#it is annoying tho bc i only have 18 days between periods. which i think is irregularly short? but its like always been that way and its
opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
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chelsanitys · 7 years
i find it super interesting what you said earlier about dw and trying to push their relationship - for all the hype vm give and get about "working on their relationship" theirs seems the most natural? idk, compared to dw, pc, cb, wp, even ss or hb - vm come off as the most natural chemistry together? everyone else seems to have to force/push their relationship whereas w/ vm it just happens. interesting bc they always talk about working on it. are there others like vm? curious as to your thoughts
i mean i think vm definitely had periods where their chemistry seemed super forced imo, esp during seasons but also during some performances of their polka. i think it really started falling flat for me when they started actively playing into it with all the annoying hand-kissing and saccharine love-gazing which didnt seem *TESSA BUZZ WORD* authentic to me at all. it’s also the problem i sometimes have with madi and zach and their excessively sappy programs - its so heavyhanded and without subtlety, its like being whacked over the head with a giant pink valentine’s day card and its just Too Much
i think a lot of teams have a good connection with each other tho - p/c do and weapo do and the shibs do. i think what sets vm apart is prob that their connection is very clearly romantic/sexual whereas the others are potent in more abstract ways and i guess ppl r just dumbasses who recognize and connect to romance more easily lmao. like everything they do is romantic - if you gave the shibs fix you fd to them, this program about brother-sister love and familial support would’ve been about 2 ppl who wanna bone. if you gave p/c’s fd from this year to them, this program about ~metaphysical art~ would’ve been about 2 ppl who wanna bone. this is just who they r. as for who else has vm-esque chemistry, hawayek/baker kinda do imo, but kaitlin also looks like she’s really trying for it sometimes. hubbell/donohue are prob the closest, but i also find them way cheesier than vm have ever been. like they are very vm when vm were 18 and 20, which idk is as effective when they're a good deal older
also i feel like there’s a distinction between having a good relationship and having good chemistry ie. nikita/elena were a personal disaster but were electric together on the ice, madi/evan are ~allegedly~ dating but look like two aliens who just met on the ice for the first time. vm clearly only skate well when their relationship is working tho
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