#in the shadow of war (RE6 verse)
andyouwillscream · 9 months
You know something I hadn't thought about is that given how T-Abyss strengthens muscles, Senka is probably jacked as fuck. Not to the degree of RE 5 era Chris or Krauser, but likely more so than Jill and Claire. More so she can hold her own fighting someone stronger than her through training, reflexes and strategy and an average person with none of those qualities wouldn't stand much if a chance unless they got lucky.
Her muscle mass is still tempered by having her body restructured for better swimming capabilities. She moves with grace, speed and ferocity on land and even more so in water. You're dealing with someone who can move like a seal, has the strength of a large shark or orca with the teeth and unhinged jaws of a deep sea fish and can hit with the strength of a torpedo. You stand little chance of survinging a fight with her in a body of water. Your best strategy is to get onto a boat or shore. Now.
The only small mercy is that in other verses she's too young to pull off/isn't yet aware of that capability (RE6 AU verse, Child AU verse) or there aren't yet any major bodies of water she can strike from (DBD verse).
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andyouwillscream · 2 years
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Vodena Buba (Senka), Rusalje (Mutated Senka), In The Shadow of War (RE6 Verse), Bow Down to The Lorelei (Mutated Verse), Soldier Ants (Main Verse), The Hive Seas (Future Verse), Boom Goes The Grenade Launcher (Gally) Seek and Destroy (Cole), I Was Made for Lovin' You (Gally X Cole) Imposter Syndrome (Dr. Cameron), Doctor to a Doomed City (Pre-Infection Verse), A Woman Divided (main verse), Sum Greater than My Parts (future verse), Monstrous Regiment (ic), Civilian (ooc), Missions (threads), Anatomical Studies (muse images), Red in Tooth and Claw (aesthetics), Shrieks and Sonatas (music), Risk and Reward (memes and starters), Initial Infection (starter call), Does The Wolf Apologize? (quotes), Request Granted (answered asks), Mercenaries and Mad Scientists (about the muses), About The Mun, Warning, The Self Destruct Sequence Has Been Activated (PSA), Memories and Detours (drabbles), Recorded Findings (metas), Shipwrecks (ships), Equipped with Ballistics (NSFW), You Give Me Fever (desires), Parnter The Another (crack), Allies and Enemies (Promos), Patient Zero (self promo), Choices Affect The Outcome (specify verse), We’re Being Watched (videos and gifs), Character Select (specify muse), Requests (ask the muses), Public Opinion (ask the mun)
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