#im so frustrated lmao i need my pen to make money
lostwanderer42 · 9 months
Posted this on twitter already but if anyone has a couple dollars to throw my way it'd be super appreciated. I need to replace my apple pencil and that shit's expensive. I had some money set aside from sketch comms i was offering, but had to use a bunch of it for something that came up 😭
Literally anything is appreciated ty
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wollfling · 2 years
Why are you being such an elitist about art? It should be a good thing that visual art is becoming more accessible thanks to AI
I dont think im being elitist at all. Ai art is new and the topic is nuanced but I don't think artists getting upset about ai generated images taking over platforms, and now artists spaces, is elitist? When most of our livelihoods are at stake here... this is ignoring the additional issue of these programs stealing actual art to create these images.
I know that there are some people who are creating programs for their own use (I seen one saying doing their best "ethically"...) which is a different conversation. Like if you crafted the program yourself for your work. And somehow it's not taking from other artists. Then I can see it being your art...?
I don't mean this cruelly, but typing words onto these generators is not making art in my opinion. And we could somehow argue that, like the earlier post, he spliced together generated images to make it "original" or "his own" (but... 😐 come on.) But to do so an article stated he used photoshop, which is a paid for program that you also need to learn how to use, so i question how it's more "accessible"? (I'm not trying to sound sarcastic, it's hard to indicate tone through text...) paper and pen/pencil is more accessible monetarily. There are mobility aids for many mediums, if that's what you mean by accessible? Or do you mean like, "anybody can create beautiful art instantly, regardless if they know how to draw/paint/design" through ai generation? Because that's not how art works !!! Art is thoughtful, a process, a learned skill... typing in keywords is not the same. If money is not an issue, you might as well type in keywords into an artists commission form. The result will have substance that way, at least.
Art is communication, whether you're trying to convey deep feelings or "hey aren't flowers pretty? :^)", typing promts into ai just not the same to me. And it's frustrating to watch artists who put work, love, thought, years/months/weeks into crafting their skill to get pushed to the side by an image made by a computer (like literally a computer. This is what people used to think digital art was lmao) unless you put the hours into changing them to "make it your own", isn't ai art more of a result than a medium? Does that make sense? And then if you're putting hours into doing so (still ignoring the stolen art part) how is that more accessible than just crafting your own skill?
Artists using ai generated images to create thumbnails is another topic, and even more so trying to get into *why* artists have started using it to do so to begin with, but I don't think that makes them any less of an artist.
So I don't really see how I'm being elitist. And I don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings with my opinions, but as an artist it's scary to see stuff like that. If you're an artist and don't care that's fine but it doesn't make me/my opinion elitist...? I understand there's nuance, and while I'm sure I'm missing some information it's too difficult for me to understand how ai "art", at its default, is actual art, and thus more accessible.
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