novadigitalera · 7 months
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bloggingans-blog · 4 years
How To Increase Blog Page View by 50% in a Simple Way
Simple changes that can How To Increase Blog Page View by 50% in a Simple Way!
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Are you a blogger, you are looking for ways to increase the number of page views on your blog?
If so, I'm going to tell you about some simple changes you can make now that can potentially increase both the monthly page views of your blog and the number of pages viewed per visit.
I have been using this strategy on my blog for some time now, and the total number of pages viewed has increased by more than 50%, which I started before doing.
The best thing about this strategy is that I do not need any extra work on my part. Yes, now I am taking less time to write each new post, but really it is necessary to consider the benefits gained with so little work.
Now that I have increased your interest, my secret is that…
How To Increase Blog Page View in Simple Way
All you have to do is link at least one other post to your blog post.
It is like this - simply link one or more posts that you have already written and you will immediately start seeing your page views grow day by day and month by month.
You can edit this method by editing your existing posts as well as link them to Releted Post.
You should not link any post on any unrelated topic. Instead, link to posts that read and relate to the information provided at the time.
For example, many of my posts have answered questions about people's social media. After answering Facebook's question, I often link to another post that explains how to enable two-factor authentication on a reader's Facebook account.
Grow Blog Page View in Simple Way
Think that a user has come to your blog to read some information, and in the middle of reading that information, he gets a link related to that information. So obviously he will click on it, similarly the page view of your blog can be increased.
See what I did there? The previous paragraph uses the very strategy I am talking about here. And if users actually click on the link and go to that other page, you will see that I have added two additional pages to that post!
Of course not every user will click on the link, but whatever they do, it will be enough to increase blog Page View of your blog by 50%.
Just remember that if a post links to something that is completely unrelated to the current post, your page view is unlikely to increase.
You may be wondering why I do not recommend you add the "Related Post" plugin to your blog.
The answer is that "related posts" show separately, but the links you put can be anywhere in the middle of the post, which increases the chances of the user clicking.
So now all is in your hands, a little extra work has to be done for this work, but trust me - it will be very beneficial for its blog!
Well, you can do this work very easily, and this post explains how.
Bottom line: Spending just five extra minutes in a relevant link or each new post you write can lead to a lot of Page View for your blog. And as we all know, if you are a blogger, Page View is very important for a success blog.
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star-allmodernmommy · 4 years
7 Places To Increase Blog Traffic in 2020
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So it's the beginning of the year and you want to start off growing your blog. You have tried all the recommendations bloggers gave, but you still aren't ranking how you want to. I am going to share with you places to grow your blog traffic. These sites are amazing and will bring in all the traffic you have been lacking. Let's get to it "7 Places To Increase Blog Traffic In 2020"
7 Places To Increase Blog Traffic in 2020
BlogLovin Bloglovin' was not such an easy set up for me. You have to put a piece of code into a NEW blog post and publish it. You can not just put this in an old post and republish it. It has to be a newly created blog post that has yet to be published. Once this is done all of your posts will automatically be shared to Bloglovin'. Even though the setup gave me some difficulties, it is worth the try. Since then I have seen my traffic go up a bit. I will update this post after a month or so to see how it has been. Blogarama This is said to be the oldest blog directory. It is pretty straight forward. I did have difficulty setting this up. I have set my blog up on here. But I don't like how it does not inform you the next steps, or what's going on. You may have better luck then me with it. But it's worth the shot, for free blog traffic. Blog Post Vote Up This is where you place your blog post. Only one a day. And other readers can view and share your work. They can also vote up or down. The thing I love about this site is even when the reviewers view your content on this site, it counts as a pageview in Google Analytics. 7 Amazing Free Sites To Grow Your Blog Traffic Click to Tweet Quora This is a site where people go to ask a question. They view suggested articles that were submitted to Quora to answer their questions. You can also use this site to Google questions related to your topic. For example, if you're writing a post on how to grow your blog traffic in 2020. You would go to google and search quora how to grow blog traffic in 2020. You will see people ASKING this or similar questions. This is for you to provide great information to the person that needs help. Make sure to add a link to your blog post where they can read more on it. Tip: Give them 50% of the answer, link to your blog post for the remaining of the answers. Related Post: How To Make SEO Easy And Bring In Traffic Reddit This is similar to Blog Post Vote Up. You submit your work and continue to view other bloggers' work. The more you support each other, the more support you have. Read how to use Reddit and maximize your blog traffic. Scoop.it I love this layout it is simple and proven to work. Within minutes of posting to here. I had 5 pageviews. This isn't much. But for only having my first blog post published for 3 minutes, it was quite amazing. Mix It Up I love this one too. Well, I love anything that is easy to use and that I get good results from. This one is one of my favs because you can add the Chrome Extension and simply add your work, with a click of a button. Medium I haven't used medium yet. However, I heard nothing great reviews, about people receiving a great amount of blog traffic from this site. Related Post: Read more on these 7 sites here.
