#im not super happy with how martin turned out but my buddies said he looked okay
the-lantern-lights · 11 months
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I'm getting in on the jmart smooch crase ❤️
Well... Almost...
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theno1noahpuckerman · 4 years
Tagging: Noah Puckerman x Jessica Martin
Where: Puck and Jess’s room.
contents: Puck’s first arrival into the island, just Random Jess and Puck bonding times
Puck paced around the living area his nerves were on the fritz, he was anxious, he felt a little nauseous  being in a strange place, not knowing if his sister was okay not knowing if he was going to see her again and trying to figure out what had happened from the time he walked out of his apartment and into this world. Was this that one place with that goat man and the snow bitch. He sure hoped not eternal winter would seem annoying. He just about jumped when he heard someone stirring. "Shit, who are you?" He asked the woman hoping this time she would actually answer him this time.May 4, 2020
Today the former rock star dawned blue hair; head cocked to the side as she took a long drag from her cigarette. "Jessica Martin, also known as Jess Diabolus, Princess of Darkness leader singer of the group Female Antichrist. A feminist alt rock band with a satanic flavor. Part time Scream Queen, been in a couple B movies. But now I am a switch, and have no idea what my live entails. " another drag of the cigarette as she yawned. "And you sir????"
Puck blinked. "Okay...well your majesty, Princess of darkness perhaps you care to tell me where I am? if this is hell are you the one whose gonna torture me for eternity then I am very much okay with this. Noah Puckerman. Switch I guess, Busser and future action movie star and #1 badass." He claimed.
"Ohhh I like that. Your Majesty, maybe I should have people call me that instead of Miss Martin. That was totally my Mom." smoke plumed from her lips, as she leaned back into her chair. "I don't think think this is hell." she giggled a little bit at the flirtatious comment, playfully her tongue stuck out. "And I only torture with consent lovely. But I promise, it is a good time for all." long fake eyelashes fluttered in his direction as she snuffed out her cigarette out. "From what I gather this is a pocket dimension; seperate from our world. The how and why of that, I am not sure. still working on those calculations.....And while I may not be your torturer as of yet, I am your roommate. So, shall we drink some champange ....get to know each other?"
Puck raised a brow. "Oh? so you want me to call you 'You Majesty or Miss Martin then?' He wondered and laughed. "Well how do I know I'm not? but I guess whatever this is could be worse. " He said "Whoa well do we at least get a Tardis? Then this would be worth it." He claimed and he chuckled. "That's good to know maybe i'll take you up on that one of these days." He winked at her and he nodded. "Alright sure I can use one, thank you and hopefully you can tell me more about this place. deal?" He suggested.
"You my good Pucky, are allowed to call me Jess, or J. For now anyway." Laughter tumbled from her lips, as she got up and and got two glasses. She poured them both glasses, before sitting back down. "Doctor Who fan? I might be myself.....I'm a sucker for a time travel." she offered him his glass. "I don't know much. Spent my first week here drunk. Hit on seriously everyone with a pulse. Mega embarassing. But what I have so far is we were transported into this pocket dimension. It has a mix between an authoritian and bondage and domination rule? Also like add a splash of Orwellian nightmare......That is totally what we are living in right now. The rest we're gonna have to figure out together.
There was a pout on the glittered up satanic bombshells face. "I cant decide what bikini to weeeaarrr....." she held up to glasses of whiskey. "Help me?" 
Puck laughed. "Yeah sure, I'll help Jess." He told her as he walked over to her and took one of the glasses. "Alright, show me the options, beautiful." He prompted with a nod to her room. "Or did you want me to wait out here, put on a bit of a show for me?" He asked with a wink.
She smiled as her head cocked to the side. Noah really was growing to be one of her favorite people. Glitter painted lips took a sip of her glass. Easily she slipped into a pose and smiled. "Do you wanna show big boy? Cause I can give you a show." she teased back, giving him a gentle nudge towards the couch.
Puck looked over at her before moving to sit on the couch. He laughed. "Is that not what I said but come on you asked for my opinion and as an ex poolboy I might just have a good eye for swim wear now, come on, Jess."
She popped into her room, head popped out for a moment. "Oh your in for it!" in a little bit she popped out in a neon blue string bikinni. With a bounce in her step as she strutted into the room. Body still decorated with glitter, and still dripped with her regular diamond necklaces. the ones she hadn't taken off since she bought them with her first check the band made. she was happy she hadn't left them at home. As for the bikini , t was certianly revealing albiet rather plane. "This is like an old faithful...Shows a lot of skin...but I feel like it has no umph....I mean I have my jewerly and the glitter.....but I feel like I should be head to two umph you know?" she did a little spin and a bounce.
