#it feels like someone just googled a russian folklorist and afanasyev just came up and they were like cool good enough
souplups · 4 months
in john wick: chapter 3 - parabellum, john wick stores his precious items inside a copy of a fake alexander afanasyev’s book called “the russian folktale”.
however, this is a stupid idea because afavasyev is one of the most notable russian folklorists and his very real books of russian fairytales would be one of the first places you would look if you went looking for literally any info on the baba yaga. not to mention, he has a book called “russian folk-tales”. oh, i hear you say, maybe they went with just a slightly different name but noooo, afavasyev doesn’t even have a book released in 1864. the real book wasn’t even translated till 1916 and you can find at the new york public library.
john should have at least gone with someone who can’t be found on the baba yaga wikipedia page, like come on, man. i think mr. jardani jovonovich could probably come up with a pytor polevoy’s skazki or maybe even take it out of a library context and it could be ivan snegiryov with a lubok?!?? hell, if he doesn't mind going a bit british with it then edith hodgett’s is credited with an early english translation of “vaselesa the beautiful” the very story which john wick hides his items behind.
anyway, it was cool when he killed that dude with that book in that one scene.
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