#in the past i overdid it with her design i think cos i remember giving her nylon stockings... makes no sense
socialprawn · 1 year
theres something ive been really curious about for quite a long time. how did you come up with that semi-modern look/feel for your hawke? was it your impression of the setting itself or were you purposefully changing it? is it different setting altogether? it works really well and is somehow waaaay more fitting for da2 than the quasi-medieval thing bioware used.
Hmmm... In my opinion, DA2 on its own weaves into more modern visuals than the rest of the games. Hawke's default design is 'biker mage', which already feels anachronistic and Kirkwall's architecture reminds me of brutalism, which is a 20th century architectural movement. So I think that I didn't do it purposefully, I guess I only elaborated how I felt (○` 3′○)
Kirkwall unlike any other place we have played in so far is a metropolis, so it feels right that it's a bit different from the rest of the world, a bit more "modern".
In my head it was a good differentiation for Ferelden also which is more... Tudor mixed with medieval (I want to fix that so much). I also remember the loading screen in DA2 say that Kirkwalleans don't even call themselves Marchers. So there's deep connection and differentiation between them and the rest of the world!
Now that I am playing DA2 I wanna see where it takes meeee (ง •_•)ง
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