#in other ness the weird smell in my room hasnt gone away even though i cleaned out from under my bed & drawers yesterday. eye twitches
what is good homies it is 3:30 in the morning & i am once again thinking about hard times ethel cain + michael thegodfsther & as much as i connected the lyrics to his relationship with vito & himself (tell me a story about how it ends where yr still the good guy ill make pretend cause i hate this story where happiness ends & dies with you, i thought good guys get to be happy etc) i additionally came to the devastating conclusion that a lot of the song can easily be connected back to the subsequent relationship with michael & anthony (praying id be like you doing all of the things that you do/the scene in tgfii where anthony says he can help michael out with the business someday) anyway damn you ffc for not having michael complete The Cycle in tgfiii with anthony as his successor & bringing the story full circle with anthony replacing his father as michael did his
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