#in the process of researching this i found out that heliodor is not
flavia-draws · 2 years
Why The Steven Universe Crew (Crewniverse) Does Not Understand Color Theory
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Think about it. Fusions are a combination of the component gems' colors. Garnet: blue + red = purple. Malachite: orange + blue =, well, brown, but Jasper's close enough to yellow for the green to work. But SUNSTONE. The only Steven Universe character I actually dislike. Smoky Quartz also has...unusual color choices, but Sunstone gets on my nerves the most. Rose Quartz: pink. Pink = red + white. Garnet: Ruby (red) + Sapphire (blue).
Red + white + red + blue =...orange?
Orange = red + YELLOW. Where, dear crew, did the yellow come from?
Shall we look at the other Steven + Gem fusions?
Rainbow Quartz, pinky rainbow white. About accurate for Steven/Rose + Pearl (although it does bug me that their fusion is a quartz when Pearl isn't a quartz. I think they should have been some kind of opal, but at least the crew got the colors right). But Smoky Quartz. Brown. Rose Quartz, again, pink = red + white. Amethyst, purple. Purple = red + blue. So again, we have red + white + red + blue, only this time it equals brown. For some reason. The reason, probably, is so it could be some sort of quartz that isn't just color + quartz like a lot of the headcanon Steven + Gem fusion names were, but why sacrifice logical color for that?
In my view, both Sunstone and Smoky Quartz (as much as I love Smoky) should be some sort of pink-red or fuchsia gem. As much as I can be annoyed by the "color + gem name" fusion naming convention when overused and/or mineralogically inaccurate (thankfully it's just a fandom thing and not something the crew ever resorted to), I would enjoy these characters a lot more if the crew had gone with more logical colors and names. Amethyst is a quartz. Rose Quartz is a quartz. (Yes, Rose Quartz isn't really a quartz, but as she was pretending to be one her fusions are named as if she was one.) Obviously their fusion should be some sort of quartz, and since quartz comes in most if not all colors, this is indeed a time to break out the color + gem name format. Pick any name for a blend of pink and purple, stick quartz on the end, and you've got their fusion name! What do you think of Magenta Quartz?
Now, the fusion of Steven/Rose and Garnet isn't as easy. Cherry Quartz was something I saw in a couple places in the way back when, but I dislike that, because their fusion wouldn't be a quartz when neither Ruby nor Sapphire is one. Also, the colors don't make sense, because cherry quartz is red or pink, which forgets about Sapphire's blue.
What I like to do first when coming up with fusion names is think: do we have a precedent? Ruby + sapphire + quartz. Sound familiar? Yes! We do, in fact have a precedent for ruby + sapphire + quartz. Garnet and Amethyst's fusion, Sugilite.
Since calling the Garnet + Rose/Steven fusion Sugilite would be confusing, this also seems like it calls for the color + gem name format. Lilac Sugilite, anyone? What about Fuchsia Sugilite, Fuchsia for short? Or we could go with one of the few alternate names for sugilite--Lavulite! Or howe bout Royal Azel! That's a name that EXUDES Steven + Garnet vibes! Or, another option--Wikipedia tells me that sugilite belongs to a category of gems called cyclosilicates. Could pick one of the other cyclosilicates! Personally, though, I'd go with Royal Azel, since their fusion being a sugilite makes a lot of sense and the name has serious cool vibes. I have to draw this now.
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buffaloborgine · 3 years
Examination into the naming of FFVII - Before Crisis’s Zirconiade
Yeah, I mean, why don’t we look a bit more into why this thing below has a weird name? 
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Despite having a structure similar to the WEAPON, this thing is considered as a Summon, as its title in Before Crisis is “Ultimate Summon” and “World Burner”. 
Besides, it doesn’t have the word “WEAPON” when we call it so, let’s just agree that this thing is a Summon. 
What I want to point out here is the name. “Zirconiade” is a non-existing word, it is totally fabricated by the writer. 
Nonetheless, even made-up things come from things that really exist, as a base, or reference. 
So let’s see where this “Zirconiade” thing comes from. 
First of all, we have the prefix “zircon”. Zirconium (Zr) is the 40th element in the periodic table. The name zirconium is taken from the name of the mineral zircon (the word is related to Persian zargun (zircon; zar-gun, "gold-like" or "as gold")), the most important source of zirconium. Then we have the suffix “iade”, which is close to “iad”, in Greek, it means “relate to”. Therefore, we can translate the name “Zirconiade” into “Something relates to zircon”. 
