version of the doctor. eventually the events of the episodes start happening and she vamooses before getting sent off to god knows where again, yippee
eventually through the next year jenna kind of begins to rly lose hope. like, it’s been a year already, she doesn’t know if she can keep living like this. so she makes a deal with herself to wait out until the end of this second year of time travelling vagabonding before she decides to off herself to save herself and the universe the trouble. 
she keeps going through the motions and actually stumbles upon a future, post-silencio doctor, with rory and amy in tow, and in a fit of like oh my god relief she kind of runs up to him and is like i found you, finally, holy shit n the doctor looks at her like im sorry but i dont...know you? like i genuinely dont know who you are. you might have ur timelines all switched up. and jenna knows this isnt true and freaks out and kind of just is like, theres like fifteen days until the deadline, all hope is lost, gonna just completely self destruct n cuts her hair and stops eating, but on the day of the actual deadline she keeps stalling as she zaps from place to place before finally deciding to end how it should end by jumping off a building n she has this heartfelt convo with this imaginary figure thats kept her company all this time
so she makes the journey up this apartment building in this basically abandoned future...chicago, i think? yeah. and you know, is about to do when whaddaya know, a familiar voice is calling out for her. she thinks its just the hallucination but eventually realizes that its actually the doctor, one that knows her, and they have this really heartfelt hug before she punches him square in the face
after the fact is a lot of secret keeping on jenna’s side. she doesnt want to be a burden and just kind of wants things to eventually get back to normal after a period of just resting finally and lies about her time being thrown around the doctors timeline, telling him it was only a few months instead of two years, and hiding the evidence of her self harm and other forms of self destruction to try and get things back to the way they were. the doctor can see through jenna’s bullshit though and over a month of just kind of chilling in the tardis and getting better she eventually tells him and after being pulled into an adventure with alien bees and a prison break and characters very much based off of the captor brothers from homestuck they kind of find their original rhythm
the next adventure was the one where i stopped writing mostly bc the plot absolutely sucked. it was a beach adventure episode, involving aliens and aliens who were mermaids and being stranded on a remote island. also, at the time i was going through a sexuality crisis and decided jenna was gonna go through it too and made her realize she was gay for one of the alien mermaids and totally made out with her. you can see how the plot was failing a bit, and the only thing i dont regret is the whole mermaid makeout thing really. 
the rest of the series from that point on was supposed to go something like this: jenna has to go back to her old high school, except in the dw universe, and finds out she actually doesn’t exist in this universe??? which is weird. the doctor plays teacher and they live in the prop attic of the school investigating a counselor that literally feeds off of emotions until the students are a husk and die. there was going to be a filler where the doctor and jenna start the doctors farewell tour (it is revealed when they finally find each other at the end of the timeline jumping debacle that the doctor has like two years left until silencio happens, with like a hundred years passing between new york n finding jenna) and the doctors mortality is discussed and jenna begins to wonder what happens to her since she isnt at the event or anything going forward, and begins to worry about the prophecy again.
the finale of jenna’s adventures was supposed to go like this: they end up tackling the silence again, only with the help of the cage, after jenna notices the doctor beginning to forget more and more things about her. they get captured and the silence plan to place the doctor in the cage and eradicate him from existence so that the question to be asked never existed to begin with. i hadnt figured out how yet, but basically jenna would finally click everything together and realize it was her destiny to do this, and even had a better chance since it eradicated her from this universe, and she still had a life in another one and could maybe start over and appreciate her family and friends a bit more, and would pull a switcheroo so that she would be put in the cage and slowly eradicated from existence. from that point the silence ship would kind of go haywire from the power being used by the cage and jenna would drag the incapicitated doctor back to the tardis and saying she has to go record something real quick, and then we dont hear from her again.
last scene would be of the doctor, years and years into the future, during one of his alone periods, sifting through the tardis database and happening upon the archived recording files and listening to them, not remembering exactly but living through these events with a person that was there but also never there to begin with, and the last recording being an actual face recording of jenna saying you know, she doesnt regret a minute of it, go out there and have a nice life and dont feel bad for her before saying goodbye and zapping out of existence.
