#immortalmuses: teddy
fatummortem · 3 months
@immortalmuses asked: “ The multiple failed assassination attempts against me have helped build both character and self esteem. ” -- An actual thing said by Teddy "King of Gosh Darned Space" Altman Comedic Relief Prompts || Accepting
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ㅤㅤ"Now if you could stop getting kidnapped, you'll be invincible."
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ㅤㅤ"Y'know, historically speaking, the guys with the sword to rule them all are supposed to be the white knights."
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dynastymuses · 5 months
Scar Survey starters
"I can't help but notice the scars on your arms. They seem to have quite the history." {{&&kate&teddy}}
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kate felt a bit apprehensive ❝i um.. was helping a friend and we were attacked.❞ she didn't like telling her story to someone she didn't know
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badcomicsrph · 6 months
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A private commission of 100+ icons of Teddy Altman aka Hulkling in Empyre and Empyre: Aftermath has been delivered to its owner.
Thank you for your commission, @immortalmuses!
How to commission me? Visit the link here!
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emmatriarchy · 6 months
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Was working on a commission the last 2 days ^^ Iconed Teddy for immortalmuses <3
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fatummortem · 10 months
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@immortalmuses asked: "how long have you been awake?" For Billy, from Teddy (because I can no longer resist) XD Morning after Prompts || Accepting
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ㅤㅤBlinking rapidly at Teddy as he walks towards him, he lightly yawns rubbing his hand through his messy bedhead sleepily. " I'm not. I'm sleep walking, can't you tell? " His words are sleepily slurred while he tries to joke playfully with the other.
ㅤㅤHe's been up long enough to make sure he had clothes on & brushed his teeth before stumbling out of their bedroom. He's not even sure what woke him. Doesn't he have a few more hours? He swears he does, he should go back to sleep.
ㅤㅤSlipping behind Teddy, Billy wraps his arms around the other's neck. leaning into the other he gives him a kiss on the cheek. " Did I miss breakfast time? " He murmurs sleepily as he practically falls back asleep on Teddy's shoulder.
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ignaciaslight · 7 years
"Love ain't always complicated." thanban
SEND ME, “Love ain’t always complicated.” OUR MUSES TO MAKE UP AFTER A FIGHT.
She never liked to lose fights, she always fought hard; her words weapons. Dany’s pride always sharpened her words, often impaling into relationships until it was dead. It was the first time she ever held back her verbal attacks. When one crept its way up through her throat, she honestly attempted to throw it back behind her lips before she had the chance to say them. She stood there, her shoulders rising and falling with each heavy breath inhaled and exhaled. There wasn’t anything left to be said---well, to be shouted. In the silence, guilt made the air hard to breathe. Her eyes pricked with tears and her shoulders dropped as she hid her face in her hands. Her fingers trembled as she whimpered out she was sorry and that he shouldn’t forgive her. 
“I don’t hate you,” she whispered, drawing her hands away from her face. Dany wiped her eyes with the heel of her hand. “I can’t. I won’t. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Her pride was a weapon, but a weapon against herself. She wanted to be held; to be loved. “I get mad sometimes,” she whispered. “I’m sorry.” 
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ignaciaslight · 7 years
❂ ▤ ☁ ♒
send one for my muse’s reaction to your muse:
❂ = wiping blood off their face .
Dany leaned over Teddy while he sat on the curb, streetlights illuminating his injured face. For some reason, date night always turned into fight night. She crouched down to her knees and gently cupped his face, slowly turning it side to side to examine his split lower lip and nicked cheek from where that guy’s ring scraped against him. He was healing; he would heal, but her instincts to comfort him took over. She took a clean handkerchief from her purse and carefully wiped the blood from Teddy’s face. “I’m surprised you didn’t die tonight,” she murmured before she gave his forehead a soft kiss, “You have a knack for that.” 
♒ = lying to them .
Alright, so maybe she did eat his leftovers. In her defense, it wasn’t labeled so it practically begged to be eaten by someone else. Dany stood in the kitchen by the sink cleaning up their kids’ dishes when Teddy had opened the fridge. She kept her face away from him while he looked for his food and when he found it was missing, Dany knew exactly who to use for her lie when Teddy asked what the hell happened to his left overs. 
“It was the kids---I caught Emerson getting into the last of it after Henry gave it to him.” He couldn’t get mad at them, they were too damn cute. At least, that’s what she reasoned. Dany walked over to Teddy and kissed his cheek, her soapy hands cupped his face. “Besides, I can give you something better than leftovers.” 
▤ = falling asleep on them .
Alexander hadn’t slept much in the last few days, his anxieties wouldn’t let him. He wanted to abandon everything his family taught him and just walk away from it all. But they were his family. It wasn’t a simple fix. It wasn’t a ‘see you never’ kind of thing. It was a ‘I will never see you or speak to you ever again’ outcome. He went to Elise when he found he couldn’t sleep. She always was his answer or at least, his guide to an answer. When he arrived to her, his arms wrapped around her waist and his face tucked into her neck, breathing her in, his eye lids already began to feel heavy and then his body. 
He fell asleep on her while they were still standing. 
☁ = being caught in the middle a storm with them .
It would only be a gentle drizzle, Alexander thought sarcastically. He shouldn’t have trusted his weather app this morning when the clouds were telling him his app was a straight up liar. The wind was howling, picking up drops of rain with it until the heavy rainfall drenched Elise and him. Alexander pulled off his jacket, holding it over Elise while they ran for his car.  He thought of his weather app again and started to laugh. This was ridiculous. He was a hunter; he was someone who should’ve known how to take in his surroundings and calculate the outcome. Once they were inside his vehicle, his hair stuck to his scalp from the rain. He gave Elise a tired look before he started to laugh again. “I thought we were supposed to sing in the rain?” 