These Books Will Help You Even More
These sites are great to increase your blog traffic. And they are all free. Some of these sites do have a Premium Pro plan, which requires a monthly payment. But that is only if you need the extra goods that they offer. But from my point of view and others. The free plans gives you all you need. I will update this post after a month or two and show my results since using this. Sign up to my email list below so you can make sure you are aware when I update this post. Also to receive all of the new blogging tips I come across.
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iwgenerator · 4 years
How To Increase Blog Traffic in 2020 - Fast
If you just started your blog and are wondering how to increase blog traffic fast, read on. Though there are a number of methods you can use for generating blog traffic, my advice is, it’s good to focus on one or two blog traffic methods. This approach is especially important if you are new to blogging and don’t have huge budget to use on paid advertising or a large team to work on SEO.
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I needed a better approach
When I first started blogging, I used to have a simple approach. I would sit in front of my computer, pick a category from my blog – like SEO or blogging or affiliate marketing. Most of the time I would have no clue where to start. Sometimes I would wait for hours – struggling with writer’s block – for inspiration to strike me. It was a huge struggle to get even one blog post done on time.
Although I kept looking for answers to the question that always nagged me – how to increase blog traffic for free, my content never seemed to attract targeted visitors to my blog.
It wasn’t until I started looking into how some of the other bloggers were so successful, that I realized my mistake.
I wasn’t writing what people actually wanted to read. We all know how google works- at least on the surface. If you want an answer to a question, you ask Google. You do it by typing a word or a phrase or even a specific question into the search box and hit Enter. Simple.
The problem with my blog was, I was writing on topics that I loved or knew about. I never checked if people were interested in those topics or if anybody was searching for them at all. This meant that my blog posts were not getting found by readers on Google.
It was only when I started to understand more about SEO and the use of keywords that I started seeing results – both in terms of viewers and income.
Using Keywords to Increase Blog Traffic
Ask any experienced blogger, they will tell you that free, targeted organic traffic is the best form of traffic you can get. Why? Because apart from the obvious fact that it is free, there is an added benefit that the content you created once can get you traffic for years to come.
Now, the question is, what do you have to do to tap into this Google (or any other search engine) goldmine? To do that, you need to be able to rank high in search engine listings.
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The first step is to find your keywords. Keywords are words or phrases that people use in order to search for information on the internet. For example, if you live in New York and were looking for a car mechanic, you could just open Google and type “car mechanic New York” or “the best car mechanic in New York” or “cheapest car mechanic in New York” or even “reliable car mechanic near me”. Google will then start displaying results as per the search terms you typed. These words or phrases are known as Keywords.
I mostly use Google Keyword tool to find my keywords. It’s simple and free.
Once you identify your keywords, it’s time to use these keywords in a blog post in a way that will help you quickly rank high in search engines and get tons of free targeted traffic to your blog.
Here’s what most people do once they have their keywords. Many of them go crazy with that keyword and stuff it everywhere in their blog post. Ultimately their blog post becomes something that cannot be understood or enjoyed by a human reader. You don’t want to make the same mistake. Remember, Google is getting smarter day by day and readability plays an important role in Google ranking.