last “scene” i guess would be a fifteen year old jenna, rather than the 18-19 year old we’ve come to know, waking up the day it all started and realizing she accidentally napped through the whole day when her parents wake her up. it seems apparent she doesn’t remember a thing, but her parents say something offhand that wouldve been a prolific line and she has a sense of deja vu and hints towards her someday maybe remembering but also having a chance to live a life without the trauma of her life lead in the other universe
so uh yeah. idk why i decided to write all of this. actually i do i have an essay i have to write but. idk this fic was a huge part of my life for like. a good amount of time and despite its tackiness im actually very proud of it and just wanted to share its story without having anyone ever have the link to it and read it because despite my careful planning i did narrate like a superwholock for most of it and it was REALLY annoyin. but this fic and the character of jenna actually helped me work through a lot of my own bullshit and im still kind of in love with it. and in the years to come actually m*ffat fucking used these plot points like the tardis hating the companion n the doctor forgetting about a companion like years after i wrote this shit but i think i wrapped up the cracks in the universe n silence thing pretty fucking well so uh. petition for fifteen year old me to rewrite the last half of season 6 i guess. anyway its 2 in the morning and i just wrote honest to god a full 5,000 words about my doctor who oc fanfiction so uh. yeah. fuck.
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OC Kiss Week Contenders
In the past, I have made some Character Logs for which character is going to partake in the previous OC Kiss Weeks so I’ll do another one here. I’ll probably overflow this post with way too many OCs but oh well, I like distributing variety. I won’t use my still developing Inquisitor Lavellan or my SWTOR/KOTOR/SW or WoW characters just yet. I still need more time with them. So send me a request for any of my OCs with yours and if there is a certain day or theme you want for our two characters, let me know so I can begin writing. Or you can snatch any of these OCs up for one of your own OCs, I don’t mind. These babies are up for grabs. And crossovers are certainly welcomed! 
And if anyone is interesting in my old Van Helsing OCs (Egil, Rolf, Gabriele, Thanatos, and Morfran), just let me know. I didn’t included them in here because not many people know or care about them and I needed to get this postout before ockiss17 commences. 
7kpp/Seven Kingdoms: The Princess Problem
Lady Ethel of Hise (F) [Heterosexual]: Ethel is a free spirit who loves adventure, exploring new places, and of course, collecting flowers, herbs, and other plants. She’ll probably make you flower crown and other flowery ornaments for a fun. Right before boarding a ship just to feel the wind against her face and smell the heady brine of the ocean.
Lady Zarina of Jiyel (F) [Asexual/Pansexual]: Zarina is rather subdued, preferring to consult her books than with people but make no mistake, she is not distant. If anyone needs her aid, be they noble or common, Zarina will see what she can do and offer them a shoulder to cry on.Also, she thirsts to read anything she can her hands on and this can only be matched by her desire to travel abroad and see the world from her own eyes than from the pages of a tome. Logic means the world to her and she likes using her brains to get out any sticky situation.
Lady Yvonne of Corval (F) [Heterosexual]: Yvonne loves to play the “game” and thrives in court. She masks her true emotions and thoughts but does allow herself to dream of a romance or be in a relationship where she can trust her inner musings and opinions to her spouse without her foes knowing. She’s quite persuasive, insightful, charming, and likable, and can pry any secret from your lips with the right words, smile, or gesture. It’s better to have her as your friend than your foe, for she’s pretty clever and perceptive in figuring out people’s strengths and weaknesses. 
Lady Anne (Boleyn) of Revaire (F) [Heterosexual]: Duty to her family has been ingrained into her, resulting in a marriage at a young age to an older man, which later left her a widow. She believes she has done her duty and this time, if she were to remarry, it will be for love or on her terms only. She’s bit of a romantic and has trouble containing her emotions--she is known for her temper. However, she loves learning new ideas, considers her education important, and is a well rounded and cultured young lady.  
Lady Jazlyn of Hise (F) [Pansexual]: Takes no prisoners and makes sure she is chummy with the wealthy or powerful people. Jazlyn doesn’t care for too many people, she is overly protective of her father, loathes her mother, and loves manipulating people to suit her needs. She has no qualms in killing someone to achieve her ends so she really doesn’t have a moral compass. However, make no mistake, she is compassionate towards those the few people she loves, like her father, and Gisette, her secret lover. She also is rather fond of Penelope because her innocence is regaling.
