#it’s almost been 100 days since then
dailyjevil · 4 months
Jevil get the banana
P o t a s s i u m
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Day 158 of posting Jevil every day
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hunterfromtheabyss · 2 months
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happy fifth anniversary, arknights!
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priceofreedom · 4 months
funny how everyone seemed to adore Zack until he started having more screentime...
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sneepy cozy....
#cats#(medical stuff mention for tags)#poasting confortable image of boye for peace and serenity and such forthe#I have little weird episodes sometimes where I get shaky (but like violently like 'would spill a drink if you were holding it beacuse#your hands are moving so much' type shaky) and weird and sick feeling but usually it passes in an hour or less. but last night I just#literally couldnt sleep I was shaking so much and my heartrate was up a ton and wouldn't go down even after like 6 hours plus super nausea#so I went to the hospital and now shall wear a heart monitor for a week. which hopefully it's just some weird drastic low blood sugar#event or something and there's nothing actually going on. ekg + ct scan for blod clots + virus panel + almost all of the blood work seems#normal so... aa.......#Though me being so privacy focused hrggh... I basically have a constantly bluetooth connected device around me#since the monitor comes with a cell phone that is constantly transmitting data to the place. which they said they'll call you#if they see anything weird which is also scary. random phone calls... but definitely better than letting an issue go unadressed lol#the phone is also not meant to be more than 10 feet away from the monitor at any time so I put on this old tactical fishing#vest thing thats like navy green with 100 pockets and im just using one of the giant pocketson the side as a phone holder#my enormous silly vest just to keep one little phone#ANYWAY... because I got up early the morning before and didn't sleep at all and spent nearly all day in waiting rooms and such#I have been awake for like 32 hours striaght. which I'm sure also does not help with an elevated heartrate lol#feeling shrimp emotions or whatever people talk about unlocking at a certain level of stress and sleep deprivation#and also no food or water. after a while they brought me like 3 saltines and some ice water but I basically also haven't eaten since 3am#last night and it's 2pm now..#thus............ bapy............. baby boye....... he will help ease all ailments with his baby powers...#And no I dont drink energy drinks or anything with caffiene really I'm afraid of all substances on the planet essentially#My body just likes to become shaky and weird randomly even when I'm not conciously anxious about anything/have had no caffiene/etc#and I guess I'm always more nervous about getting anything heart related checked out because of my arm/shoulder/chest area injury stuff#... i literally have constant chest pain all the time. it moves around but i nearly always have some sort of pain or pressure in my chest#so when people are like 'oh well a little weird heartrate is fine but watch out if you have pain!' it's like... i always do lol.. how am I#supposed to tell the Bad Pain apart from the Always Pain when the descriptions of Bad Pain are very very similar#AAAANYway.... hrghh... i wanted to be very productive and finally post drafts and wrok on things today. but alas..#I can at least post small image of soft boye.. though he recently got into stuff in the bathroom whilst left#alone and knocked things into the toilet.. So perhaps not an innocent and NICE boy.. but still.. a soft one .. beautfile....
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copper-skulls · 7 months
@thornwolfy235 replied to your post “"haha wha tif I gave the vampire au grillby...”:
I must know more about firebirb with sword.
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He's still heavily fire-aligned, and MAN does he give off incredible amounts of heat, but the only "fire" part of him is really, his crest and partially his tail (and even then, if you rifle through it, it's a weird feather+fire mixture at the base). He's very much solid under all that fluff.
All his feathers, whether golden or crimson, give off incredible amounts of light, even after being shed. So while this massive bird form is great for fast moving around, he's also a massive, glowing target, so his tactic of choice is flying into enemy lines, transforming into his more compact, humanoid form and then wreaking havoc with his claymore and fire magic on the ground. inventory magic comes really in handy, though he might have some kind of sword strap even in his birb form i'm not really sure. lol
Firebirds are not from the part of the world where the war takes place; he's traveled a bit. not entirely of his own volition, sometimes. firebird feathers are highly valuable and their song highly coveted; he has some Bad Experiences. he also has language troubles for a while but since he doesn't talk much it's not that. apparent.
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anarcho-masochist · 7 months
It really is like my brain went, "Wow, those are powerful intrusive thoughts you've got there. You know what's more powerful? Your desire to see this guy traumatized. Have 1.5 days of maladaptive daydreaming about them."
#I'm predicting this will continue for what's left of today#'pulled myself out of it' now but just enough to do things like post online and eat#I predict I'll return#I got up for the first time today (it's 7pm) and was suprised at how weak and shaky i felt#thought 'it is almost as if I experienced everything from the daydream. the power of one's mind over their physical well-being truly is#exceptional isn't it?' and then realized since I hadn't gotten up today I hadn't eaten and 'breakfast' was in the daydream#(was having trouble remembering whether it was or wasn't)#and of course knew I hadn't yesterday save for breakfast#which was real. I ate it outside and it was nice.#oh yeah and yahto fronted for like 10 minutes earlier but all he did was respond to our friend on the main blog and then we switched again#So it really has been a solid 1.5 days of nothing but daydreaming#Not about Cedar this is about the other one#Cedar also featured prominently. He just wasn't the main draw.#It was a coherent plotline but I wouldn't tell not-cedar the details of it on pain of death#I need something to call this person other than “not-cedar” or just using pronouns that WILL NOT communicate to them that it's them#And it's technically people not person but I don't know which they prefer#100% of people I've gotten obsessed with are also plural (all 2 of them) (or 14(?) depending on how you count it)#(Actually. Since I'm specifically obsessed with Cedar not his whole system it's more like 6? people)#(I'm not sure if there's a particular alter I like the most in the second system)
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dailyzawa · 8 months
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oct 16: objecthead
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six-of-ravens · 6 months
goal for tonight is to get to page 200 of this book. im on page 130 now, so that should be doable...