Let’s look at the best way to use keywords to increase traffic to your blog.
Step one – Keyword Research
It's pretty obvious. To use keywords to drive a lot of traffic to your blog, you need to start at the right place- Keyword Research! Keyword research should tell you more what your main or focus keyword should be. Once you find out your focus keyword using Google Keyword Tool, the smart thing to do is to identify related long-tail keywords. Long tail keywords are usually phrases that help narrow down your search when you search for something on Google. In the above example, “cheapest car mechanic in New York” is a long-tail keyword. Long tail keywords usually yield lesser number of results. But the results usually are much more relevant.
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Target Long-Tail Keywords
What this means for you as a blog writer or website owner is, you get more targeted readers when you use long-tail keywords. E.g.: People living in New York who might be actually interested in your service as a car mechanic.
Another smart way to get related long-tail keywords is to type your focus keyword in the Google search box. Google will immediately come up with its own related keyword suggestions in the search box. You can also see related search terms at the bottom of the search results page with heading ‘Searches related to ”.
Note all these related keywords down. First, I suggest you use a tool called Keywords Everywhere. It was free for a long time. But now they have made it a paid tool. But even as a paid tool, it’s quite inexpensive and the benefits are huge.
What it does is, whenever you search for any term on Google, it immediately gives you cool stats like Volume, Cost Per Click (CPC), Competition etc.
A Cool Keyword Research Technique
Here’s a cool technique I use to drive a lot of traffic to my blogs. It involves ranking my blog posts quickly using a formula called Keyword Golden Ratio.
The Keyword Golden Ratio was created by Doug Cunnington. It is one of the best techniques I have used to drive tons of traffic to my websites. You can learn more about KGR here.
Combine it with the Keywords Everywhere tool and you will soon start driving huge amounts of traffic to your websites.
Once you come up with your focus and related keywords, it’s time to go to the next step.
Step 2: Content Creation
This is a very important step. Do this right and you can easily get targeted traffic for years to come.
There are a number of articles out there that will tell you about the importance of content - you know, The Content is King bit. When I started my blog, I used to struggle with the ‘How’ part – How to structure my content, How to write engaging content, How to used keywords effectively etc. I don’t know about you. But one thing I really hate is when someone tells me about a great technique that worked for them, without telling me how they actually did it.
So, let me break the content creation process down for you so that you know exactly what to do.
Operation Blog Traffic: The Approach
The first important component is your approach. If you want people to like your post, you’ve got to approach your blog post writing process as if you're about to create something amazing. A post that is much better than any other blog post that's out there.
When you start with that mindset, you are going to put in little more effort to create something that will stand out from the rest. The extra value you provide will make people want to share it with their friends and that will get Google rank to it higher.
Everyone knows that the approach is really important. But how do we get it right?
Well, first thing that I do is to put myself in the shoes of somebody who's about to read my post. To do that, I try to understand their pains and their problems and what solution I can offer them. I then try to create that transformation path through my blog post.
For more detailed step-by-step instruction on writing your blog post, check these articles:
6 Steps To Writing The Perfect Blog Post That Will Get You 1000s Of Visitors
So now that you know how to structure your blog post, let’s look at the next step to make your post Google friendly.
Ninja Tips For Increasing Blog Traffic
Create a Hook
One neat trick you can use to get your reader hooked is to have the person take some action. It can be getting them to do some exercise, or even think about a new idea. Maybe you could hint at a particular result they can expect once they read the whole post. Do this in the beginning of your post or at least somewhere in the 1st paragraph.
Another great way to start is with a small story. People love stories. One powerful psychological principle you can use here to make your stories hypnotic are 'Nested Loops'. You can read about various storytelling techniques here.
You can also share with your reader, the benefits of continuing to read your blog post. Share a little bit at the beginning. But don't give it all away until much later - maybe towards the end of the post.
All these tricks will help you craft your post in such a way that people will keep reading your post till the end.
