scrivellc · 7 months
@indestructiblelittlefxcker cont'd from HERE
“In my defense, who among us has not assumed a surprise nocturnal mutilation was an attempt to rekindle an old flame? Could happen to anyone, really.” Izzy sat back, crossing his prosthetic leg over his lap. The extent to which his body was actually extant in this state was still unknown to him, but he could still move it, so he did.
Orin wrinkled his nose, knowing full well that he was hardly innocent when it came to relationship transgressions, but he'd never removed someone's body parts before. And this guy had taken as some kind of romantic gesture?? He knew that masochists could be a wild bunch, real fuckin' weirdos, but this guy certainly took that cake. "I'm gonna be real fucking honest with you, man....that is something that has absolutely never happened to another person in the history of the world."
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scrivellc · 22 days
“Looks like you really know your way around a scalpel. I like that in a man.”
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"Well, if it isn't one of my most infamous acquaintances," Orin grinned, giving a mock half bow as he turned to greet Izzy. He brightened that much more as he was praised, never wasting an opportunity to puff out his chest like the over-confident blowhard he was more than a little proud to be. "Should have figured a swordsman would recognize a well-handled blade no matter the size," he continued, looking down at the bloody instrument in his hand, silver sheen still glinting beneath the red. For a moment Orin was lost in his thought, though maybe a bit longer than could be considered polite, not that he cared. Finally, he looked back up at Izzy, his gaze a bit more scrutinizing now. "Did you come here just to flirt with me, or is there something you need from your friendly, neighborhood, doctor?"
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