Lady Sakura of Jiyel (F) [Heterosexual]: Lover of medicine and poisons, Sakura is quite an interesting minor noble lady. Because of her low status, she has gotten away with learning some fighting techniques, battle strategy/warfare, and other less than ladylike skills. One reason for this is they have an avaricious neighbor who covets their land and since she is her parents’ only child, she is prepared for the worst and for leadership position in case they both perish. She is very temperamental (serious, you do not want to piss her off), can pack a good punch, and fights to protect those weaker or in need of help. Yet when she falls in love, she falls hard and if her heart is broken, it’s tough for her recover.
Countess Odette of Wellin (F) [Lesbian] She’s brash, tomboyish, quick to argue and speak, and has no trouble causing mischief or minor injuries to young nobles who want her hand in marriage--and the title of count. Odette loves to battle and use physical force to get herself out of trouble. She hates flowery speeches (makes her head hurt) and is bit of an alcoholic. But Odette is fiercely protective of her people and would do almost anything to make sure their safe and laws of her land are upheld. Besides that, she can bit quite immoral towards others depending on the circumstances. Whatever she does, she does for her or for her people, no matter what.  
Princess Leandra of Arland (F) [Demisexual Bisexual]: Sheltered, shy, and uncertain, Leandra has trouble coping with the burdens her family has placed upon her. She feels second best towards her sister and matters of the heart and the idea of rebellion are foreign to her. She is considerate and bends over backwards to help someone to the point of self-sacrificing. Yet Leandra yearns for freedom, to actually do things she enjoys or speak her mind, if only a little. Change scares her but also entices her greatly.  
Lady Morrigan of Revaire (F) [Heterosexual]: Married at a young age, Morrigan grew up fast and learned some more tricks at court and became skilled at persuasion and manipulation very early on. She can make you eat out of the palm of her hand and ask for more, if she felt like it. Morrigan gives off a very dominatrix vibe yet can adjust to certain people and interact with them differently. She’s chameleon and only a very few people know the real her. While she enjoys reading in-between the lines, she finds honesty and bluntness (even it’s rather rude or offensive) rather refreshing because too many don’t say what they mean or use false words to pretend they like someone they actually despise.  
Dragon Age
Una Surana (F) [Heterosexual]: With her magic, sword, and shield, Una packs quite a punch for being so petite and frail-looking (thanks to her albinism). She loves learning and often strives to be practical and decide vital matters from the head, instead by the heart but sometimes, it’s simply not possible for her so she combines both and still tries to be objective about the decision. Una has a fearsome fighting spirit that is relentless, fueled by her will to save her country, give mages more power and freedom, butcher as many darkspawn she can, and make Fereldan a better nation. Una also is fascinated with the Orzammar and wants to get involved more with dwarves.  
Lydia Tabris (F) [Bisexual]: Is comfortable with her sexuality so she can flirt like no one’s business but it’s more of part of her greeting style and how she interacts with them. It’s quite useful getting information or playing a certain distraction role. She use to be ireful and hateful towards all humans but has learned there are some decent humans in the world as well as shitty elves. But she can hold a grudge forever and may be will not kill someone for revenge but instead, cause the offender to feel guilty enough to pay the debt or do a favor or two for her. Yet her voice is like honey and knows how to make you feel right at home if she wants to.  
Boris Brosca (M) [Pansexual]: He may be short but oh boy oh boy, is he angry. Everyone is amazed how much loathing and rage is pent up inside of him. But whenever Boris remembers how to chill, he thinks about his sister--he’s fiercely devoted to her and wants only the best for her. When Boris isn’t furious at the world, he is surprisingly a good listener and picks up what people like and don’t like, allowing him to be an excellent gift giver or good shoulder to cry on or an ear to vent. And once someone earns his respect and trust, he’ll be loyal to them till the very end. 