Use Your Focus Keyword At the Beginning
As much as possible, use your focus keyword in the first sentence of your blog post. But make sure that you don't overdo it by starting the sentence with your keyword or phrase even if it doesn't make any sense. If you do that, your post could end up looking like a garbled mess out of a cheap alien flick.
Readability is a key ranking factor for Google. So, focus on your reader and make sure that you write posts that people will enjoy reading and sharing with their friends.
Sprinkle Your Keyphrases Throughout Your Post
The next step is to make sure that your relevant keywords or keyphrases appear throughout your post in such a way that search engines recognize the relevancy of your post in relation to your keywords.
This will give your posts better chances of appearing among the top results during a search.
Blog Traffic Tip: Create Paragraphs and Sub Headers
With Google search algorithms becoming smarter almost day by day, readability has become a very important factor in your blog post getting ranked in the search results. You cannot get away any more with keyword-stuffed posts that humans cannot understand or enjoy.
Write your posts for people, not bots. Make sure you break your content down into sections and paragraphs. This will give it easier for the human eye to scan your content without feeling overwhelmed.
Add sub headers (H3 & H4) for different sections within your blog post. The last thing you want is to write giant blocks of texts that will bore your readers to death.
It's not just you and me, our visitors too have lesser attention spans nowadays. There is so much going on and so little time. So what you want to do is to make it easier for people to scan through your content in a short time without getting lost in a lot of text.
Breaking your content into multiple sections with sub headers will make it easier for people to read.
How Adding Images and Videos Can Help Drive More Traffic
Images and videos not only help break up the text, they also make your blog post a lot more interesting and fun to go through. Relevant images like graphs, infographics and even cartoons add a lot of value to your posts.
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They will also make your content a lot more shareable - hopefully helping it to go viral. Just remember to add your keywords in the Alt Image data and descriptions for better SEO results. You can learn how to do it here on the MOZ website.If you are on WordPress, you can learn how to update Alt text and description here.
Alt text is the text that shows up if your image didn't load. Google also looks at it to see what that image is about.
It also your image to be found in Google Images search. So whenever you include an image, make sure that you add Alt text that is relevant to the section and the image in your blog post.
These may look like small things. But they stack up and help your blog post rank better on Google and get better traffic.
You don't need to pay an SEO expert to pay for all this. You can easily learn and do it yourself. Checkout this Google Guide on SEO.
Write Killer Headlines and Meta Descriptions to increase your blog traffic
Your headline (or post title) is what people see first. If you're not able to create interest and curiosity through your headline, you've already lost the battle. Think about it. When you are searching for something on Google, What would you do? Would you click on a boring lifeless headline hoping that maybe the actual content is better? Or, would you go straight to a result which has an interesting relevant headline? I am sure you understand how important headlines are. Read more on how you can craft a killer headline here.
The next important part is to add a great Meta Description. Meta description tells potential readers more about your post when your post shows up on Google search. It's important to give a relevant description so that people feel like clicking on your post or page. Make sure that you add your focus keyword in your meta description as well so that both Google and the people who are searching know what your post is about.
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Be sure to add your focus keywords in your meta description
If all this seems too complicated, don't worry. There is a free WordPress plugin that can make doing SEO a breeze. It's called Yoast SEO. Install and activate it on your WordPress blog and it will take care of everything. There is a step-by-step guided tour that will guide you through the right steps.
Using Videos To Increase Blog Traffic
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Another powerful way to increase blog traffic is to convert your blog post into a video and upload on YouTube. Then, embed the video in your blog post. Make sure that you add your keywords in the YouTube video title, descriptions and tags. Then in the video description, provide a link to your blog post.
When I started off, I knew next to nothing about making videos. Also, I hated coming on camera and doing voice overs. I was good at writing. But I was scared of talking in front of cameras. I discovered a very powerful tool that helped me overcome all these issues. In my experience, this is one of the best tools out there for creating viral videos with the click of a button. It's called the Content Samurai. You can quickly turn any article into great looking videos. The text to speech feature ensures that you don't have to speak a word. It's super simple to use and gives you access to tons of free images and videos that you can use to create your own video. You can try out Content Samurai here for FREE here.
