#inneffable nutters
bubski-mcboo · 8 months
Why "No Nightingales?" It's a safe word!
@destructokitty34 this is for you - thank you for the inspiration.
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So I was reading an article which I'll link here when it becomes relevant. This post is semi-related to the "Crowley put something in Aziraphale's mouth" theory, which I didn't subscribe to until a new, related theory hit me like a sodding truck.
Strap in my ineffable nutters, this is going to be a pretty long and wild ride.
It's their song, duh.
Well, yes.
It is heavily implied, though not outright stated, that the song A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square by Vera Lynn is Aziraphale and Crowley's "song" - i.e. a song that couples sometimes choose to represent their relationship.
At the end of season one, it was playing at the Ritz, and attention was drawn to it by God. It was not acknowledged by anyone in character unless you count the pianist actually playing it.
The end of season two is the only time we hear it referenced again.
We are led to believe that this was Crowley's way of ending it with Aziraphale, albeit with one last final attempt to get him to change his mind.
Crowley has known Aziraphale for a long time. He knows Azzie's idiosyncracies, he knows when he's "going too fast" for Azzie, and has learned over the years how to gently and carefully nudge Azzie out of his comfort zone, such as introducing him to food for the first time, "the arrangement," and the holy water, to name a few off the top of my head.
Do we really believe that Crowley would make such a colossal mistake?
I concede it's possible that Crowley wasn't thinking clearly at that moment.
But here is what I think...
"No Nightingales" Is A Safe Word!
So, hear me out. Some of you may have already clunked the pieces of the puzzle together and already agree with me, and some of you might think I need to sit the f down. Both are valid, but let me say my piece anyway.
Here's how I came up with this theory.
The Clues
The theme of a couple having a song is smacked squarely in our faces with the Gabriel-Beelzebub reveal.
Sometimes a couple's song marks a particularly strong and important memory.
Sometimes a couple's song is one they happen to love, and it maybe reminds them of each other, but they never say it out loud, because they don't need to. They just know, because they never say what they're thinking, that this is "their song"
But also, sometimes a song... "Contains information in a tuneful way."
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Okay, I know Crowley didn't sing it. It's the "contains information" part that I'm latching on to. I didn't think much of that line, other than it being a "mhm, yeah that's true" kind of moment.
Until now, obviously.
Aziraphale's Reaction
Look, look, look!
Aziraphale senses something is wrong, in a different way from before. He is on full Alert.
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Look at Aziraphale's reaction. Sure, you could interpret that as,
"Oh shit, he's serious,"
but nah, see...
Here is the dialogue along with what I think the subtext is, based on Azzie's reaction: Crowley: "Exactly. No Nightingales." Crowley: "You/we are in danger." Aziraphale glares at Crowley. (taken from the audio description) Aziraphale senses something is wrong, in a different way from before. He is on full Alert. Crowley: "You idiot. We could have been... Us." Crowley: "Everything I do and say now isn't really me. It's going to hurt us both. I'm sorry. Aziraphale turns away and starts to cry. (AD) Aziraphale: "Pointing out and blaming our imminent and permanent separation solely on me is the worst thing you could do. Crowley kisses Aziraphale. Aziraphale: "I stand corrected."
Note that the emotional stakes of this kiss had it been as a means to transfer something, are not undermined due to this theory, which is crucial for a theory to stand in my opinion.
Aziraphale looks at Crowley with disappointment (also taken from the audio description) Aziraphale: "I HATE that you have corrupted our first kiss like this. I'm about to say something significant, perhaps, 'I can't believe you did that, or maybe even 'I love you,' but you've just told me we're in danger, so I have to be tactful. How do I say something loving and scathing at the same time? Oh, I know..." Aziraphale: "I forgive you." Crowley: "Don't bother." (no subtext here. He meant what he said).
It fits well with other meta
See here for @actual-changeling's post about how the kiss may have been with tongue, which in turn supports the "Crowley put something in Aziraphale's mouth," theory.
I am still sort of on the fence about this one, but it does seem far more likely in my mind now that I have this "safe word theory" living rent-free in my head.
To Conclude
My theory is that "No Nightingales" was a safe word, and this might support the "Crowley put something in Aziraphale's mouth" theory.
I will update this post later as this was sort of a messy, raw brain dump. I know I have more to say about this, especially relating to the beats leading up to this nightingale moment and what came after. There's also other meta swimming in my head which might be compatible, but I may have to think about separating those posts out.
But right now, it's 4.46am as of writing this and I need to go to bed.
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dionysusbisexual · 5 years
yes! a fellow good omens fan. what are some of your favorite things about it?
Hello! What I just love is:
1. The fact that it's about Love. Not just romantic but platonic/familial. Love that goes against rules against authority and it's sweetness.
2. The Them. Realistic and honestly wonderful kids. I love the dymamic and writing for them (hehe)
3. Inneffable Husband's (obv)
4. Anathema!!
5. Confirms my theory that heaven is filled with a bunch of bitchy prikcs.
6. The comedy
7. The imagery,,, and Agnes Nutters predictions!!
8. For once I do not want to beat God up (well I do but less that usual)
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