#in scotland (i. didn't invite her to join me to potentially go to scotland.)
steampunkedparm · 8 months
i really need to get better at setting boundariessss
#and maybe also stop getting excited and word vomiting on Instagram about certain things#but i just. fuck. i wish my friend would stop. i dont want to say encroaching but yk. assuming things when it comes to plans?#its not that i dont enjoy spending time with her#but me paragrpahing about potential things i want to do if im able to go on this school trip (moreso the after the school trip) isn't an#immediate hey you should do this thing with me#because travel can be Fairly cheap from place to place in Europe (or so my professor has told me) i think itd be kinda cool to go to#scotland after we're done with the school trip in england#and my friend just kinda. made something im excited for. about her bemoaning how her parents probably wouldn't let her join me#in scotland (i. didn't invite her to join me to potentially go to scotland.)#and like!! who knows if i can even do that!! i would love to go there!! because apparently my family is oart scottish or smt! but also!!#its fucken scotland lmao. i mainly want to just chill by myself in a place i may never go to and take a bunch if pictures for my mom while#im there (and get yarn for her to lol. i think id win favourite child with that one /hj)#so i dunno it just feels. weird that she'd assume something like that i guess??? i feel weird and a little uncomfortable :(#i love my friend dearly don't get me wrong but her immediate jump into assuming I'd want someone to come with me.#on plans ive only just started thinking about. and just#blargh. shes also been wishy washy with bigger plans and i can just. see her cancelling on me last minute if for some reason i do agree to#her comin with#which!! agaun!! this is just an idea!#i hate this
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spacegirlinorbit · 4 years
Fooling You? Series
Chapter 2: We’re distant Stars pt.2
Fooling You Masterlist
(all rights to the characters and harry potter belong to JK Rowling. I just own the story) 
Song: Holy Ground- Banners 
Chapter 2: We’re distant Stars pt.2
“Transferred?” I say in confusion. Why am I being transferred a week before school starts? Where to? I’m lost.
“Yes. This man here is Professor Dumbledore. He is also the headmaster at hogwarts.” My headmaster explains.
“Hogwarts? As in Scotland?” I ask more questions. 
“Yes. You’ll be transferring to Hogwarts. Something the council of wizards has rewarded you.”
“Rewarded? I’ve never heard of this. Do I have to accept?” I’m still left with more questions as he explains the details. 
“I am afraid you can’t decline the council’s decision. It isn’t a bad thing. Hogwarts offers many classes and advance classes at that to which they see fit for you to be placed in.” My headmaster Fontaine tries to put it nicely, but I still think this is strange to say the least. 
“I see.” I give a glance towards the headmaster of hogwarts who idly stands and looks toward me with a small, yet kind smile. “When I am to leave?”
“Tonight at the latest. If you wish to earlier that is perfectly fine too. Just wanted to give time to say goodbye to your friends.” 
“I see.” I say with a slow nod. “I’ll be ready in two hours. I suppose I am to meet you …” I say directing my question to Headmaster Dumbledore.
“The front of the school is fine. We’ll be traveling by portkey.” He says a soft voice. 
“Okay. I’m going to go pack. Thank you Headmaster Fontaine.”
“Of course, dear.”
I make my way out of the room and walk slowly making sure to remember everything detail I can. I am going to miss this place. After all it’s been my second home. 
Back in the room where the two Headmasters stand. 
“What do you think?” Dumbledore asks.
“I think she is a talented witch who is yet to see her full potential. For better or for worse, she may be our savior. After all he chose her did, he not.” 
“That he did. I just hope she doesn’t make the same mistake he did.” Dumbledore sighs.
 I’m in my room and gathering my two suitcases under the bed and start to pack my ordinary clothes, shoes, and belongings. I pack my toiletries and hygiene products stuffing them a sack bag and placing it on top of the last of my clothes. I grab the necklace off my nightstand I had forgot to put on today. I open the heart shaped locket and see a picture of my mom.
I’m coming, mom. I’ll be closer to home before you know it. Please be a little more patient.
I put the necklace on and grab my suitcases and head down the stairs to the common room. My friends wait for me. I only had a small group of friends, but they were great and we grew up together. 
“I can’t believe you’re leaving.” My friend, Gwen, tries to hold back her crying. I set my suitcases down and hug her. 
“I’m going to miss you too, G.” I say. 
“Okay my turn.” My friend, Sloane, says impatiently as she joins the hug anyways. I smile and enjoy the embracement. 
“What are you waiting for? An invitation?” I say to Ares, who is idly standing by as we girls hug. 
“Aw I thought you’d never ask”, and the 6-foot man joins us in the group goodbye hug. 
“I’m going to miss you guys. Who is else is going to convince you to party every night.” I say trying to lighten the mood. I feel the vibration of laughs surround me. 
“Ha ha, it won’t be the same without you. Promise you’ll write.” Sloane says.
“I promise. I solemnly promise.” I say and we dispatch from the hug. 
“You’re going to wreck Hogwarts.” Ares said. We laugh and then I pick up my bags. They walk with me to the entrance of the school where Headmaster Fontaine and Headmaster Dumbledore wait. This is it. I turn back at school and take one last look. I give my friends a smile and say goodbye as I depart to stand with Headmaster Dumbledore. 
“Are you ready?” He asks.
“I’m ready.” I say. He takes out the portkey and opens the portal that is just a blurry display of grey. 
“I’ll go first and you follow after me.” I nod in response. I have never used a portkey before so this is new. He walks in and disappears. I take a deep breath and take a step. I will like I am being pushed by a really fast gust of wind. I close my eyes and wait for the uneasy feeling to stop. Once it does, I hear a voice to tell me to open my eyes. 
I smell the fresh air of woods and nature taking its course. I open my eyes and see a magnificent castle before my eyes. 
“Welcome to Hogwarts, Miss. Y/L/N.” 
Wow, this is truly a dream. I didn't think Hogwarts was so big and brilliant. This is going to be fun. I just have a feeling.
I’m so close.  I can’t wait to see you again. Mom and Gell
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