#im sorry i ramble a lot eiekksndnd
hanarchy · 2 years
3, 12, 23?
hiiii tabi!! 💕
3. who got you into kpop?
nobody did diejwkkw. the full story is this: i followed a random instagram reel to the performance video for lisa’s money last september, thought ‘eh this is fun but also not special’, youtube recommended me everglow’s ‘first’ and then it was all girl groups all the time for like 3 months. i had a kpop playlist with only gg’s, ateez’s fireworks and skz’s thunderous for that time.
then idk what exactly happened in december but yt probably recommended me sth again and i fell down a baaaaaaad skz rabbit hole, i barely slept for 3 days and didnt do any work at all and i came out of that with a really bad performance review and completely brainwashed. it was december 31st. i listened to skz so much in the first 3 months of 2022 that they’re my most played spotify artist of all time when i’ve had my account for like 6ish years before?
i got so obsessed that i shared them with my friend di (@starmotions on tumblr) but was still like ‘i’m not gonna get into fandom for this, i don’t have the time or energy’ (i didn’t yet know how expensive this was gonna be for me but i also don’t have the money) and then di showed me ONE jisung gifset and i just sort of gave up all of my convictions to join the cult of han jisung (changbin would be so disappointed, though i suspect that he is also a member of said cult)
12. how many languages do you speak?
i speak german, french and english on like a university level or higher. in a pinch i can identify a good amount of written or very slow spanish or italian.
23. what is your love language?
ah that’s hard. i don’t really subscribe to the 5 love languages thing, i think a lot of them are somewhere in between or they are subconscious or very unique.
my biggest love language is listening i’d say. wanting to learn about the other person and really understand them as a whole but also how they evolve over time and how they’re different from before.
i never want to impose my way of loving on someone because it can be detrimental sometimes, even if it’s well meaning. so i ask abt how people want to be complimented and what they like about themselves. about how jokes make them feel or what makes them feel left out. i try to be explicit about these things because i believe the way we hurt each other the most is by being unaware of these things and doing it unintentionally.
but i do also really love giving gifts, that makes /me/ feel really good lol.
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