#im not taggin every1 fuck you
doodle-scrapyard · 5 years
i am knocking on your window PLEASE do tell us more abt the demon au it looks so epic,,
watch out bro u hav unlocked: a lot of talking (stolen directly from me rambling to andy in dms w/some additions & edits)
Basic concept behind it is that demons will form pacts w/people to get stuff/favors/stronger/just for fun/really depends on who you're asking 
There's 3 main distinctions of demon with a bunch of subclasses that are self explanatory once u hear em so I won't really elaborate on individual powers w/exceptions. ANYWAYS 3 main distinctions are elementals(your lights, your fires, your waters, your winds etc), animalistics(birds, dogs, cats, sheep, etc) and our lovely exception, the Unmentionable(who's only got 2 subtypes: void, who are unstable and usually violent, and undead, who are bad to be around bc they're breaking nature more than everyone else). Generally labelled as unmentionables bc you're Not Supposed To Make Pacts With Them, reason being that they usually have dangerous tradeoffs no matter what you're looking for. 
That's not to say that animalistics and elementals are exempt from asking for some serious stuffs in their pacts, it's just that unmentionables have a high kill rate on whatever human they make deals with. 
Then??? The benefits??? You get to borrow powers from your pacted demon (and take on some of their characteristics temporarily) nd go wild. I'll figure out the logistics of this later just know it's a thing mostly fr me going hoghgoghgohgo design....
OKAY NOW FOR HERMITS. I haven't written about everyone but so far so far, stress is an ice elemental who partially wanted a bestie and partially wanted to get stronger so she traded iskall an literal eye-for-an-eye so they could travel together and do sparring w/hermits. They're like the model elemental example djvdksbdkdg 
Mumbo is a birdie animalistic boyo. Grian won't say why he pacted w/mumbo but says mumbo is a big fat liar bc mumbo always says it's bc grian needed a smart person around. Grian doesn't call up mumbo often to use his abilities but when he does it's for flying. We love these idiots. 
REN. Ren. First problem child. He found Doc one day on the verge of turning into stardust and made an impulse decision pact. Here's the catch: Doc is an unmentionable. Specifically a voidy* boy. Doc wasn't always an unmentionable, he was caught up in a whole mess and (of course it's nho backstory) lost the rest of his friends. Doc asked ren to help him find the nho again, and ren gets to have cursed forbidden powers. Hooray for severely unfair trade offs! *void unmentionables are extremely unstable and prone just, falling apart completely. v powerful but basically held together by duct tape & staples without an anchor point (like how doc has ren)
Joe is also a problem child. He likes collecting things and undead unmentionables tend to bind themselves to objects and spring a pact on whoever picks them up. So of course Joe finds cleo in a shipwreck and she's like "pact motherfucker" expecting him to be japed into doing crazy shit and he's like "only if you help me with writing" and so now Joe just casually has access to one of the most dangerous form of demon magic and uses it to make narrative poems.
now onto new stuffs I didn't ramble about to andy!
zedaph is fully aware that youre not supposed to pact w/2 demons at once bc uh, the toll it takes on ur body in relation to energy output+having to deal with 2 promises hanging over you is Kind Of A Thing. zedaph said “okay but now I have TWO friends” and he only regularly passes out. impulse is an elemental electic boyo & tango is a fire elemental. impulse has cool dragon wings and zedaph borrows that OFTEN for funsies. zedaph is barred from formal sparring because he double dipped on pacts and is frankly kind of op
 wels… welsy also double dipped on pacts . its rly funny tho? for him its actually hilarious. he wants to become this really epic fighter who has a bunch of power & clout but hes more like a glass cannon who immediately just drops the moment a fight is over. it also doesn't help that jevin(who is a lovely water elemental) is viciously apathetic abt fighting. like yeah sure dude I will lend u my power but ur not gonna be able to do anything cool about it. biffa on the other hand wels almost never wants to ask for bc 1 biffa b koala animalistic & is asleep 90% of the time and 2 he goes ham cazy cazy and tends to destroy everyone in a 5 meter radius even if they were an ally. of course this isn't biffas default but how would YOU feel if you were sleeping and someone was loudly shouting for you to start being violent . I would make wels go sicko mode as a revenge. that's what you get for not letting me nap motherfucker
xisuma. xisuma never pacted with any demon according to everyone, but false kinda knew a bit more? xisuma was obsessed with trying to CREATE a demon. of course, what ended up happening was him doing a lot of dangerous deals with unmentionables, before disappearing completely. falsie kinda watched him spiral into nothing but a demon himself. who knows where he is now
anyways false is pacted w/python and theyre an exploring duo & false always comes back to home base w/a bunch of cool shit to trade with the others
uhhhhhh (does a lil dance) yeah yhats what I got
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nectarinebat · 7 years
ty @pygmeys for taggin me 💕💕
ABC’s of me
A - age: 17
B - biggest fear: fuckin ships man,, like,, big boats,,, also buoys,,, drains esp in the shower scare me a lot too,,
C - current time: 11:19
D - drink you last had: its coffee w hazelnut i think?
E - every day starts with: A Thirst For Death
F - favourite song: mmmm fuck i cant pick one so were gonna do three dead disco- metric dai the flu- deftones goldie- asap rocky
G - ghosts, are they real?: fuck yeah
H - home town: the 716TM
I - in love with: uuhhh a girl i skate w lol
J - jealous of: pre much every1
K - killed someone: zjfjsjjf god what kinda question
L - last time you cried: i honestly dont remember
M - middle name: jade
N - number of siblings: i have three sisters
O - one wish: mmm but if i say it then it wont come true???
P - person you last called/texted: last person i texted was the other sydney n the last person i called was my mom
Q - question you’re always asked: is that 2 piercings in ur nose??
R - reason to smile: how lame would i be if i responded w sum1s name lmao
S - song last sang: shit idk,,,
T - time you woke up: like 6:30
U - underwear colour: theyre kinda like a greyish purple but theyre like,,, darkish
V - vacation destination: i mean im goin to cleveland this weekend?
X - x rays you’ve had: my knees n my teeth//mouth
Y - your favourite foods: tarimasu,, pumpkin anything n anything w kale+mushrooms
Z - zodiac sign: sagittarius sun n pisces moon
imma just leave this open for any1 that wants to do this just say i tagged u :p
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