#it makes the fact that her title is the sleepingothwr so fucking ironic
amorfati-rp · 1 year
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CW: Homophobia, Attempted Child Murder
Aurora is....complicated. like Aurora has never truly decided for herself ever in her life. Her parents wanted her to be a model women a perfect feminine thing to prod around and eventually having her marry at such a young age, to a man she's not attracted to nor in love with. Aurora herself is a Lesbian, though she denies and hates such claims. Which causes a lot of questions.
Aurora hates her own feminity though she still indulges in it cause it's all's he knows and yet she's so attracted to femininity at the same fucking time.
Of course, when she gave birth to Eleanor she saw the child as an anchor to this life she just ...didn't want and thought in a way that if Eleanor was just dead she could leave. Which led to her attempting to kill Eleanor through suffocation as a baby. It's awful, genuinely an awful thing to do and Aurora doesn't hide the fact that she's an awful weak person. Especially after abandoning the baby in the shade attack.
She cares mostly for her own life and even then she doesn't know what to do with said life. She's always been controlled and forced into such utter femininity so she never truly came.to understand herself.outaide of those things. And she's too scared to find out now.
Aurora is good at cooking,cleaning, sewing, etc. But all in all Aurora's relationship with motherhood and feminine sexuality is just...utter fucking denial and avoidance. Which in the end for an awful woman like her, isn't a life of doubt what she deserves?
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