#in case you couldn't tell i really fucking like the springlocks
alex-rambles · 11 months
Ok so like I never planned to share my ao3 but I am way too proud of this fic I wrote on it sooo
Feel free to check out my isekai self insert while you're there too. Just don't make fun of me.
If you don't wanna go to ao3...
You can read it here! On Tumblr! Yippee!
Gore warning
You had known, of course.
He told you. You were the only person he ever told.
The truth behind what happened that day in 1987, what happened to Elizabeth, the things he had done.
A disgusting man, yet one you loved nonetheless.
And because you loved him, you did nothing to stop him.
He told you that he had business to attend to in the pizzeria, he'd be back soon, but he didn't come back. 
And with his ramblings about remnant, about how the kids he killed possessed those robots, you couldn't help but consider the possibility that maybe those kids wanted their much-deserved vengeance. And considering that possibility? That made you anxious.
So after a while, you go there. 
The place is empty. The animatronics aren't even there. William is nowhere to be found. 
The safe room. He showed you how to enter, and if he isn't here, he must be there, so-
You are greeted by a horrific sight, and an equally bad smell.
The smell of death, and the look of a very, very bad accident.
Blood pools around a slumped Springbonnie suit, and instantly, you know what happened here. You're barely able to stifle a scream.
You walk closer. Blood- William's blood- gets on your shoes, an absolutely horrific sensation.
You know he's not alive, but you can't help but have that positively fantastical hope that maybe he could be alive. In more pain than one would ever be able to understand, but alive. He wouldn't leave you like this. He wouldn't! Not your William, not the one who whispered such beautiful things to you while you helped him fold laundry, not the one who was honest about his crimes for you and only you, not him, oh god, not him-
He's gone. All the blood, the way he's positioned, you can't hear even shallow breathing from inside the suit.
You pick up his hand, the hand inside the suit, and hold it for a minute, before slamming it on the ground suddenly.
You speak- no, you scream- to his corpse.
He left you all alone, just because he was too scared of facing the consequences of his actions, because he had some stupid, unattainable desire for immortality! That's not fair!
You collapse onto your knees, tears falling from your eyes. 
Stupid leaky ceiling, stupid William, stupid children that took him away from you, stupid, stupid-
An idea occurs to you
The kids came back. Albeit stuck in probably painful robotic bodies, but technically "alive," yes? Why can't William?
You feel bad for thinking it, after all, it might hurt him to come back (not even might, it would for sure, being in a mechanical body would be awful), but you miss him already. 
As for how long that process takes? You'll wait. You'll stay in this silly room forever, if that's what it takes. Right here with him. You can stand the smell, it's just William.
He'll come back, and you'll be with him.
And you know that for sure, because there's a spare suit in here. Leaky roof should trigger the things easy enough. It'll hurt like hell for sure, but it'll be so worth it. 
You struggle to get the old Freddy Fazbear suit on, but you finally do.
A drop of water hits.
You scream.
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