So the first thing you think of when talking about a metal is probably its crystal form, right? 
Here is a crystal of zircon:
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See the similarity in color theme yet? So crystallize zirconium has a range of color from yellow, orange to red, and the Zirconiade has a theme color of mainly red with gold blades. 
So, there you go, you got a reference for what the thing is based on. 
The point is, that crystal does have a name. It’s called as “Hyacinth” or “Jacinth”. 
In religious aspect, jacinth has been supposed to designate the same stone as the ligure (Hebrew leshem) mentioned in Exodus 28:19 as the first stone of the third row in the breastplate (Hoshen/choshen) of the tunic (ephod) of the High Priest of Israel. In Revelation 9:17, the word is simply descriptive of colour. In Revelation 21:19–20, it is mentioned as one of the foundational stones of the New Jerusalem. This leads my research a bit further into reading about the “breastplate of the Israeli High Priest”. So here is what I found: 
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“The priestly breastplate (Hebrew: חֹשֶׁן‎ ẖošen) was a sacred breastplate worn by the High Priest of the Israelites, according to the Book of Exodus. In the biblical account, the breastplate is sometimes termed the breastplate of judgment, because the Urim and Thummim were placed within it. These stones were, at times, used to determine God's will in a particular situation (Exodus 28:30). Using these stones did not always determine God's will (Samuel 28:6)“.
“Whether there is any pattern to the choice of gemstones depends on their identity. Taking the majority view of scholars in regard to the identity of the gems, and including the implication from the Book of Revelation that the onyx at the end of the fourth row was a sardonyx, there are four colours – red, green, yellow, and blue – each represented by a clear gem (red – carbuncle, green – heliodor, yellow – chrysolite, blue – amethyst), an opaque gem (red – carnelian/red jasper, green – green jasper, yellow – yellow jasper/yellow serpentine, blue – lapis lazuli), and a striped gem (red – sardonyx, green – malachite, yellow – pale golden agate, blue – sky-blue agate). The four colours of red, green, yellow, and blue, are the first four colours (apart from black and white) distinguished by languages, and are distinguished in all cultures with at least six colour distinctions (the other two being black and white). These colours roughly correspond to the sensitivities of the retinal ganglion cells. (The retinal ganglia process colour by positioning it within a blue to yellow range, and separately positioning it within a red to green range.)“
What we can take out from this is that the stones on the High Priest’s breastplate were “at times, used to determine God’s will” but not always “determine God’s will” and that those stones have a pattern of four colors: red, green, yellow and blue. So, does this has any connection to FFVII anyway? Well, yes. If you look at how Fuhito wanted to use Zirconiade, you can see the reference of “determine God’s will”. Fuhito is a student of Bubenhagen while idolizing Hojo at the same, he believes that the Planet needs to heal and deems humanity as the source of harm, so humanity needs to return to the Planet so the Planet could heal. Fuhito thinks he himself acted on behalf of the Planet’s will, so, yeah, you see where this is going. Besides, the pattern of four colors is also seen in Before Crisis, because the Zirconiade needs to be empowered by four support materias, which have the exact colors according to the pattern described above: red, green, yellow and blue. 
In conclusion, we can see that the Zirconiade literally represents a force that serves the will of the Planet. Although, by the time Fuhito summoned it, it’s not really representing the will of the Planet, is it? 
Let’s get back to the other name, “Hyacinth”. So hyacinth comes from “hyacinthus”, a flower with the name of Greek origin.  
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If you are familiar with Greek Mythology, then you may have heard about Apollo’s affair with Hyacinthus. It ended up in tragedy but we won’t talk about it here. The flower itself in Greek culture, is associated with springs and rebirth, while in Roman Catholic tradition, it represents prudence, constancy, desire of heaven and peace of mind. 
The problem here is that Zirconiade is meant to be “World Burner”, the destruction of the whole world while “Hyacinth” represents “rebirth”, “desire of heaven”. If we combine these two very opposite meanings, we can get something hideous, like Zirconiade brings about rebirth from the ashes or it shows desire for heaven achieved by destruction. Overall, it fits with Fuhito’s mindset of burning the world, so that the Planet can heal. 
Thanks for coming to my Ted-Talk. I’m glad this doesn’t become a series of writing :’). 
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