Maude Aeducan (F) [Heterosexual]: Proud like her ancestors, Maude bows to no one, especially since she’s Queen of Orzammar. After losing Gorrim and her place in her family, Maude put a wall around her heart and refused to reveal any ounce of vulnerability, all the while honing her political cunning and plotting vengeance as she tried to determine her role with the Grey Wardens in hopes of starting anew with a better life, if possible. Eventually, once she learned to trust again, Maude becomes fiercely protective of those she cares about and will defend their honor or attack any miscreant that dares to insult or threaten them (she tends to forget sometimes her royal heritage is not known). Maude isn’t petty but she doesn’t forget a slight. She may forgive but never forget. 
Reva Cousland (F)[Heterosexual]: A compassionate, thoughtful, and adventurous woman, Reva can easily empathize with others and learn how to help them survive and overcome the pain they’re experiencing. She is a bit flirty and will pursue what she desires but as cliche as it sounds, has a heart of gold and is willing to assist others in need. She believes the strong should protect the weak, not belittle or take advantage of them. Reva doesn’t mind giving out second chances--mainly to those she fathoms have earned or deserved it for there are few people in Thedas she can never forgive or even want to offer a second chance to. She’s also the type of noble who would prefer to have people adore or love her, not fear her. 
Sardar Mahariel (M) [Heterosexual]: At first glance, it seems Sardar rarely cares about anything or taking responsibility because he’s quick with a jape or pun (seriously, the man will not stop telling puns) and rarely answers seriously. And yet, his main reason for doing this is distract himself all the shit in the world and from his past life, his homesickness for his clan, and other horrible entities from dragging him down and forcing him to succumb to the pressure and crack from it. Humor is both his coping and defense mechanism but Sardar also enjoys sharing his humor with others to get them to smile and laugh, even for a little bit.  
Xena Hawke (F) [Pansexual]: Between her sister being seized and forced into the Chantry, her brother dying, her mother dying, and Fenris leaving her for a point in time, Xena has serious abandonment issues. She drowns her pain in ale and whores while distracting herself by killing anyone who gets in her way. She can be brutal when dealing matters but can crack a dirty joke or two. Full of passion, she burns and falls in love hard so if she crashes and her breaks, it devastates her. But if the situation needs diplomacy (or at least no violence actions), Xena will do her utmost to try and reason with the opposing parties at hand.  
Aegnus Hawke (M) [Bisexual]: Typical Red Hawke. Constantly wrathful and fuels his rage into his fighting style and is more of a hit now, ask questions later kind of fellow. He is quick to judge and dole out punishment. You don’t want to get on his bad side for he’s a fuse and you don’t want to be nearby when he explodes. He loved his family so much that when each of them died or was forced from his arms (he almost killed a Templar when Bethany was taken away), his ire and bitterness increased. He’s into free love and takes pleasure when he can get it but finds bloodlust more gratifying than sex (unless he’s with Isabela).
Brynhild Hawke (F) [Heterosexual]: A true Purple Hawke. Brynhild hides her pain with jokes, impish grins, sarcasm (lots of sarcasm), and wit. It’s hard to tell whether or not she takes anything seriously with her laughing all her worries away. Her sarcasm can become dark and biting, lashing at those who pry into her affairs too much or severely hurt her and try to come back for more. She also takes pride in being a mage and isn’t shy to use magic or flaunt. She is curious about blood magic but knows it’s a dangerous tool that can corrupt a mage almost instantly so she only reads accounts of blood magic, for the sake of magic and fascination.
Kai Cadash (M) [Gay]: Lazy, oh so extremely lazy and doesn’t like making decisions--takes up too much time, thinking, and anything else he’d rather be doing. Kai loves sleeping in (despises mornings with an extreme passion), making forts, goofying around, and singing songs, especially good ole dwarven ballads, straight from Orzammar! Even though he was a smuggler in the Carta, Kai didn’t care much for violence and tried finding a way to eventually get out of the group he disliked so much. Hence, he tries to be more diplomatic (when it’s not too much of a bother) but his methods can be quite unconventional.