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cinnamon-notes · 4 months
i can't sleep :c
#and i think it's because i kinda have a lot on my plate rn#and lately i've gotten back into journaling- which is something im really proud of- cuz you know when i was with my ex i could never have my#own privacy so i had to give up journaling- which is something i had been doing nonstop since i was five and i could barely write#grammatically correct sentences- and im happy that im eventually journaling again- i really am- but this means that i do not know how to#handle my feelings unless i write- and today i was too depressed to write#cuz stuff happened at work as it usually does and im almost on my period and my PMS is killing me#then this man decided to tell me im incapable of loving and i will never find someone to love me back and that im a bad person and that im#uncaring and this hurt so much although i knew he was teasing- it still hurt!#then this other guy said im unreliable cuz i didn't show up for a task that was even optional and i had never 100% agreed on before#and i didn't show up because: depression + pms getting worse + had to figure out some bureaucratic shit that was pivotal and urgent#i talked to the moon this morning#that conversation we had (yeah i believe she replied) was the most meaningful thing of the day#so rn im just focusing on replaying it in my head because it was sweet and it was cathartic and i wanna do that tomorrow again#so im looking forward to it#while stupid voices in my head keep telling me that man is right and i AM a bad person who can't love and cant be loved#while stupid voices in my head tell me people are better off without me#ugh- i really cannot sleep- i have a lot of anxiety#and i hate that the most of it is caused by that stupid man i really hate that man#cinnamon darkness
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sickmachete · 1 year
fucked up that i need another car to jump my cars battery i should be able to just plug it into my skin and do it myself
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ibijau · 2 years
100 Shades of Xisang: 33. Jane Eyre AU
“Jin Rusong is the master’s ward,” the old lady explained with a warm smile. “A good child, a little peculiar, a little quiet… I’m not sure, but I believe he saw his parents die.”
Lan Xichen’s heart squeezed sympathetically. Being an orphan himself, and having lost his parents young to be raised by distant relatives, the Wens, he knew how painful such a childhood could be. He promised himself that little Rusong would have a more pleasant time of things, at least as much as possible when he was nothing more than a hired teacher.
“When may I meet…” Lan Xichen tried to ask, only for a terrifying roar to resonate through the house, startling him so much he nearly dropped his bag.
It was a loud, inhuman sound, like a great wounded beast, and yet the housekeeper barely reacted.
“This is an old house,” she explained. “There’s some issues with missing tiles on the roof, and the wind creates odd noises as a result.”
“Shouldn’t that be fixed?”
“Master Nie has hired a man, Wei Wuxian, to deal with it if he manages.”
Lan Xichen hoped it would be repaired soon. A sound like that could drive one mad.
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Byakuya is one of the most complex characters in Bleach, presenting as villainous early on but with multiple layers of complexity that are explained throughout the franchise. He is calm and collected 98.5% of the time, and is incredibly powerful and controlled. His skill is rivaled by few, but respected by many. Without spoiling anything, he is truly a bedrock of the series and generally considered to be a fan favorite. There might be some better examples of this, but I believe he is a great example of the D&D high wizard analogue for the shinigami. Take that as you will, I have simply observed the characters you tend to favor in other stories and he sort of screams your type. That’s all. I certainly did not mean to offend or confuse with my comment.
No way, anon, you totally did not offend with your comment. It was SO entertaining to me. Reading all this, I am very intrigued to get further in the series than I did last time, because this is definitely my type.
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Misc daily life images
#image commentary in tags once again since they don't allow captions anymore and I feel weird using the alt text for that --#1. COLUMBINEEEE... (I think..???) one of my favorite flowers... I managed to grow a small one in a pot last year. huzzah#2. spicy soup for lunch (another very rare lunch since I usually eat literally the same exact thing every day for my stomach#issues and stuff lol).. also made a fruit smoothie but put tapioca boba in it out of curiosity.. which was weird#3. woven cucumber shavings.. one of the many little meticulous tasks that I find oddly fun and could probably do for hours#4. A RED FOUR LEAF CLOVER!!!! There are some patches of clover in the yard that have weird red coloring and red spots on them#almost like it's some sort of damage or something but it seems natural (and I wonder if it has to do with plants that grow around them at#all since these 'green clovers but where some of them are variously spotted in red' patches happen to be next to patches of weeds/#grouncover that also have red stems and stuff.) but so in the yard it is rare to find a red clover#and also rare to find a four leaf clover. so a RED four leaf clover is the most rare... special child..#5. bapy son on the heating pad (featuring my stinky little toast shaped 2ds lol... i wonder if theyve been obsolete so long that maybe#3ds are actually affordable now (under $100).. hrmm...)#6. Another wii fit mingame score. I'm not sure if this is even lower than the other ones or anything. I never go back to compare them lol#if a score seems good enough to possibly be my best I just take apicture of it anyway. I should probably at some point check what#the 'best' even actually is. I wish the wii always told you ur Best score instead of just your Last score on those games. It does on every#other game but seemingly not the daily fitness check in minigame ones. hrmm..#7. little clovery things covered in beautiful water droplets#8. sky again. of course#photo diary
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mattynmarns · 1 year
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i want her.... but she doesn't even know I exist!!!!!
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miss-shirley · 1 year
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13.02.23 - Day 41/103
Not a bad day considering it's Monday 😌
used up leftovers
tidied a bit
prepared the last lesson for tomorrow
sorted out some tasks for a student that's leaving for three weeks
continued transcribing a piano piece from a midi video so I can learn it
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