#in case sobh doesnt give us anything keep this
"Alec, will you please stop for a minute!" He exclaimed, trying to catch up with his husband, who was walking at an inhumane pace.
"I have demons to kill Magnus," Alec replied angrily.
He sighed. He hated when he was mad at him.
"Darling please, I don't want to fight with you." He shouted so that the shadowhunter could hear him amidst all the noise.
There were a bunch of demons advancing towards them, but Alec shot three arrows at once and effortlessly killed them in an instant.
"You should have thought that before trading our night on Valentines Day to kill some demons."
Magnus had gotten a call from the Madrid Institute about the sudden weakening of the wards. The head of the Institue who had become a good friend had tried reaching Alec, but his phone had been off, so they had called him up for their assistance. Being Valentine's Day, the Institutes were low on enforcement. He had groaned a little but agreed to come for their aid.
As soon as Alec had heard it, he had stormed out of the room and had been mad at him since.
"Magnus, there were plenty of others who could have done the job. Do you know how difficult it was to find a babysitter today of all days?"
He had to agree to that. The job did seem pretty easy, and any warlock could have done it.
He knows he made a mistake, but he has been trying to apologise to Alec since, but the man won't listen to him.
The shadowhunter, who never let his guard down in the field, continued reprimanding him for his actions when a Raum demon jumped behind Alec and almost clawed his way into his chest, pulling an agonising scream out of Magnus.
"ALEXANDER!!" He shouted and ran towards the man
Before the demon could rip apart his husband's intestine, Magnus summoned all the power he had inside of him and unleashed his magic on them, and they screamed and splintered across the floor instantly.
He could feel his heart thudding in his chest.
He looked at Alec, who had the audacity to look surprised by a demon trying to kill him during a demon fight.
Suddenly he felt a wave of irrational anger towards him for being so reckless in the field.
Instead of just one of them being angry, now both of them were mad at each other. Great.
He grabbed Alec by the sweater and pulled him closer. "Are you out of your goddamn mind, Alexander?"
The man had the good sense to at least look guilty.
"Being mad at me is one thing but being an absolute moron and acting this reckless on field is another thing?"
He grabbed him by the waist and wrapped his arms around him as tightly as possible. He needed to feel Alec and make sure he was okay right now. They could continue their fight later.
They headed back home after ensuring the scene was cleared, but there had been an uncomfortable silence which was rare between the two of them.
Alec left the room saying he had a few calls to attend. He had just sighed and nodded at that.
He really didn't understand why he was acting like this. Alec never got mad at him.
He knew he shouldn't have changed the plans, but sometimes their jobs did require them to do that. And Alec had always been the one to support him. The beautiful idiot hadn't even batted an eye when Magnus had to leave their St. Barth's trip to go help Julian and Emma.
So his reaction was confusing him. He looked angry, but more than that, he looked hurt. And Magnus couldn't figure out why.
He didn't want to go to sleep fighting with him, so he went out to look for him and found him on the balcony.
"Alec, Can we.." he whispered.
Before he could finish the sentence, the shadowhunter turned and flung himself into his arms.
"I'm sorry for yelling at you. I'm sorry, baby, I'm sorry." he kept on murmuring softly.
Magnus held him for a while and carded his fingers through his hair in a soothing motion.
"Sweetheart, I really am sorry for cancelling our date. But I know that's now what has gotten you this mad. Will you please tell me what's bothering you?"
Alec sighed heavily at that.
"Its so stupid"
"Its not stupid if its bothering you." He added sincerely.
"I.. I just dont want to lose you."
He restrained himself from yelling, what the fuck at the words.
"We live such busy lives, Magnus, and it has only gotten worse since I became the Consul. And I feel like I have barely seen you since the past two weeks."
Alec was indeed right; the past few days had been very busy, and they had only gotten a few stolen moments in the morning or night with each other.
He continued, "And you know Rafe and Max are my life; I love them, but, between all the work and parenting, I don't want to lose you. Us. I just wanted to spend one night with you. Just being yours."
He really was a beautiful idiot sometimes.
He knows how much Alec loves him, but his sheer devotion still surprises him sometimes.
Magnus grabbed his face and brought their foreheads together. "Alec, my Alec. That's never going to happen. You are my heart, and I will never let something as stupid as work comes between us. It's you and me against the world, love."
He felt the shadowhunter nod at that.
"I'm still sorry for acting like an asshole. For going all crazy." He added with a shy grin.
"It's forgiven. I cannot believe you got this pissed just because you didn't get laid for two weeks." He added to lighten the mood.
Alec laughed at that and smacked him across his chest.
He knew what he had to do next. The night was still young. "I have a very important question for you." He said as sincerely as possible.
Alec looked questioningly at him.
He waved a hand, and the balcony was covered in fairy lights, and a small table with candlelit dinner appeared.
He held out his hand forward and asked with a playful grin on his face. "Alexander Lightwood Bane, will you do me the honors of being my Valentine tonight?"
Alec's face softened at that, and there was that beautiful smile on his face that had made him fall in love with him. He clasped his hand with Magnus as easily as he himself had done all those years ago and nodded.
"I will be your Valentine forever, Magnus."
tagging anyone I could think of screaming crying throwing up over them. Sorry if I forgot anyone pls I'm at work. I am apology ksksksk
@elettralightwood @ahanahahaha @anarchistbitch @khaleesiofalicante @noah-herondale-lightwood @kiwichaeng @romas-dorogaya @lantsovs-emerald @wtf-is-reality @sociallyineptbibliophile @magnus-the-maqnificent @raziyekroos
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