The Demon We Never Imagined :
🖋 ┊◸ Staring at Henry, the grin stayed plastered on his face. Tall, and leering over the animator, the ink monster crept forward the 2 inches the creature had on Henry was evident as he leaned over him slightly. A chuckle, distorted and obviously mad, came from him, and he tried to pull his arm from the ink pool that was forming underneath him.
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           ❛ You’re kidding, RIGHT? Of course this is your fault Henry. YOU’RE                 the one who did all of this, whether you knew it or not… You just                 have to pay for your sins like everyone else Henry. Unless of                 course you’d rather duke it out right here. By all means, I’m sure                 that axe is going to harm me. ❜  ◿
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Gripping the axe in his hand, ever more tightly, Henry gave a stare of conflicting emotions. He does not know how to feel. By “duke”, he mean fight right? He can’t fight for himself nor does he want to harm Bendy. The only thing in this god forsaken studio he wanted to harm was those Searchers that kept crawling around. And only them. “No..” Henry takes a step back, aiming to be away from the corrupted demon. “No, I won’t fight you. It’s not my...” 
He had to think about it, was it his fault? When he left the studio, Joey had done everything. From sacrificing, to lying, any negative aspect that led to what seemed to be a positive outcome for him, but not for the others. Oh where is Joey now? He had to talk to him, make him explain everything. But not now, now he was within eye sight and maybe arms reach of the dancing demon. Someone Henry drew himself, and Joey at the end betrayed.The artist had to take himself out of here, out of this hell of a studio. 
“Fault..” He replied, “It’s not my fault!”
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“Everything that happened here I wasn’t here for it. I didn’t bring you to life, Joey did. I designed you. I didn’t torture you. I just became ignorant. You may be ‘ my design in reality ‘ but that does not give you any reason why you should kill me.” Another step back, and now he held his axe in front of him, defensive, “Again, I won’t “duke” out with you. But I can get you tired of killing me. I know you don’t want to do this. This isn’t you...”
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inkyrcbbiit · 7 years
inkyxdevil replied to your post: oooooh shit boi, new icons for my evil son >:3333
//okay but i want the evil rabbit now
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veritateem-a · 7 years
▬♥ @inkyxdevil​  
       Ferrah stepped slowly through the dark building, finding herself rather lost. At first it was meant to avoid the men following after her. Generally Ferrah was AGAINST going into abandoned buildings, not too FOND of how wild her imagination would often run. The healer stepped carefully though, grateful for the light that shimmered in to at least give her a vague outline of her path to take. 
       Sure, she could just stay near the window she slipped in and slip right back out, however she knew they would likely be coming in to look for her in here as well. If she could just find a back way out, then she would be set. Her steps halted as she swore she caught the glimpse of SOMETHING. It was clearly just her IMAGINATION▬ right??
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            “ Hello...?? Is someone there?? ”
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demisedue-blog · 7 years
♕ && ×
♢ — ( @inkyxdevil. )
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✕ - What would set you entirely off roleplaying with someone?
OH BOY UUUUH. Ok to be completely honest lmao, someone who constantly is involved with drama or makes a habit of vaguing like. I don’t think so sweatie!!!!!!
I tend to be?? rly selective nowadays??? purely bc my experiences have been kinda all over th place with rping & while I love it sm, I literally have such a small tolerance for ppl nowadays like. I’m fairly patient but if someone is so obviously rude or is literally like idk, clearly hasn’t read my rules / muse about’s then it’s like why would I be interested lol.
Also when i’ve made several attempts 2 interact with starters or asks and there’s nothing back for like months & the persons ACTIVE like just pleas. (I totes understand being busy & honestl im rly funking patient ok so i’d wait like months before wondering whats up tbh)
♕ - What are 5 writing tips you’d give to beginners?
Gosh i’m not even sure tbqh!!! I suppose one of the main things would be to honestly just keep practicing. I know that sounds UBER cheesy & banal & the same record player advice over & over again but it’s repeated for a really good reason in that, writing can be so SO incredibly frustrating if you’re not constantly practicing & gaining experience. Especially when it comes to things like writing long paragraphs which even for ME gets difficult at times! It’s all about thinking & analyzing what’s going on, the tone of the rp, the scenery & the emotions/thoughts/actions your muse is portraying or going to portray.
It’s all about really picturing it & getting yourself involved in the feeling, y’know? If it’s something sad, IMMERSE yourself I can’t stress that enough! It’s the same as if it were for something happy, humorous, frustrating or even heart-wrenching. NOTHING helps more than getting into the feel of it, understanding your muses emotions & going on from there; If you can grasp what’s happening, what your muse might be thinking or feeling then it pretty much flows!!
Some other tips i’d give would be things like music which can help a LOT, especially when it comes to music that associates strongly with your muse!! For Alice I tend to listen to some really old jazzy tunes, fun and upbeat ones as well– Electro swing also works tbh. Just anything like that helps fuel her muse a lot.
PROOF READ!!!! God don’t be like me and leave ur fucking drafts still on the final page like adjnfjfgvjdfgn also another thing. Don’t be afraid to use full stops / periods, like obviously don’t use loads & make ur writing clunky / abrupt but also don’t use shit tons of commas & just carry on the sentence unnecessarily without end, when a full stop / period can be input– Just balance it out ya kno??
Also uuuuuh honestly I have this weird way of finding out new words to use tbh?? A good majority of my vocabulary expanded from just this but– Look up the definition of a word in google & then check out all the synonyms that come up! It’s kinda dumb but a RLY nifty way to extend vocab and also learn new words associated with each other nd stuff!!!!!!!
I’ve written a lot so imma stop here BUT hopefully this is cool??? sjdzdffsjfd
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mottospewingmeerkat · 7 years
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            ♪ ♫ The Illusion of living. ♪ ♫
            ♪ ♫ Was only the beginning. ♪ ♫
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not-atraitor-blog · 7 years
[ @inkyxdevil ]
“...Why are there so many versions of you? I only remember animating you.”
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demisedue-blog · 7 years
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❛ --- Just because ya think ya can pull the wool over the eyes of the others, don’t mean i’m so easily tricked buster!! I KNOW that piano was YOUR doing. Actin’ innocent isn’t gonna get you anywhere, because the day I see Boris attemptin’ something like that is the day I decide to visit Heaven again.❜
Angry, the angel was VERY angry.
( starter // @inkyxdevil. )
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