#it was my lil treat hee hee <3
thousand autumns donghua, episode 7~
things are not looking great for shen qiao. first he's betrayed by his shidi, then he's accosted by this old man who wants to bang him, now he's left his old sect behind... rip bby 😔 the old man is enjoying his sorry state a bit TOO much lol WHAT HOW DID HE MAKE THAT FLOWER EXPLODE??? HOLY SHIT HE MADE PETALS INTO A FLOWER AND THEN BROKE IT??? THATS SO COOL??? oh uhhhh there's something about a ring, good and evil, and clearing out mt xuandu or sth idk *shrug* yws: A-QIAO I HEARD U HAVE THAT GAY THOUGHT. SHARE IT A-QIAO. SHARE UR GAY THOUGHTS WITH ME. >:) now the old man and shen qiao are on a date. let's see if shen qiao will be allowed to drink without coughing or eat without fighting anyone :D damn nicholas cage is LOOSE in the jianghu, i can't believe he's just going round taking ppl's faces…….off ;A; ITS HARD TO CONCENTRATE WHEN SO MANY PPL TALK AT ONCE, AND THE SUBTITLES SHOW ME THE DIALOGUE FOR BOTH. PLS ....aaaaaand it's no dinner for shen qiao. AGAIN. smh 😩 oh god he's being a menace again. the old man, not nicholas cage. although nicholas cage also being a menace too somewhere out there is certainly possible, idk yws: oh?? ur gonna go ''''practise'''' alone in ur room??? when u could ''''practise'''' with ME instead???? >;DDD shen qiao: u are being kind of annoying :/ a lot of yws's dialogue are just hums of varying tones to express varying amounts of disdain and horny. i respect that shen qiao constantly being dismissed bc of his appearance is both frustrating and hilarious. esp when he gets the chance to LAY THE SMACKDOWN on his bullies 💪😤 WOO FIGHT SCENE! HELL YEAH! GO SHEN QIAO!!! SHOW THAT XIAOZI WHAT'S UP!!! oh!! he apologised! what a nice young man, he learnt a lesson! good for him! i take back what i said, ur not a brat 😊 DAMN RIGHT BEING NICE IS NOT BEING A PUSHOVER. THANK U FOR SAYING SO!! LISTEN TO SHEN QIAO, HE'S CORRECT!! gasp!! it's MY SON!! YU SHENGYAN!!! (see i remembered his name this time. all on my own. i'm LEARNING y'all) oh my gOD THAT FREAK WANTS HIS FACE!! LET GO OF MY SON'S FACE U MONSTER!! huo xijing: here is ur friend's face lol. i did u a favour, can i have urs too?? lol yws: ONLY I MAY KILL YU SHENGYAN AND PEEL OFF HIS FA--did u just. did u just call me old WHY IS EVERYONE OBSESSED WITH HOW HOT SHEN QIAO IS??? i mean they're right BUT THEY ALL KEEP TALKING ABOUT IT, IT'S SO STRANGE???? hxj: ooh a pretty boy, i'll take his face instead! :D sq: no :/ oh jesus who's this now?? too many new friends at once, im overwhelmed, im so confused ;A; AH!! yuan xiuxiu!! she's a LADY SECT LEADER??? i didn't know they had those!!! oh but the poor thing hasn't even got any shoes, how sad smh 😔 somebody fetch her a pair of slippers or something, this is so sad omg 😔 yxx: tee hee, im seductive and pretty~ yws: back off, tart, im gay >:( awww shen qiao wants to avenge that poor tortured lass ;A; he's such a good man, i really like him a lot ;A; i love how huo xijing is willing to literally peel faces off of human skulls, but the SECONDsomebody had him at a disadvantage, it's 'uuuuwww shen-laoshi, have mercyyy on meeeee uwu' GOT EM!!! GOOD ONE SHEN QIAO!!! U SHOWED HIM SHEN QIAO!!! 💪😤 yxx: how dare u kill my pet murderer??! *attacks the sick man* yws: BACK OFF BITCH, HE'S MINE D:< AWW HE'S HE'S MAKING SURE SHEN QIAO IS OK??? THAT'S SO CUTE????? the old man doesn't know it yet, but he's totally gonna fall in love for real and he's gonna be MISERABLE and im gonna laugh SO HARD >:D i look forward to ur suffering, yan wushi!! 😄
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