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click here to Try it for free
 These are the basic steps that can help your blog rank higher and also increase your blog traffic. Check out my other blog posts to get a deeper understanding about Bog SEO.
Increasing Blog Traffic Needn't Be Complicated
The best way to start is to start simple. Don't take up too many things and get overwhelmed. Just get started and tweak as you go.
Make it a habit to go through this guide every time you create a new blog post until it becomes a habit. Doing all these will quickly stack things in your favor and you will have the best chance to rank and get a lot of organic traffic coming to your blog.
If you want to become really successful as a blogger, one key quality you will need to develop is to become better organized. Do your keyword research in advance and decide on what you are going to write about. That way you won't have to struggle when it comes to content creation. All you need to do is to focus on creating the best content that you can.
One way to get really organized is to use checklists. SEO can be confusing if you don't take a step-by-step approach. I have a set of detailed checklists that I use that cover all the key aspects of SEO when it comes to creating my content.
Just enter your details below and I will send you my Content & SEO checklists
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   The Next Steps
By now, you should have a good idea about Content Creation and On-page SEO. The best way to get better at blogging is to dive right in and keep developing your skills as you go ahead.
Now you know how to increase blog traffic in 2020. The next step is to start making money from your blog posts. Check out this post to understand how you can make huge affiliate commissions from your blog. I have listed down some of the best affiliate programs that will help you earn a solid passive income in 2020.
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thetechglobe-blog · 5 years
The Best Way To Promote Blogs: See How
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Blog promotion is also an art (an art). The promotion of a blog post in the right way, the result of which is how happy it is to get a blogger. Even if you are a new/top / or medium blogger, then you all will know this very well to promote blogs. Regardless of why the website is built on any topic, but read on Blog Media on Promote blogs on Social Media, just be sure that your Content Promotion Strategy should be good. Blog Promote Even Blogging Business type of doing is an easy way. With hard work, we work on a post as well as promotions. Once you have completed a post, they know how to promote blogs and make your blog more prominent. Promote the blog means exposing your blog's presence in Online World. Of course, you can write great blog posts but without Website Promotion, you will not get good Website Traffic quickly and your blog and post will not be popular soon. The fastest and most important way to promote blogs online is to use Social Media and Social Bookmarking. In today's times, social media is used very much and will arguably be in the coming times. Everyone uses social networking sites. If all the websites are promoted in social media, they are successful. Asking for your information, within 15 days, people make their website rank by promoting a blog. 1. On Facebook
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The Daily Dot But before promoting a blog, keep in mind that one thing you need to do is promote your promotional content. My useful, easy, and accurate suggestions for using Facebook will definitely help to promote blogs. First, create a separate account for your blog on Facebook and start searching for as many blogs as you like blogs and blogging. After this, join the Facebook Groups related to the topic of your blog. Share your website and post links on the timeline of your Facebook Account or in FB Page / Groups. Use words to share which can attract readers and viewers. Blog Promotion is easily done on Facebook and very quickly you can bring website visitors to your blog in a considerable number. Understand that one of your group has 2000 members and if you share your post in this group, then at least 10% means that 200 or more group members will point to your blog. These numbers are just a group, now imagine if you share posts in more groups, then at least 1000+ widgets can be found on Facebook. Facebook allows you to create a Fan page, you can use it to get great Likes and Visitors by creating great fan pages for your blog. 2. On Twitter
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bbc.co.uk Promote of Twitter is a bit harder to compare than Facebook because the characters are limit to write on Twitter. Keeping this characteristic in shape, if you have the ability to write Attractive Description in at least words, then Twitter can also be beneficial for you. After creating the Twitter Account, you should try to get more followers and follow the Twitter accounts that are interest in blogging. In addition to Facebook and Twitter, Google Plus Network can also work to increase the number of visitors. Sharing a post for Blogger Blogs is a lot easier for Blog Promotion than any other Social Network because as soon as you publish the Website Post, you get the option to share the post. 3. On Instagram