Morana Adaar (F) [Bisexual]: If you try to put her in chains or lock her up, she will butcher you with her bare hands, no magic required. If though she never experienced life as a mage under the Qun, Morana still values her freedom and independence and will battle bloody to defend that and the same right for others, regardless of their race or standing. She’s amusing, insightful, practical, is there to support her friends, advisers, or any member of the Inquisition, and is never one to shy away from her affections. However, she is also the type to electrocute you with a grim smile on her face, wiping you from existence. She doesn’t get mad, she gets even--in ways you won’t expect from someone like her.
Mass Effect
Ivy Shepard (F) [Heterosexual]: A true Paragon, through and through. She has a motherly nature and always looking out for her crew. If there is time to relax, she’ll take advantage the chance and make every second count. However, just because Ivy seeks for diplomatic situations or doesn’t shoot her way through her problems doesn’t mean she isn’t a force to reckon with. She delivers the most terrifying glower and can silence anyone with a simple, intimidating stare. And then turn around and give a genuine smile and pat on the back to her friends for a job well done.  
Ivanhoe “Ivan” Shepard (M) [Heterosexual]: Very pro-human, ruthless, a full-on Renegade, and will happily use his Specter status to advance his cause and has no qualms in working with Ceberus in the beginning (understood and believed in parts of their causes but never liked working for the Illusive Man) and eventually rebelled against everything Cerberus stood for. He might be very pro human and let the Council die when he saw a chance for a full human council members but he just thinks Cerberus crossed the line with many of their experiments and shadowy dealings. Additionally, Ivanhoe will punch anyone who makes fun of his name (better just call him “Ivan”), he’s a loose canon, full of vigor, and ready to stomp out those who threaten him, his crew, and ship.
Izzy Shepard (F) [Heterosexual]: Swears like a sailor and drinks like one, Izzy is a bomshell, relishing in the thrill of combat and cleaning her opponents’ clock with bullets or nice sock in the jaw. Domination is her middle name and some of her foes have the habit of running away when they hear she’s near because if she’s feeling benevolent enough to take prisoners, her questioning methods are not a piece of cake. Relentless and determined, Izzy does what she can to get the job done but despite her reputation, she won’t go on a killing spree or endanger lives for the sake of a mission. In fact, her past heroic acts have helped her trying to stop and plan her actions for the long-term and deal with making practical, sound decisions for the good of all--even if she’d rather punch the person and be done with it, reasonable be damned. Compared to Ivanhoe and Ivy, Izzy is the most flirtatious one and can be bit of tease.  
Kyle Shepard (M)[Heterosexual/Asexual/Bi-curious]: Despite his protests or denials, this man is a bloody saint. Kindness radiates from him and he can make anyone feel safe under his care due to his warm, understanding eyes and gentle voice. Kyle is a tranquil man but will be one of the first to defend his friends and family if danger approaches. He’s also a bit self-deprecating, loves a good joke or pun, and is there to help someone out in need. Kyle also loves learning about other races’ culture and is a big fan of quarian music.   
Courier Natia Yilmaz (F)[Heterosexual but could lean towards Bisexual or Pansexaul]: Former New Vegas singer turned courier, Natia is a pragmatic, charismatic woman who decided to dedicate her life to assist and save others, especially the less unfortunate. She is a generous, compassionate soul who loves to learn and doesn’t shun or turn anyone away, regardless of they’re human, ghoul, robot, etc. If you need someone to trust with a secret or going through some rough patches and need someone to confide to, Natia is your gal. Additionally, she’s amazing singer who still senses the call and lure of music and can’t resist singing a tune every now and then. 
Sole Survivor Min-Ju Zhou (F)[Undecided]: Min-Ju (“Min” to those close to her and only her late husband was allowed to call her “Min-Min”) is temperamental, a bit of a hothead, and can hold a fire of rage or hatred burning inside her for days, weeks, or months even, depending on what caused her to be so wrathful in the first place. She is the type to shoot first, and maybe ask questions later. It’s hard to calm her down once she’s furious or feeling moody but chocolate or beer are good bribes, if you have some on hand. Dogs and cats are probably one of the very few creatures that are safe from Min whenever she goes on a rampage to find her son or take revenge on those who kidnapped him from her.   