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ignaciaslight · 7 years
🌹 *slams on table* everyone @ all our threads
Send me “🌹” to hear what kind of flower my muse associates your’s with!
“Yarrow. It attracts the bees and bees, well, they make honey and, I gotta say, Elise is too sweet to resist.”
“I don’t know shit about plants—Well, I know some ‘cause of my mom. But Teddy reminds me of aster. I think it’s because they even bloom in the fall while everything else is dying. And when winter hits, the plant still doesn’t die--It comes back in the spring. Teddy’s kinda like that--Wait--he is like that. He’s immortal...But also...I don’t know, he’s resilient I guess.” 
al (from sabina): 
“Al reminds me of a morning glory. He opens up in pieces but then retreats. Kind of how these flowers bloom in the morning but then close up during the afternoons.” 
ryan (from dean): 
“A delphinium because if you eat those things they kill ya—I damn well know that Ryan’s personality is enough to make me want to kill myself.” 
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ignaciaslight · 7 years
Send in ☎ for my character’s reaction to getting phone sex from yours
He wouldn’t be gone long. It wouldn’t be so bad. He’d be back sooner than it felt. That’s what Dany kept telling herself. But on night one without him, she found herself missing him; missing the way he felt laying down next to her, breathing softly into her hair. And then things started to change up when he called her. He caught her at a good time, she just got off of work and finally had time to lounge around. The conversation was casual with a few “I miss you”s slipped in and, eventually, Dany confessed that she put on one of his shirts so it felt like he was there with her, on her bare skin. 
And that’s when the conversation shied away from casual and dove into the sensual. At first, Dany was a bit speechless, her cheeks flushed. She covered her face with the hand that wasn’t holding the phone, to hide a sense of embarrassment from non-existent people in the room. After a few moments, with her heart racing, she started to laugh as she imagined how Teddy probably looked while he said this and laughed harder while he attempted to sound sexy on the phone. Truth was, no matter how hot he was, he was not hot on the phone. Dany started cackling, her responses with snorts and wheezes. She slipped off of their love seat and landed right on her ass. 
“Teddy,” she wheezed. She snorted again, tears welling up in her eyes, and then hiccuped,“You’re killing me. That’s not how you do that. This is not how you do anything.” 
If he died that night, the cause would be from Elise with the mix of ‘bored’ Elise. The woman herself was enough to make him stop in his tracks and bend his will to her—Dramatic, yes. The truth? Yes. As Elise spoke to him, her honied tones soft at the other end of the line, he knew he was done for.  As she teased him with phrases insinuating acts she wanted to do to him, he bit his knuckle. She was going to kill him before one of his hunts could get the chance. 
“The more you talk like this, the more I’m making my way over to you,” Alexander replied eventually, his tone daring and determined. He smirked. “I’d like to see what you’d have to say to that.” 
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ignaciaslight · 7 years
Send me ‘👤🔀👤’ for our muses to switch bodies for one thread.
        Goddamn did she ever have a headache when she woke up. Dany pinched the bridge of her nose, wondering how much she drank last night. Whatever it was, it was too much. She yawned and rubbed her face---only to realize something. 
      Why the fuck did she have man hands? Dany threw off the covers and rushed to her bedroom mirror. Okay, okay, maybe she was still asleep? Maybe the headache was messing with her head? When her eyes caught her reflection she let out a scream---except it wasn’t her, not really. Her hands patted his face, rubbing all over his cheeks. What the fuck? What the fuck? What the actual fuck? Dany pinched her--his--arm. Please let this be a dream. Please. Please. Please. Air hissed from her---his?---lips and she shook out her--His? Fuck that was getting confusing---arm and took a look back in the mirror.  Oh god. “I have a dick now.” 
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ignaciaslight · 7 years
Send “UNF” to pin my muse against the wall with DESIRE 
          Whatever led them to this point—her back pressed against her wall, right hand pressed on her arm, his left hand on her hip—was all a haze to Dany. Her heart drummed against her chest as his green eyes remained on her eyes and then fell to her lips. The tips of her fingers pricked with heat that was tempted to escape as flames. Her hands shook while she closed them and the heat then traveled to her cheeks.
         She had been tempted to give him another teasing quip, but her thoughts were a racing mess. Did her flirtatious teasing bring her to be pinned to her wall? Was that what led Teddy to be this close? It had to have been, but Dany always thought he brushed the comments off or at least knew she was all flirt no bite. But now she could see she was wrong and there was a part of her that didn’t mind it, the part that wanted her to be wrong. 
         Dany’s eyes dropped to his hand on her hip and had her hand reach out for it. She let her hand stay there for a moment and then watched her fingers trail up to his arm. Her gaze drew away to his lips when that hand cupped the back of his neck. She was pulling him closer now, her other hand on his hip where her fingers curled in the belt loop of his jeans. Dany let in a shaking breath as she brought his face closer, her heart pounding as she let her left hand tangle in his hair. 
         She closed her eyes, her lips crashing into his when she tugged him closer. Her lips drew away and she murmured his name. Dany pressed herself against him when she pulled him back, parting his lips with hers as she kissed him again. 
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ignaciaslight · 7 years
Send 😶 and I will post the face my muse most often makes when thinking of yours! 
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