#is the exact surgeon i had previously made my consult with when my usual gastro referred me
eldritchmochi · 10 months
i have been freed from the hospital!! but basically only because the only things i could eat from the hospital cafeteria was chips and sweets thanks to my allium allergy, which is not ideal. i still feel like absolute dogshit tho, but at least i can better manage my eating because like, i can make it myself lmao
i do not get to go back to work until i can reliably eat without having to immediately lay down for two hours with Sandwich Sweats, BUT somehow??? i feel like i actually have spoons to spare for the first time in a million years, so im hoping i can like, finish the last of our unpacking and write and maybe build my ashton wig so i can get pics with taliesin in cosplay in sept, even if it ends up being closet cosplay
but well see if i can last thru to my surgical consult in two weeks or if i end up BACK in the er because im all stoppered up again
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