#it sits in my drafts till I remember it again and get anxiety about it💀💀
ralofofriverwoods · 6 months
1, 3, 9, and 12 for the weird oc questions ask games for any of your lads?
Apparently this did not post so. Im so very sorry I did not ignore ur ask on purpose :(
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Doing some for different characters this time!!! I love my dragonborn trinity but my other guys need some love too <3
Also this took. So much longer than i thought it would I am so sorry haha I promise I was not intending to take so long😭
1. what’s the lie your character says most often
"it's whatever. Don't look into it." Wrong. Look into it so much. Technically not a lie, but it's the opposite of what ithvozal would actually want to happen, so it could be called a lie if u look at it at a 37 degree angle. The best way to describe it would be kind of a tsundere thing?? They just aren't used to being nice to people on purpose, so when they are they get a little cagey and annoyed about it.
As for real lies, they avoid them as much as possible. Things always get confusing when all the info doesn't line up, which is something they hate more than anything
Alriac doesn’t make a habit of lying, but out of everything he’s prolly lied most about his ability to just kinda. Turn into a merman on command. And everything related to that. He also lies quite a lot about where he goes to anyone that asks. He’s never said the same place twice.
3. how often do they show emotion to others versus just the audience knowing?
Ithvozal didn't grow up around a lot of new ish people, like travelers and whatnot, and most of the people they grew up with didn't have the expectation of performing emotions to the degree that most people would consider normal. Because of this they appear to be very stoic to the usual traveler or surface dweller. If you know them well it's very obvious that they emote quite a lot, if not as strongly. They're the type of character that gets accused of being emotionless and cold by the fandom
Oh alriac absolutely wears his heart on his sleeve. He's never concealed anything a day in his life and everyone he's ever known knows that. He cried because he accidentally startled a really cute fish. He cried because he thought birds didn't live any longer than a week. He's been absolutely ecstatic over a bee landing on his arm. He is so full of joy and whimsy that it's physically impossible to keep it all in.
9. do they give tough love or gentle love most often? Which do they prefer to receive?
Oh ithvozal gives only the toughest of love! When demonstrating it via things like gifts and actions it's very obvious that they're extremely thoughtful about what they're doing, but when it comes to more direct things like physical affection or thankfulness it's a lot harder to tell that it's love and not just how you'd affectionately bully a friend. They mostly use weaker punches when doing physical affection, but their version of a weak punch is the same as most people trying to actually fight. Hence a lot of the meaning kind of gets misconstrued with those. They prefer indirect things like actions and gifts, but they're not opposed to other types of love from the right people. They're used to tough love, but gentle love is also very appreciated.
Alriac doesn't necessarily have gentle love, per se, but it's not tough love. It's more extremely intense than anything else. Like when a cat loves you so much they're very strongly kneading against your leg, and like yeah those claws are digging into your skin like hell but theyre just so cute and sweet and they mean so well, so can you really blame em?? He needs to get told to calm down sometimes, but he doesn't mind. As long as he can still demonstrate his love he's happy. He likes it when people match his energy, no matter what type of love it is. Ithvozal is great friends with him for this reason! They get pretty close to matching it in his eyes.
12. what’s something that makes them laugh a little every time? Be specific!
Ithvozal doesn’t really surround themselves with things that would be considered funny/particularly joyful by most standards, but they always get a kick out of the dwarven automata being a little dumb. Between the spiders that are prone to falling off ledges and getting startled to the spheres that smack their heads on shelves, there’s plenty of things to laugh at with them. Alriac is also a rather large source of laughs for them :)
Alriac finds quite a few things laughable, but his favorite is when he messes with sailors as they panic over a ‘ghost’ on their ship(which is just him climbing up there and spooking people and messing with stuff lol). He collects jokes and stories to tell to Ithvozal as well, to try and get at least a smirk outta em! He’s gotta make up for lost time, since they didn’t become friends until about 100 years into their lives.
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