#isnt it already enough im writing rarepairs
the-kipsabian · 11 months
like im already struggling for reach for my fics and stuff and now i gotta limit who gets to it and shit so im just like 🫠
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the-kipsabian · 4 months
you're genuinely a great writer, and you've improved a lot since i've been following you. you're really very talented! you get low engagement because you write for a rarepair, in an already not-so-big fanbase. the whole thing with fanfiction is that people read about what they know, stories that expand the media that they already like. if you want to write about something you're passionate about: continue going the way you are. you're improving, and learning, and getting experience. if you want engagement, write for a popular fandom. you have to choose your path. i understand it's frustrating, but not even the most skilled, perfectly articulate and endlessly evocative writer can get engagement in a tiny fandom. 's just how this works, man. it sucks.
like see. i totally understand this. trust me this isnt my first rodeo with stuff like this, unfortunately
the thing thats mostly frustrating to me is that the interactions have stopped almost entirely. that they used to be there once. yeah most notes in any of my posts are still my own reblogs, but there used to be actual interactions there. there were tags in reblogs. there were reblogs and likes. now theres barely anything when i do share something
like yes i get it, this is a very small rarepair in a niche fandom, and im not expecting a lot. im expecting the bare minimum above nothing. and for the most part there isnt anything there anymore. i know theres a lot of reasons for this, and im not blaming anyone or whatever, i dont want it to sound like that - i just want to be seen and i dont think that should be too much to ask even in the case of a small rarepair in a niche fandom
that being said, yeah no im not changing anything im doing. this is where my passion and my heart is and this is what i enjoy doing and what makes me happy. i never wanted to be "popular"; again, i just wanted to be seen. and seeing the curve of interactions going down from the previously already small numbers just makes me sad. ive thankfully gotten into the mindset of wanting to really only write for myself and one other person who i know genuinely likes my work, and thats good enough for me. which i guess is contradictory to what ive been saying, but i think despite that im allowed to be a little sad about this whole thing. i think every artist just wants to be seen and heard at times, no matter what
anyways, i appreciate you nonnie. im just sad cause the amount of energy it takes to put something out there and then not getting anything back, when im already hanging by a thread at almost all times so its very taxing. so like. i dont know
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