RPs (Goetterdaemmerung, ME: A Creature Without Fear)
Delyth Toirrell nee Crewe (F) [Heterosexual]:  A woman who has both seen and done much, Delyth was once a wife, and mother of nine children. Despite losing all that in a single night, she still has a motherly air about her, even though she tries to suppress and erase all emotions. She is serene, collected, perceptive but if one looks deep and hard enough, they’ll realize an aura of forlornness surrounds her, accompanied by icy fury and an iron will and appetite to protect her country and right the wrongs against her family.
Judith Jokinen (F) [Pansexual]: A smuggler and woman of many desires, Judith is the type who, once she sets her mind on something (or someone), she’ll go after it, no matter what. She isn’t afraid of obtaining what she wants; the hunt of this love game thrills her. She pursues passion to its fullest and loves experimenting—especially in sex. Her nature is bold, blunt, and flirtatious, and she reeks of confidence, so much so that it’s daunting and intimidating to others. However, she has a nasty sadistic steak in her, an imprint left on her turbulent childhood and the beginning stages of her adult life.
Savitr Noaldis (M) [Bisexual]: Witty, flirtatious, and utterly shameless, Savitr makes his attraction to others known and isn’t shy to show off his sexuality or skin, despite being a drell. While being a successful businessman and lover, he also is a free-lanced hacker whose skills are practically legendary—a talent he honed ever since he was in the foster system. Yet coldness and cruelty become one within him if anyone where to ever harm someone close to him (usually it’s just Judith) or betray his trust.
Bryn Whelan (F) [Heterosexual but might shift towards Bisexual or Pansexual]: Bryn has had a rough childhood and adult life, with one of her more positive moments of being in the Alliance Black Ops. But she lost her mother and older brother to the Repears when she was two and then twenty years later, when she was on vacation and visiting her family, slavers came to her home planet. Her father was shot down in front of her eyes and soon after, Bryn ended up witnessing her sister’s suicide during their first day being under the slavers’ captivity. This experience only harden her already hard heart and darkened her mind, immediately setting her on a course for vengeance and ready to shun additional attachments that might distract her from her goal. But despite that attempt, Bryn does secretly long for companionship and friendships, for she experienced very little of that when she was a child and only has some Black-Ops members as true friends. In addition, when Bryn is angry, her rage is like water, smooth, furtive, but completely crushing. If you go against her, be ready to avoid any deadly sniper assailments. 
Dagnes Radraste (M) [Straight/Asexual]: Full name: Dagnes Ilkar Talholaan Idres Michorex Radraste. Radraste is a very professional, strict, and cordial salarian and never much of a rule-breaker; he practically lives by the rules set by the establishment. If there not supposed to be rules (like in the case for the Spectres) and it’s for a good reason, then he obeys that lack of rules as well. . By nature, he is also quite nosy but is furtive about it. He loves delving into other people’s secrets and gaining any information that will be useful to him and his employers. Also not a fan of violence and will look for ways to settle a matter peacefully and diplomatically. 
Farion Vandrium (M) [Heterosexual]: Cocky and forthright, Farion is your typical alpha male. When he knows he’s the strongest or cleverest in the room, he’ll make everyone else knows it and respects him. He’s a daring character, unable to resist a challenge (backing down from one isn’t an option) until he wins. Many of his kind would call Farion a “bad turian” because of his rebellious nature and disregard for discipline and the rules. He hates succumbing to authority and does what he can to mock it; he has no wish to be under someone’s rule for long. His wild personality leaves him to be a difficult person to control and tame, very few can constrain him and predict his volatile moods. Yet Farion almost enjoys being the black sheep in his family because he does what he wants and what pleases him. Authority can kiss his ass.
Aqil’Osher vas Cerberus (M) [Gay]: A courteous and amicable quarian, Aqil never forgets his manners, whether he is with a stranger and or a dear friend, being polite is simply in his nature. He is easy to get along with and as a gentle, fair, and balanced nature, for he refuses to let negative emotions cloud his actions or decrease his manners or behaviors. He is a fan of traditional and enjoys looking back in time to study and learn from the past. To him, one can always understand a thing or two from tradition and past ideas and technology, even if they are considered, dead, obsolete, or no longer relevant for the future. Family and loyalty are two important values to him, ones he will fiercely and unyieldingly protect, no matter what. 
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