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HuffPost Instagram is also a very beautiful Website Promotion Platform. Social Share Widget is a successful promotion by adding a blog post link to your website by future image sharing on Instagram. Create an Instagram Account today and look for Instagram Follower Gain. 4. with Blog Walking
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andragembara.com Blog walking is a way to connect with other blogs, which is very popular as well as it is necessary to do your blog promotion. With relevant comments on other blogs, you can also increase the number of visitors and also get High-Quality Backlink. Visits from other blogs related to your Blog Topic can help you to write a new post and increase your Blogging Knowledge. 5. Post On Forms
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Formstack Forums, you can write articles and this is different from these Blog Walking activities. By looking at the blog related to your blog, you can write your post by creating a new thread in the forum. In the Forum, you can write the address of your blog in place of the signature, and in this way, you can get the backlink. While writing an article in the Forum, you can add links to your other posts and bring new visitors to your blog. In the question-answer forum, you can help others to add links to your blog. READ ALSO:- Top Rated Best Latest Web Browser For better surfing 6. Offline Promotion
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ShowClix Blog To make Blog Offline Promotion, you can request your friends and relatives to share in social media by informing about your blog. Newspapers, stickers, and any other way you can promote your blog offline. 7. To Use Daily Newsletter
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The Bookseller You must have heard the name of Email Marketing, it is considered the most successful way. Online marketing blog only earns thousands of dollars every month through email. In the same way, attracting your visitor by putting the Subscription Box on your website and focusing on growing a good Blog Subscriber. Deli can use Mail chimp or Feed Burner to send a new post notification. As soon as you create a good subscriber through your Newsletter, notifications of every new post on your website reach them, which makes good Blog Promotions. 8. Guest posting
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MyVenturePad The best way to promote another blog is to be one of the best blogs of Guest Blogging. Promote your content at Best Guest Posting Sites Other Technic like Guest Posting is also important for your Blog Ko Promote, Ranking and Back Links. Blog Promotion Ideas has a lot more social media platforms on which you can promote the website, like StumbleUpon, Reddit, Medium, Tumbler etc. Read the full article
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5 Sneaky Ways to Promote Your Blog Without Paid Ads | Explode Your Blog Traffic!
So you want to get more blog traffic, but don't want to pay for ads? Here are 5 sneaky ways to promote your blog without paying a dime for paid ads Subscribe here to learn more of my secret SEO tips: Find me on Facebook: Read more on my blog: Yes, they provide an ROI, and if you're getting a fantastic ROI from them, you should be doing them. But even though I'm saying they suck, I still use paid ads and I use them every single day. But that doesn't mean that's the only way to grow your business. Hey, everyone, I'm Neil Patel, and today, I'm going to share with you five sneaky ways you can expand your blog without paid ads. #1 Go on the social web. So whether it's Facebook or Twitter, and see what people are saying about your competitors. Everyone's talking about your competitors. I hate to say it; you're not the only popular one out there. That's just the reality, and you know what, your competitors may even be more popular than you. But when you see more people talking negatively about your competition, or you see them talking positively about your competition, you want to engage in their conversation #2 The second strategy you want to do is go comment on your competitor's blog. Your competitors have blog posts. Who says you can't comment on them? If you comment, you engage and don't be negative. Don't be like, "Oh, we're better than you "or we have better content." You can just be like, "Nice post. "I love how you covered X, Y, and Z." You can give some tips and then you can even say, "Oh, we also cover this, that and the other "that you don't on your blog post and if you're interested, "you can check it out here," and link back to your site. It's an amazing way to get traffic from your competitors. #3 The third strategy I have for you go to ahrefs.com, put in your competitor blog URL and see who's linking to them. Hit up each and every single one of those people and send them a simple email. "Hey John, I noticed you're linking to XYZ.com, "and you linked out to this specific article