#in the '00s dc had a great array of themed tpbs
cantsayidont · 7 months
I dearly wish that DC would make its vast array of archival material more readily accessible. Their recent strategy seems to be limited to oversize, expensive omnibus editions you need forklift certification to handle, or else medium-size surveys (like the A CELEBRATION OF XX YEARS books) with a steadily diminishing proportion of older material and a tendency to reprint the same handful of stories over and over. With Batman and Superman, in particular, I think they could get a lot of mileage out of a modern equivalent to the old digest and tabloid reprint issues of the '70s and '80s: collections of perhaps 100 pages or so, organized around specific themes (e.g., Batman's alien encounters), in color not applied by sloppy algorithmic process, and offered on a regular basis for a non-obscene price. The word "curated" gets throw around rather freely these days, but that's what this material really needs.
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