#instead of constantly resenting it so people on the internet dont call you weird
cookiedrm · 6 months
"omg i had such a bad dsmp phase gross" "i cant believe i even liked them" "i wasnt in *that* part of the fandom" its okay to say you had fun and have moved on, you all know that right? the pressure to resent something just because the majority of people think its weird is honestly so sad. dsmp was not perfect obviously. it wasnt even planned. But it helped so many people discover things about themselves that still stick with them today even now that they've moved on. fanfictions, edits, fanart, friendships. and you should never feel like you have to put your old self down just because you enjoyed what you did. you had fun. you should never feel bad for having fun. especially if youre a younger person in this fandom.
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