related to "online marketing. "We have a similar post, but ours covers "20 more advanced ways you can double your traffic. "Cheers, Neil Patel." By doing that and shooting out emails to other people or linking to your competitors and it's just a casual email. You noticed, in that email, I didn't say, "Hey, you should link out to me. "You should promote me." No, I'm not that direct. I'm just starting a conversation, making it super casual and by doing that, more people are likely to start including my blog posts on their website and link to me. I'm getting all that data from ahrefs.com because it shows me every single site that's linking to my competitor. So, Buzzsumo shows you the most popular articles or the least popular articles that your competitors have. If you put in their blog URL and it'll show you all of their most popular posts sorted by social shares. Once you have that, what you want to do with Buzzsumo is take their most popular posts and write better versions of them. So, use Brian Dean's Skyscraper Technique. So if they wrote a post on 20 amazing ways to do yoga poses, I would write an article on 101 advanced techniques to do yoga poses, right? As you can tell, based on the title, I don't know much about yoga. But you get the point. I'm just one-upping them and doing something that's way more detailed. And then, in Buzzsumo, it shows you who shared your competitors content when you click on the View Shares link. Then I would hit up every single one of those people and then ask them to share my content as well. Last but not least, no one's perfect. Everyone has a complaint. If you say you don't have any complaints, I call BS. I complain about stuff all the time, and I bet you people are complaining about your competitors every single day. So go on the social web, find out who's complaining, help them out and tell them about your blog. You're going to turn their haters into your evangelists. Do those five sneaky things and you will get more traffic to your blog without spending any money on paid ads.
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anjia9527 · 3 years
3 Essential Tools You Need to Monetize Your Blog & Increase Traffic
3 Essential Tools You Need to Monetize Your Blog & Increase Traffic
If you want to grow your blog in 2020, these are 3 blogging resources you need in order to grow your blog traffic and increase visitors to your website. When I started using these 3 tools, my blog traffic grew by 525% in just a couple months! #increaseblogtraffic #websitetrafficgrow Source by melanierdejong
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View On WordPress
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stacieconnerty · 4 years
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Are you having trouble getting traffic to your blog? Find out how I got more traffic to my blog using Pinterest and learn how to increase blog traffic! #bloggingtips #increaseblogtraffic #getmorepageviews #blogging #blogtraffic #howtotstartablog #moretraffictomyblog #pinterest https://ift.tt/3aZY1WE
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howtousepinterest · 5 years
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5 MAJOR reasons your Pinterest pins are not converting to website traffic. Pin conversion might be difficult! Ensure you aren't making one in all these 5 Pinterest Advertising and marketing errors! Growing your weblog's visitors with Pinterest might be difficult so this may also help! #pinterestmarketing #pinterestninja #increaseblogtraffic
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viva-la-vibes · 5 years
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Just Pinned to Connect and Share! Promote Each Other for Success: Do I need a Facebook Group to be successful? Paradigm shift. How to use Facebook groups to be successful. Facebook group interaction and engagement. Social media marketing tips for businesses. #paradigmshift #facebookgroups #facebookgroupengagement #socialmediamarketingtips #increaseblogtraffic #makemoneyonline #howtomakemoneyonline https://ift.tt/2o2BMuA
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tincup446 · 5 years
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In this post I’ll be discussing the basics of Tailwind, why it’s essential for every new blogger to be a part of (no matter what niche), and how you can create mountains of blog traffic every single month. | free blog traffic generator, how to increase blog traffic for free, how to increase blog traffic fast, tricks to increase blog traffic, free blog followers, free traffic, how to grow traffic to your blog @everythingabode #freeblogtraffic #increaseblogtraffic #pageviews #blogtraffic @tailwind
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star-allmodernmommy · 4 years
7 Places To Increase Blog Traffic in 2020
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So it's the beginning of the year and you want to start off growing your blog. You have tried all the recommendations bloggers gave, but you still aren't ranking how you want to. I am going to share with you places to grow your blog traffic. These sites are amazing and will bring in all the traffic you have been lacking. Let's get to it "7 Places To Increase Blog Traffic In 2020"
