#im sure i couldve put this more eloquently but im just *screams* you know?
weirdbabs · 1 year
ive gotta say i love how they handled sams and henrys death in the show
he had to die, they could change whatever they wanted but there was no way he could survive bc his death is so deeply tied to ellies survivors guilt. she survived and he didnt she had to watch him, watch tess, watch riley all die from something she survived and it helps fuel her desire to be the cure bc she can stop this. and if sam dies then henry dies bc he was willing to burn the world if it meant sam could live, and loosing his brother (especially by his own hand) put him in a very dangerous state of mind
but by having ellie aware of what happened to sam, having her show that shes infected and use the knowledge that shes the cure, means that (in her mind) shes the reason he died. riley died bc she was trying to make it up to ellie after their fight, tess died bc of trying to get her to the fireflies and helping her escape the hoard, and now sam died bc she failed to save him. she could have, shes the cure, the thing that will fix the world, but she failed and not only did she get him killed but henry died bc of her too
her desire to find the fireflies and her survivors guilt is going to be so strong that i can practically feel the anger that shes gonna have at the end
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