#in light of this…the god powers may have simply corrupted Jack rather than working as a Chuck possession
shallowseeker · 2 years
The thing is, Cas does have parental authority with Jack and he wields it…to prevent Jack from staying in heaven, to get Jack to eat Grigori hearts, to take advantage of Jack’s moral weakness and instruct Jack to nearly killing him so he can get to The Empty, and to push Jack into The Big Destiny.
Man, the fandom is feeling sorry for this smol bean angel like he’s done nothing wrong. Just because the other dads go off and make bad decisions does not mean that Cas lacks agency. He does things behind their backs at too. Hell that’s what the soulless Jack thing was at it’s core right before he killed Mary. Cas assumed the father mantle solely, to solve jacks issue, and to the family’s detriment! It began a domino effect of them all acting out of sync with one another. Cas started that!
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And I’m over here about destiny too because like, Cas is being Chuck with the destiny thing to boot. He’s Chuck! Cas cannot be the free will guy AND The Jack Destiny guy. Those two things are incompatible and Cas deserved to be beaten senseless by the narrative to realize his grave, thematic error.
This child will be king and fulfill his destiny if I have to fuck up the whole universe I am RIGHT
He is also like, here son slit my throat. No no it will be fine. I might die forever and I know the other dads will blame you for it but trust me… just do it
Cas should understand the concept that power corrupts. But he can’t fathom it happening to Jack because he believes in him. *hides under the table and vomits*
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