7 Places To Increase Blog Traffic in 2020
BlogLovin Bloglovin' was not such an easy set up for me. You have to put a piece of code into a NEW blog post and publish it. You can not just put this in an old post and republish it. It has to be a newly created blog post that has yet to be published. Once this is done all of your posts will automatically be shared to Bloglovin'. Even though the setup gave me some difficulties, it is worth the try. Since then I have seen my traffic go up a bit. I will update this post after a month or so to see how it has been. Blogarama This is said to be the oldest blog directory. It is pretty straight forward. I did have difficulty setting this up. I have set my blog up on here. But I don't like how it does not inform you the next steps, or what's going on. You may have better luck then me with it. But it's worth the shot, for free blog traffic. Blog Post Vote Up This is where you place your blog post. Only one a day. And other readers can view and share your work. They can also vote up or down. The thing I love about this site is even when the reviewers view your content on this site, it counts as a pageview in Google Analytics. 7 Amazing Free Sites To Grow Your Blog Traffic Click to Tweet Quora This is a site where people go to ask a question. They view suggested articles that were submitted to Quora to answer their questions. You can also use this site to Google questions related to your topic. For example, if you're writing a post on how to grow your blog traffic in 2020. You would go to google and search quora how to grow blog traffic in 2020. You will see people ASKING this or similar questions. This is for you to provide great information to the person that needs help. Make sure to add a link to your blog post where they can read more on it. Tip: Give them 50% of the answer, link to your blog post for the remaining of the answers. Related Post: How To Make SEO Easy And Bring In Traffic Reddit This is similar to Blog Post Vote Up. You submit your work and continue to view other bloggers' work. The more you support each other, the more support you have. Read how to use Reddit and maximize your blog traffic. Scoop.it I love this layout it is simple and proven to work. Within minutes of posting to here. I had 5 pageviews. This isn't much. But for only having my first blog post published for 3 minutes, it was quite amazing. Mix It Up I love this one too. Well, I love anything that is easy to use and that I get good results from. This one is one of my favs because you can add the Chrome Extension and simply add your work, with a click of a button. Medium I haven't used medium yet. However, I heard nothing great reviews, about people receiving a great amount of blog traffic from this site. Related Post: Read more on these 7 sites here.
These Books Will Help You Even More
These sites are great to increase your blog traffic. And they are all free. Some of these sites do have a Premium Pro plan, which requires a monthly payment. But that is only if you need the extra goods that they offer. But from my point of view and others. The free plans gives you all you need. I will update this post after a month or two and show my results since using this. Sign up to my email list below so you can make sure you are aware when I update this post. Also to receive all of the new blogging tips I come across.
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tmctyping · 5 years
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easyonlinehomejobs · 5 years
Today’s marketing industry For Blogging is considered one of the most effective ways of increasing sales for your business venture. In order to regularize their source income, most bloggers rely on blog traffic. As a blogger, your goal is to improve your ranking in popular search engines like Yahoo, Ask, Google, MSN, etc. So, will give you some useful strategies that can be used to increase your blog’s traffic flow Visit Here: https://www.easyonlinehomejobs.com/increase-blog-traffic
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There are several fundamental factors that can be implemented to increase revenue for your blog site to increase a steady flow of blog traffic.
So, You can Work with several fundamental factors then Increase Your Blog Traffic.
And Finally, with your blog, have fun. If it feels like drudgery, it will notice your readers. But if you enjoy producing the content, it will come across and impact your success tremendously.
All the Best! #EasyOnlineHomeJobs #increaseblogtraffic #makemoneyonline #onlinejobs
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digitalmonika · 6 years
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anjia9527 · 4 years
Boost your blog traffic with Pinterest
Boost your blog traffic with Pinterest
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Find out what’s working right now to boost your traffic with pinterest. Increase your blog traffic using Pinterest SEO – updated with the latest 2020 advice! #pinterestseo #increaseblogtraffic #getblogtraffic
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