#instead of breathing fire satan spews lava at you
A small list of the powers I think they'd have as dragons:
-Lucifer can definitely breathe fire, and maybe do smokescreens
-I'm not sure if this is a power persay but I feel like his scales are shiny and can refract light to make him invisible/less seen, as well as being extremely fast
-Levi can probably communicate with aquatic animals, I kind of hc that he can do that already tho. And maybe he's much much faster in water than on land, almost as fast as Mammon
-Satan can probably also breathe fire, but I feel like he has a heat sense that can go through objects like rock and stuff! Like Thermal Vision if that makes sense
-For Asmo I think he can mimic sounds like a siren! I'd imagine he can do it almost perfectly and sometimes uses it to play jokes on his brothers and ik lol
-I'm not also not sure if this one is a power, but I feel like Beel can eat and regurgitate anything at will like snakes in cartoons. bery weird but other than that maybe he has 360 vision like a fly........
-Belphie I feel can shoot air blasts or maybe travel on air currents for short amounts of time....i'm honestly not sure for him but for some reason i'm tilting towards air based powers
Asmo mimicking IKs voice to get Lucifer to tell him yes to things lol
Also I think due to the style of his tail that Satan would wear a dragon skull like Cubone
ooo okay so this isn’t much of a power, but there’s this breed of wood frog that stops its heart during hibernation, so maybe belphie can do something along those lines?? maybe dragons naturally run on the hotter side, but belphie’s able to lower his body temperature to below freezing (so then when he spits the air, it’s cold enough to freeze water), and go into a hibernation state where his heart stops - which i’m realising now isn’t really a power, but it could be useful for surviving in conditions with little food??
i reckon beel can probably unhinge his jaw SUPER wide, and the wider it gets, the stronger his bite strength when he finally bites down. dude could probably sever the top off a mountain if he tried hard enough, that’s his dragon power 
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