#im reading mark for class and damn that poor fig tree
inurest-blog · 8 years
[1:31:01 AM] corgi attacks: jesus petty as fuck [1:32:47 AM] frowny mctwoknives: same [1:33:02 AM] corgi attacks: DAMN THE TREE WITHERED JESUS THAT WASNT NECESSARY [1:33:14 AM] corgi attacks: ITS NOT THE TREE'S FAULT [1:34:11 AM] corgi attacks: its like he walked into one of those changing holiday shops and was like "gimme a halloween costume" and theyre like "sir we don't currently carry halloween costumes it's december" and he was like "well damn i hope no one ever buys anything here again" [1:34:35 AM] frowny mctwoknives: hgDFMFDH [1:35:03 AM] corgi attacks: and then they straight up go out of business bc the lord could not get his sexy pirate costume [1:35:12 AM] corgi attacks: like jesus, the fuck 
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