#it certainly LOOKS like Harbaugh became desperate enough to cheat after the 2020 season
angelfrommontgomery · 8 months
Pls explain the Michigan football thing more
For you I will try. I am not the most versed scholar on the topic but the background you need:
The Michigan Ohio state rivalry is rooted in an actual dispute over land (the toledo war)
From 2012-2019, Ohio state won every year
Since 2015, Michigan has been coached by Jim harbaugh, former Michigan quarterback
In 2019, tensions are high. Harbaugh has never beat Ohio state. Tensions are so high in fact, Michigan players attempt to take off an osu players shoe.
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In 2020, Michigan has a TERRIBLE season and cancels the osu game, citing covid, but many are skeptical about the real reason
Jim Harbaugh gets a NEW CONTRACT. With a pay cut. He goes from highest-paid head coach in the conference to eighth. But if he starts winning, there’s incentives in his contract to win.
2021 Michigan wins
Credit where credit is due, Michigan had a good team. No suspicions are raised
2022 they win again, after coming back in the second half. Lots of rumors about them “stealing signs”
The deal with sign stealing: to call a play, teams have signs for the coaches to communicate with players. The nfl has technology in their helmets to avoid this problem btw. It’s not illegal to have somebody scout the other teams signs during the game, but it is illegal to send somebody to another game to scout signs “in-person”. It’s also illegal to record the other teams sideline like that. This is because it would give bigger teams a big advantage while smaller schools can’t afford to bankroll spying.
OCTOBER 2023: it breaks that Michigan had a staffer stealing signs. most people assume this story will amount to nothing. It’s hard to prove sign stealing.
THEN it comes out that this Michigan staffer bought 30 tickets over the past three years (since…2021… when they were better…) in his own name on his own credit card. His venmo transactions are public and he appears to be paying others to go to the games and record for him.
Rumors on message boards confirmed:
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Many people suggest he could have been a lone actor, who decided to do this on his own, which would lessen the penalty.
THEN it comes out how crazy this guy is. He wrote a 500 page plan to become Michigan head coach in 15 years called his “Michigan manifesto”. He also includes other buddies of his that are coaching staff at other schools.
We all think it’s over, this guy is crazy and did this by himself. How sad for all the Michigan haters
Just a few hours later, the news drops that Michigan computers had detailed budgets and schedules of the sign stealing operations.
So not only was this guy crazy and wrote a Michigan manifesto, the entire program was participating in the cheating with him at the lead. It’s the best of both worlds for a hater like me
Many other rumors are still out there waiting to be confirmed, like the rumor that Michigan shared their knowledge of Tennessee’s signs so their opponent could ruin their championship chances.
Among the rumors
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Is the cheating staffer on the sidelines of a Michigan state game???? It certainly looks like it
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Note that he hides his face during the tv broadcast. And he wears shades at a 7pm game
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How much crazier can this get? Will Jim Harbaugh leave? How much did this effect the 21/22 championships? Did they share the illegal signs? Will Michigan have to vacate their 2021-2022 wins? That would restore Ohio states winning streak… but we won’t know until the end of the season. Michigan hasn’t played since this news broke, but they are back this weekend. We will see how they look. This is the best thing that ever happened to a Michigan hater like me
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