#inspiration is stored in listening to gorillaz for five hours straight btw
brother-emperors · 2 years
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The story goes that when someone was accusing them both of plotting against Caesar, he remarked:‘It is not the fat, sleek-headed men I am afraid of, but the pale, lean ones’ – and here he pointed to Brutus and Cassius, the men who were to conspire against him and murder him.
I'm reading a book on Brutus' reception during the italian renaissance within a broader discussion of parricide and tyrannicide, it's pretty fun!
it's also been a hot minute since I've drawn some dead romans: I wanted to try out some new stuff, redesign brutus for the millionth time, and went looking for that sweet creative inspiration, and tonight I decided I'd finally crack open that roman ornament design book I got back in october and draw some columns.
anyway, I think Brutus is most fun if he stabs Caesar twice :)
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