#im sure he'll try to minimize a lot of other arcs that cause tragedy
nibbelraz · 4 months
shang qinghua deserves to be a) squeezed like a stress ball and b) a god who kind of but not really lost control
And now I want to talk about how cool it would be if like uh uh the system and sqh were having custody battles over who has more control over the world and obviously its the system the system is really wierd and thats an entire discussion but qinghua is the author and that's really really important to me he should write stuff into existence I think but also last week I had an idea that went like uh sqh loses more and more power as he changes things, so when he's transmigrated in as a baby he loses a lot of 'power' unintentionally and then when mobei comes in there's a thing and when sy comes in he literally just loses it all and he knows this inst really his story anymore
Aahahaha it's 2am I'm gonna stop yammering now good luck on your future endeavors
Mobei is always squeezing Shang Qinghua like a stress ball but affectionately
I, on the other hand, squeeze him and shake him around like a chew toy
Your idea tho!!!! I'm very interested in that!!!
CUSTODY BATTLE OF POWERS a fitting description
It's kinda like, yeah he was a God of that world because he wrote it out and can change anything on a whim.
But once you're actually a part of that world, well it's a little hard to change it since you're living in it.
I'm really interested in Shang Qinghua slowly but surely realizing he's not really in his own story. Yeah he wrote it yeah he made the character but when does the line between "I wrote this character" and "theyre an in depth person with feelings and lives and to me they were only written in a second but here they're actually someone " blur
He spent his whole second life clinging to everything to live and worrying about that characters future and using everyone around him to save himself
When did he really see these people as...people
A one off character becoming his friend
A minor character dying to advance the plot, does he see the grief? Does he say they're characters to help digest what he's done? He never meant for any of this to be real, so how does he handle it?
Does he finally see everyone as real, or does he simply become a character as well?
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