Puck tilted his head and smirked. "Oh is that right?" He laughed and gave her a once over when she walked out well maybe it's good. You don't want to distract from what you already have, beautiful but turn around and smirked as she bounced. "You know what? I like it."
Laughter tumbled from her lips as she bounced next to him. She leaned against him, her head on his shoulder and sighed. "Thanks for putting up with my eccentricities.... You are a good egg."
Puck shook his head. "It's fine, Jess I could have ended up with a worst Roommate. You aren't so bad and thanks for calling me an egg."He teased. "But honestly I think you'll be fine. I can't wait for this party it'll be nice make a few friends here besides you and guess me and Sebastian are friends" He said thoughtfully. "Or I guess drinking buddies don't know if that counts. " He smirked.
"Ugh, same. I finally feel like Im getting into a groove here. Like people are finally starting to see me. Not me being somebody's ex girlfriend." she smiled as she got up and began to peel off the bathing suit. "Okay I have at least one more I want you to see." she popped back into her room. Only to come back in a crystal studded bikini. "Too much? And also tell me about this Sébastian...."
Puck nodded his understanding at that. "Oh I get that, glad they are seeing you I mean how can people not see you.  of course, I sort of aways grooved to my own tune. " He nodded as he watched her leaving admiring her back side and smiled when she walked out. "No I like that one, it's awesome and Sebastian? you never met him before? Well dudes pretty cool bought me tacos my first night" He smiled at her.
She flopped down next to him again, now that her wardrobe has been decided. His kind words brought a smile to her face, and she leaned in and kissed his cheek. "Im glad your my roommate. No I haven't. I upset him a lil bit in chat though. Cause i said cum cow...." she snuggled up against him.May 10, 2020
"Well likewise, your royal Darkyness." He snorted as he heard what she said. "A cum cow?Okay that is that best thing I've heard." Puck wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "So how is that bakery of yours coming along?"May 11, 2020
Laughter tumbled from her lips, as she leaned her head against his shoulder. "Right? I didnt think it was that bad.. " she smiled as she looked up at him. "If i work two jobs for a month... And save up capital..theyll let me open it. How exciting is that?"
Jess had cooked several batches of brookies upon request of the residents. It amazed her they never had the concotion before. It was a personal favorite of hers. Brght pink hair was wrapped up in a messy but and she was wearing an over sized t-shirt that said ' Antichrist Super Star'. With a bottle of cheap champange in one hand, and brookies in the other she made her way into his room. With a small smile, she placed her goodies next to the bed. "Are you ready for the supreme cuddle monster?" @Mega(Tanner, Spice Motta)
Puck was unsure how to take Shane being here but for now Jess had offered him sweets. He laughed as he took in her wardrobe. "Hm, I like it." He nodded. "Yeah I'm more then ready for the cuddle monster. He took one of the treats and you know if you still need money for that bakery of yours maybe I'll put in a little donation.
She wasn't wearing make up, after all she was just laying in the other room. Most people she wouldn't allow to see her like this. But, Puck was different. When he said she liked it, she smiled and posed. Once she finished posing, she climbed into the bed with him. Arms wrapped around him from behind, and she leaned her chin on his shoulder. "I'm big spoon." she giggled sweetly.May 12, 2020
Puck followed her into the room and moved to lay down next to her with a bit of sigh. He let her hug him and sighed. "Thank you, Love." He laughed as he relaxed at the feeling of the girls arms around him. "I really did need this, so my sister, huh? So weird huh?" He shook his head as he let out a breathe he felt he had been holding in all day but there was still a knot in his stomach.
"It's no problem. It's what I'm here for." She pulled him closer, tighter. Gently she placed a soft kiss against his cheek. "Yeah. But that is the thing about living in a pocket dimension sweetness. She could be your sister from another dimension, or another time line. We have no idea. The mutilverse is quite large..." acrlyic nails began to run up and down his arm gently. "Even so, it's alot to deal with I know."May 17, 2020
Puck shook his head with a laugh. "Well, I guess I got lucky I was given you as a roommate, Jessicakes." He frowned a little. "Not sure if it makes it any better but she did know my dad's name so maybe but it certainly is kinda getting a bit crowded here, isn't it?" He replied and closed his eyes enjoying her touch. "But I'm not even really mad at her it's just never really tried to think about my dad's 'other family'. So it's weird being stuck on an island with one of them." He told her.Message #jeck-jess-and-puck
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