#it really is impossible to have a normal conversation in the context of israel-palestine discourse
tanadrin · 1 year
“Are you trying to say that the Palestinians aren't the original people of Judea?” what a funny way to phrase that. what ethnic group does anon think “Judea” might be named after?
This is, I'm afraid, just as stupid an ask as the original anon. Again, the Jews are not the original inhabitants of Palestine/Judea/the southwestern Fertile Crescent! In fact, according to Jewish mythology, the Jewish claim to the land rests on the divinely sanctioned massacre of its previous inhabitants, which is a very bad justification by modern standards. Indeed, the original name of the land, according to those narratives, was Canaan--after, y'know, the Canaanites. Archeologically speaking, the ancient Hebrews are a subgroup that emerges gradually out of the other Canaanite/Northwest Semitic cultures in the region--it's clear that that's not actually what happened--but these people are not culturally, genetically, or religiously identical to modern Ashkenazi, Sephardi, and Mizrahi Jews. And having an ancient ancestral link to a distant place does not in fact give you property rights over that place, or else the United States would have a right to conquer Britain, partition the country, and expel the English.
The people in southwest Asia actually haven't suffered any major population ruptures in the last 2,000 years from what I understand; what has changed enormously in that time is culture and religion--Hellenization from the conquests of Alexander, Romanization and Christianization under the Roman Empire, and Islamization and Arabization under the Muslim conquests. But genealogically the Palestinians are pretty much continuous with the ancient Hebrews. Language and religion change a lot more easily than actual people do.
And this is why treating ethnicity--which is an identity category not the same as but entangled with all these historically contingent markers like language and religion--as the primary unit of moral concerns is a bad idea. You do not get to expel people from their homes because they do not practice the ways of their ancient ancestors!
And again, let me remind you--the original inhabitants of "Judea" (which has had many names) were a group of Neanderthals whose language has been forgotten. If we're going to use names as signifiers of the original inhabitants, we should probably rename the country something in Pleistocenese, along with most of Europe and western Asia.
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